"Hehe, even though he looks like 18 years old, he is really 29 years old. He is definitely not even one month older!"

Yuan Ye Yu has one head and two heads.

Buddha is Buddha.

Why does this alcoholic teacher have such a good sense of self?It's really excellent.

However, he had to admit that except for the statement that she was 29 years old, the rest of what he just said was quite true.

To give you an example, if others don’t tell me, just give me money!

When Yinzi comes, seeing Qianshi Qianhiro's figure, he will inevitably shut himself off first, and then hit his head on the ground.

Yuhara Yu ignored the narcissistic Qianshi Qianxun and walked forward calmly.

Qianshi Qianxun was depressed and complained, "Don't you like me, teacher? You can tell me that I have such excellent conditions in all aspects," and then shamelessly chased after me.

"Hey, hey! I said, I won't tease you! Really, are all the children today so uncontrollably amused?"

"I have to remind you that I have turned 17 today. I am 18 years old. It can be said that I am already an adult." Yuano emphasized.

Qianshi Qianxun nodded thoughtfully and suddenly showed a bad smile: "Adults, it's good to be an adult. When you become an adult, you can drink as much as you want and go to bars. Maybe you can still...hehe~" on the street at night.

Yuan Ye Yu's mouth twitched slightly.

With this teacher, why worry about not being sentenced to death, ha? ?

"But to tell you the truth, teacher, I am actually a regular customer of this store. I am very familiar with their clerks, and I have a really good relationship with their boss."

"It's just that in recent days, this store was suddenly rented out, renovated, and had a new owner and new staff."

"So, teacher, I want to give it a try. After all, that feeling is really hard to let go... and it's harmful! Who knows, these guys are so ruthless."

Qianshi Qianxun reluctantly explained the reason why he was involved in this farce today.

As he spoke, his eyes were filled with sadness.

The Ueura Apartment was almost here. Sengoku Chihiro looked especially in the direction of Sakurasou and murmured:

"Even fast food restaurants have been remodeled so quickly, and they have become so unfamiliar in the blink of an eye. Ueura Apartment, Sakurasou... Well~ I won't tell you, I won't tell you, handsome boy, just wait here, teacher, I live here Wherever you go, come and get your money!"

Yuanye Yuan's heart moved.

After hearing Qianshi Qianxun's words, his mind would definitely be filled with strange emotions.

The ending of the Sakurasou anime is that at the end, Sakurasou will be demolished.

I remember that he was so fragile that he almost cried.

At the moment, listening to what Qianshi Qianxun said, it seemed that he really knew something.

and so!

"In this world, will Sakurasou still be demolished?"

Yuan Ye Yu thought about it in his heart.It suddenly occurred to me that his master, Kiyotaki Tsusuke, had found an old friend who could rent out Mewsen Village for him at a reduced price. He seemed to be a high-level director of Akira University of Art!

Such a connection!

Damn it, not only Sakurasou, it should be said that the entire Ueura Apartment is very likely to be in trouble, right? !

Yuan Ye Yu's face suddenly turned dark.


ps: Thank you [God, the book wasteland is so scary! ! ]’s rewards and monthly tickets, thank you [1358...] for your monthly tickets, Aligado~

Chapter 11 Master, I want to play shogi!

The entrance to Sakurasou.

Chuhe loves a pair of big black eyes. When they are opened to the maximum, they look round and as cute as gems.

I have been staring at the entrance of Shangpu Apartment for more than half an hour.

Nanami Aoyama had originally made up her mind to wait for Hinata, but the sky was getting darker and darker, and as it continued...

"Ai, how about we go back to the house and wait? At worst, everything will be fine this time. Misaki-senpai and I will help you look at the window together?"

Nanami Aoyama asked kindly.

Misaki Kamikusa leaned against the door frame and was about to fall asleep. She took a breath of cold air when she heard this and nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, it's okay, little friends, please believe in the kind-hearted big sisters."

Chuhe ignored it, as if he didn't hear it, and continued to stare hard like a little radar!

Nanami Aoyama's expression fell, and she said bitterly: "I was ignored, Misaki-senpai."

"Don't cry, don't cry, little Nanami, come and cuddle in my arms." Misaki Kamikusa became energetic again, stretched out her two little hands, her eyes were bright and she was smiling.

Nanami Aoyama shivered and stomped her feet slightly in annoyance: "Senior Misaki! You are thinking about messy things again."


Chu Heai suddenly made some movement, and her little feet that were lifted up suddenly fell down. Immediately, the little figure ran out very nimbly.

"Hey~! Xiao Ai!"

The shame and anger on Aoyama Nanami's face hadn't even faded yet, so she had to chase him out immediately.

"Master?~Isn't that Teacher Qianshi?"

Misaki Uekusa set off later and saw Chihiro Sengoku, and she followed him with a weird look on her face.


There is a woman beside Yuhara Yu, but this woman is not Sora Ginko who has a very bad temper and looks scary.

Is it a stranger, someone you don’t recognize?drunkard?

That doesn’t matter!

Hinazuru Ai still maintained her boldness, trotted up to Yuano Yuu, raised her head and shouted breathlessly: "Master!!"

This shout!Crisp and refreshing, especially in this ethereal dark night environment, it is especially refreshing.

The tone that is unique to Loli is also as clear as a horse, so clear that it is too clear!

Yuanye Yu, who was still cursing his master for being such a bad old man, immediately woke up.

He blinked in confusion and saw who it was.

In the Dragon King's prison world, three years have passed and five years have been spent, and the person who is the first instigator of the terrible punishment: js young crane love?

It’s here after all~

The corners of Yuan Ye Yu's mouth twitched slightly.

No wonder I have never heard that the Nine-Headed Dragon Bayi in this world has any apprentices. It turns out that he is waiting here!

But he didn't understand. How could he attract the appreciation of this primary school student on his first day out of the mountain?


Chihiro Sengoku next to Yuhara was stunned when he saw Ai Hinazuru. He thought he was drunk and didn't see clearly, so he quickly drank two more sips of beer.

He bent over and lowered his head, and took a closer look at the appearance of Chuhe Ai... Hey, hey!There is nothing wrong with just being a primary school student!

Yuan Ye Yu subconsciously raised his eyes and breathed lightly.

Sengoku-sensei’s figure, admitted.

really good!

"Teacher Qianshi!"

"Teacher Qianshi! Are you back too?"

Nanami Aoyama and Misaki Kamiigusa also trotted over one after the other, both looking very tired.

"Oh~ Nanami-chan, Misaki-chan, are you guys coming out too?"

When Qianshi Qianxun saw his students, he was in a good mood. He served the two girls with food and drinks and drank a big gulp of beer.

"Teacher Qianshi, you're still outside and you're drinking so much again!"

Aoyama Nanami rushed over to support Qianshi Qianhiro, but her eyes were on Yuano Yu.

Then, he tilted his head and glanced at Hina Heai.

Finally, his eyes returned to Yuan Ye.

"Well, this kid has been waiting for you all day. He was here around nine o'clock in the morning."

"What is your relationship?"

Aoyama Nanami asked with great concern, mainly because she was more concerned about Hinaku Ai.

Yuano Yu!Apart from his looks, he is really handsome, clean, and sunny... Oops!This boy is actually full of advantages?The green mountains and seven seas are so cold that my earlobes are a little red.

Yuan Ye Yu spread his hands towards her, feeling very good.

This is an explosion of character, right?

Except for the alcoholic teacher Chihiro Sengoku!Look, who are these in front of you? ...Living, three character cards!

"Why do you call me master? If I remember correctly, this should be our first meeting, right?"

Yuan Ye calmed down and for the time being focused on Hina Heai.

Moreover, this little girl seems to be really cute!She is very beautiful, with fair and tender skin, a little baby fat on her face, and even her short legs look cute.

Absolutely amazing!No wonder Mingming, who is so young, attracted countless fans when the anime was released.


"Master! I want to play shogi!"

Chuhe Ai raised his bright black eyes, his voice was obviously very childish and a little bit cheesy, but he was meticulous and said it very seriously.

Coach, I want to play basketball?Are you kidding me? This is it! ... Yuan Ye narrowed his eyes and asked tentatively: "I'm just a little-known guy. Who told you that I can play shogi?"

Hinazuru Ai immediately pouted her lips and said proudly: "Mr. Kamita and Mr. Hiraki at Noda Apartment, they all praised you together."

The beginning of sin?

The source of the chaos?

It turns out that the fundamental reason why this primary school student came to our door was because he filled a cup when he was bored?

Nanami Aoyama couldn't understand what the two were talking about, but this didn't stop her from assisting at all:

"Sir, if you can, please accept your love. She is really a very persevering child."

"Hey, hey! I can do it too, prove it!" Misaki Kamikusa stood on tiptoes and raised her hands in excitement.

Qianshi Qianxun blinked again and again, becoming even more confused. Could it be that these students of his also knew this kind-hearted handsome boy?

Well~ if that's the case, suddenly there's no need to worry about paying back the money.

Come on, come on!My head feels dizzy.

"Xiao Qihai, let go, you continue to chat, teacher, I will go back and drink first... ahem, rest, oh Sumi~"

After saying that, Chiseki Chihiro threw away Aoyama Nanami's hand and wandered towards Sakurasou.

Damn it!Lao Lai, you can pay back the money! ...Considering property like grass and grass, Harano Yuu was driven by instinct and subconsciously reached out his hand.


High energy appears ahead at the same time~

Hinawa Ai suddenly threw herself hard on Harano Yu, hugged him tightly without letting go, and said seriously:

"Master, please accept Ai as your apprentice. Ai will definitely be very attentive and obedient in learning shogi."

"Otherwise, hum! Love will never let go!"

Chapter 12 I think you are so handsome

"Ding! It has been detected that the host is in contact with the main plot character of the manga world - Hina He Ai"

"The character card [Hina Hei Ai] has been collected!"

The system prompts a very dedicated sound.

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