Being hugged by the delicate and frail Loli, Yuan Ye Yu felt for the first time...

Mist grass!Brother got another card.

He lowered his head and looked at the primary school student with a bit of helplessness. He really wanted to complain: Love, although a real man can't say no, but if this happens, it will be a real punishment.

Nanami Aoyama and Misaki Kamiigusa watched the excitement and did not mind it being a big deal. They stood aside and clapped their hands excitedly: "Take love! Take love! Take love!"

Hinata Aiya bumped Yuno Yu's belly with her little head in a serious manner, and begged coquettishly: "Master, please accept Ai."


Yuano Yu really has no choice but to retreat. Looking at this situation, if he doesn't agree to come down today, these three guys will never give up.

Moreover, if you think about it carefully, although Chuhe Ai is a primary school student, he has a lot of skills at home.

Cleaning, cooking, etc... are all thanks to the earnest teachings of her mother, Mrs. Hinazuru Ashina.

Taking her on as a young apprentice is equivalent to having a smart and capable nanny in the family.

It's not impossible.


Yuhara Yu's face looked a little serious and said: "It's true that I can play shogi, and I can also teach you to learn shogi, but you must not have too high expectations for me. First of all, I am not your elementary school student's fantasy. Invincible in the world."

"Okay master, I know it!"

Chuhe loves to talk to each other as a master, and has long been able to shout very smoothly.

He raised his little face and said this in a cute and cute childish voice. It was also... damn cute!

Aoyama Nanami also smiled happily and waved her hands: "Daidududududu~ Ai must also know that generally those who are very good at shogi are adults in their 40s and [-]s. They should have been mentally prepared before they came to you. Bar."

Yuhara Yu glanced at Nanami Aoyama with a strange look on his face, and said to himself: I'm just being modest and humble, are you serious about riding a horse?

A shameless, ignorant, silly woman.

If your guess is correct, among the character card skills that Hinata loves, there must be [Shogi].

As long as he has this shogi skill that Hinaku loves, his shogi skills can reach the pinnacle of the human world.

Not bragging.

Even if the seven famous A-level shogi players in the current chess world come, including the president of the shogi alliance [the undefeated Moonlight Saint].Come and kneel one by one!Come two, kneel down a couple!

Misaki Uekusa smiled and clapped: "Hey! It feels like it's a happy ending. I'm so happy."

Yuan Ye originally had something to say, but was interrupted by them and had no intention of continuing.

Oh, by the way, speaking of the original intention of accepting an apprentice, multiple nannies and so on... Do we need to first confirm whether the current primary school student ran away from home like in the anime plot line?

"Xiao Ai." Yuanye called.

"Master, I'm here!"

Hinakuai quickly stood upright in front of Yuano Yuu, standing on tiptoes and raising her hands. Even so, her fingers could just reach Yuano Yuu's chin.

Yuan Ye lowered his head and asked, "It's so late and you haven't come home yet. Is it because your home is not far from here? Or are you saying that your mother will come to pick you up?"

Chuhe Ai's originally high mood suddenly became a little negative. He lowered his head and hesitated: "I, I, that master..."

Her mother, Hinazuru Akina, hates shogi so much that if she takes Harano Yu as her teacher, she will never go home!

You have to run away from home to have a chance to truly learn your skills.

But how should I tell the master this?Will he be disliked, hated, or mistaken for a bad kid...

Yuano Yu understood it at a glance.

No business trip.

Not in vain.

"Okay, if you don't want to say it, you don't need to say it. From today on, you will live in Miaomori Manor. There are so many empty rooms anyway."

Yuan Ye Yu touched Hina Heai's head and said softly.


Young Crane Ai raised her head overjoyed, and looked longingly at Yuanye Yu, who was much taller than herself.

In addition to feeling happy, there was also an extra surge of happiness, sweetness, and a scary thought.

——It would be great if the master was not a master but a father.

Nanami Aoyama and Misaki Kamiigusa were both stunned and stupid, and asked in unison: "Ai, will you live in Nyasen Manor from now on, or with you??"

"Goodbye, you, yours. Hello, my name is Yuan Ye. I just moved to Miaomori Village today. From now on, we will probably be neighbors."

Of course Yuhara Yu would not let go of this opportunity to get acquainted, and extended his hand with a warm smile.

If one person is stretching out one hand, if there are two people, then of course it is two hands.

Nanami Aoyama and Misaki Kamiigusa looked at each other, couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

Misaki Uekusa covered her stomach with one hand and laughed heartily. She stretched out her hand to hold it with Harano Yuu, laughing until she couldn't stop laughing:

"No, Mr. Yuan Ye, you are too interesting. This is the first time I have seen someone shake hands and extend both hands at the same time. It's curious, hahaha~"

Yuhara Yu said matter-of-factly: "After all, there are two ladies. It doesn't seem very polite to reach out to whoever reaches out first, right? It's better to be greedy."

"That's true, yo! You look like you have great potential. Misaki Kamiigusa, a third-year student in the Art Department of the High School Affiliated to the University of the Arts, is interested in you! Let's make a date together sometime."

When Misaki Uekusa heard that she was right, she suddenly felt the urge to meet her confidant. She retracted her hand, patted Harano Yuu's shoulder warmly, and winked.

"Ding! It has been detected that the host is in contact with the main plot character of the manga world - Misaki Ueiko."

"The character card [Kamiikusa Misaki] has been collected."

Compared to Misaki Kamiigusa who was carefree and informal, this was Nanami Aoyama's first time shaking hands with a boy.

I wanted to refuse, but Yuan Ye’s smile was so clean, so friendly, and very gentlemanly.

Aoyama Nanami gritted her teeth, closed her eyes forcefully, and stretched out her hand to hold Yuno Yuu's hand:

"Um, my name is Aoyama Nanami, I am studying at the High School Affiliated to Ming Art University. I think you are very handsome. Please take care of you in the future! Arigado!"

When the classic was nervous, he spoke a cute-sounding Kansai accent. After Nanami Aoyama finished speaking, Misaki Uyegusa’s laughter from behind became even more exaggerated, and she kept wiping her tears...

Chapter 13 Sora Yinzi and Young Crane Ai [Confrontation]

After parting ways with Nanami Aoyama and the others, Yu Harano already had three extra character cards on his body.

Three professional skills.

I'm in a great mood!

However, after the happiness, the corresponding problems also came.

Yuan Ye Yu did not come back clean and alone this time with dinner.

He also brought a primary school student with him.

So, Yinzi won’t lose his temper, right?

"No no no no."

"Just take a step back and think about it. I just got the basic professional skill of [Martial Arts], and even money can't beat me. Don't panic."

Yuan Ye comforted himself a little, took a deep breath, and raised a faint smile at the corner of his mouth.

"Huh?" Chu Heai said with a little confusion on her face, "Master, why do you feel a little nervous?"

"What are you talking about? Master, how could you be nervous? You, master, and I are not afraid of anything."

Yuanye Yu rolled his eyes and reached out to open the door.

"Senior Brother You, are you back?"

Girls tend to take a bath very slowly, and Kong Yinzi did not escape this rule. After washing for an hour, he just happened to wipe his hair and go out.

The two of them met at the door.

A trace of joy flashed across Kong Yinzi's eyes, and he was about to sigh calmly: "Senior Brother You, even if we are lovers, will we have such a tacit understanding?"


With a sharp glance, he suddenly noticed the little burden next to Yuan Ye Yu...a primary school student!

The point is, female? ?

The joy on Kong Yinzi's pretty face quickly faded, and turned cold again. She looked at her expressionlessly: "Senior Brother You, who is she?"

The slender index finger pointed half a meter away from Chuhe Ai's head without hesitation.

Yuanye You coughed twice, and then he showed the majesty of being a senior brother and shook the empty silver...


At first, Chuhe Ai didn't want to meet Kong Yinzi or provoke Kong Yinzi. That was because she had no identity.

Facing such a bad-tempered big sister, it is inevitable to get angry.

But now it's different!

I saw this primary school student, who was not timid at all. He pinched his waist and looked at Kong Yinzi righteously:

"My name is Hinaku Ai, and I am the shogi disciple that the master has just accepted. I am a disciple! The first disciple of the mountain!"

The corners of Kong Yinzi's fair mouth twitched, and his eyes became more and more dissatisfied. He glared at Chuhe Ai and taunted coldly: "Disciple? What disciple? As Senior Brother You's junior sister, I have never heard of him accepting a disciple."

Chuhe Ai said proudly: "It was just now. Just now, the master said personally that he was going to accept Ai."

After saying that, as if he wanted to prove something, Chuhe kissed you lovingly and kept Yuano Yu's arm, raised his little face and said: "Master, you think so? Tell her quickly."

Kong Yinzi's eyes became darker and darker!

Yuan Ye Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Love, if you are so bold, you will disrupt my original plan.

"Senior Brother You, tell me!"

Kong Yinzi still didn't believe it, so he took a step forward and hugged Yuan Ye Yu's other arm vigorously.

"Master loves me!"

Chuhe loves to take a look, is this really a big deal?Suddenly she had the energy to suck the milk and pulled Yuanye Yu towards her.

Kong Yinzi raised his eyebrows and made the same move, pulling Yuanye!And he said harshly: "How can Senior Brother You like the videos of a petite girl like you who has no feminine charm anywhere? He is not a bastard and a stinky loli king!"

"Okay, okay! Everyone, shut up and listen to me."

Yuan Ye Yu was really helpless. With all his strength, he grabbed the two fighting guys and took them into the living room.

"Yinzi, sit down."

"My love, sit down too!"

After Yuhara pressed both of them on the sofa, he stood in front of the two of them and said in a calm but unquestionable tone:

"First of all, yes, Yinzi, this girl is my new disciple, and for some special reasons, she needs to stay in this home temporarily."

"Senior Brother Yu, how can you do this?!"

Kong Yinzi stood up from the sofa in a hurry, with a murderous expression on his face.

"You are not allowed to attack the master!"

Hinazuru Aiya jumped up suddenly, yelled aloud, and opened his hands to stop Yuano Yuu.

Tit for tat!


Yuan Ye Yu held down Chuhe Ai's head and frowned: "Since you are my disciple, Ginzi will also be your master uncle from now on. You must not be rude to your master uncle, do you hear me?"

"But she wants to hit the master! Ai wants to protect the master." Chu Heai turned around and said aggrievedly, with a pair of big black eyes filled with grievances.

Yuanye Yu secretly complained: Who is Yinzi going to hit? Don’t you, a primary school student, have any ideas?Or are you acting to gain favor?

Besides, even if the money is needed, can you do it with your small body?

Kong Yinzi sat back on the sofa, hummed softly, turned his face to the other side, and said coldly: "Anyway, I don't agree! Especially living together or something."

How could she possibly agree?

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