His surname is Hu, and he is a native of Qingshui Town. This Qingshui restaurant is a family property, and it is the third generation in his hands.

Relying on the family's smoked pickles, Qingshui Restaurant is very popular in Qingshui Town. Basically, it is hard to find one, and even many people from the next town come to eat.

But in the last month, for some unknown reason, the dishes of Qingshui Restaurant became extremely unpalatable, and it was the same with many chefs. For this reason, many customers were angered, and the restaurant was smashed several times.

So when Lin Kaiyun and Qingqing were yelling at each other for being unpalatable, shopkeeper Hu was worried that the shop would be smashed again.

After Lin Kaiyun listened to it, he asked, "This is very abnormal, haven't you seen an expert?"

"Of course I've searched for it. Taoist priests and monks set up altars and practiced it again. It took me a lot of money, but the result still hasn't changed."

Lin Kaiyun nodded, he stood up, and looked into the depths of the restaurant, "Where is the back kitchen? Take me to see!"

Shopkeeper Hu was stunned for a moment. He glanced at the two of them, turned around and led the way, "You two, this way please!"

Lin Kaiyun and the two followed Shopkeeper Hu through the lobby and came to the kitchen.

The kitchen is very spacious, the two stoves are wiped clean, and all kinds of ingredients are also very fresh. It should be the most lively place in the restaurant, but at this time it is very lonely. There is only a fat cook sitting on a small stool and peeling. garlic.

The fat cook had already had a customer actually come to make trouble, so he raised his head and said, "Boss Hu, it doesn't matter to me that the food is bad. Your place is too evil. I'll leave today after I'm done. You can't afford less wages!"

Shopkeeper Hu smiled wryly, "You should know how I am, Hu Wan, and I won't pay you any money."

Lin Kaiyun bypassed Shopkeeper Hu and asked directly, "Did you feel something wrong when you were cooking?"

The fat cook put down the garlic in his hand, raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Your words are strange, there is nothing wrong with cooking."

Lin Kaiyun ignored it, and ordered in an unquestionable tone, "Cook me a dish now, anything you want!"

Hearing this, the fat cook looked at shopkeeper Hu suspiciously,

Shopkeeper Hu didn't know what Lin Kaiyun was going to do, but he put on a sophisticated look, let's treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor!He nodded and said, "Do it!"

The fat chef is very agile, cutting vegetables, cutting ingredients, and frying vegetables. In less than 10 minutes, the delicious smell spread out.

Qingqing moved her nose and sniffed it, with a puzzled look on her face, she approached Lin Kaiyun, and asked quietly, "Brother Lin, it smells delicious, why does it taste so bad?"

"I don't know either!" Lin Kaiyun shook his head, he also wanted to know why.

While trying to figure it out, Lin Kaiyun suddenly discovered something unusual.

I saw that the dishes in the pot were fried by the fat cook, but the aroma rose straight up, and the aroma of the dishes gradually weakened. By the time the fat cook finished frying the dishes, the dishes had no aroma .


The fat cook brought the dishes in front of Lin Kaiyun.

Lin Kaiyun already knew the answer, and said with a smile, "No need, you can keep it for yourself!"

"What? Are you kidding me?"

The fat cook was in a bad mood at first, but when he heard what Lin Kaiyun said, he immediately became angry. He threw the dishes on the ground, and shouted at Shopkeeper Hu, "This dilapidated shop has problems from top to bottom, pay the wages, I'm sorry!" I'm leaving now."

"Shut up!"

Lin Kaiyun scolded and warned, "Otherwise you will be responsible for scaring away the ghosts!"

"I'm laughing to death, return the ghost, Boss Hu, I think the outside world is right, you are really crazy, and the two people you brought are also crazy..."

The fat cook laughed loudly. He pointed at Boss Hu and Lin Kaiyun and began to mock.

I see,

Lin Kaiyun stretched out his finger and drew a talisman in the void, and dozens of visible talismans appeared behind him out of thin air.

"go with!"

With a wave of his hand, the visible symbols shone densely on the ceiling, printing a large group of raised shapes.


There was a roar, the bulge was torn from the inside, and a monster jumped down.

This monster has beast legs, a human body, ribs wrapped around the belly, a face, a nose and eyes, and only one mouth.

"What did I think it was? It turned out to be a ghost!" Lin Kaiyun recognized the monster's appearance.

"My god! There are really monsters!!!" The fat cook was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground, kicking his legs in panic.


Shopkeeper Hu was also trembling with fright, and he didn't forget to tell Lin Kaiyun and Qingqing to flee for their lives, "You two guest officers, run, I'll go find the security team!"

Lin Kaiyun was very satisfied with Shopkeeper Hu's point. Facing the monster that was rushing up, he didn't change his face, and even turned his head leisurely to say, "Shopkeeper Hu, I'll help you with this."

"This..." Shopkeeper Hu didn't react for a while.

Qingqing was also very calm, smiled at Shopkeeper Hu, and said, "Don't worry! Shopkeeper Hu, I, Brother Lin, don't usually look indifferent, but I'm very good at dealing with monsters and ghosts."

"Qingqing, you have the nerve to say that I'm out of tune!"

Lin Kaiyun replied easily, and then stepped out, swinging his fist and turning his palm, "Bagua empty palm!"

Chapter 69 You Can't Lose a Point

Lin Kaiyun waved his palm with no fear on his face, the invisible shock wave engulfed the air waves, and the vicious Tiegui couldn't avoid it, and flew upside down and hit the wall.

He drew five exorcism talismans in the air, waved them casually, and stuck them on Tie Gui's forehead and limbs, pinching the spell with his fingers.


The five exorcism talismans flashed red, and turned into five ropes to nail Tiegui to the wall.


The Tie Gui roared at Lin Kaiyun, his hands and feet broke free suddenly, as if he hadn't been affected by anything, the beast's legs jumped out staring at the wall, scratched its claws, and swung towards Lin Kaiyun.

"Xuanzong of Heaven and Earth, Wan Qi is the root!"

Lin Kaiyun cast the Golden Light Curse in seconds, and the golden flowing flames bounced the Tiaogui away.

"Oh, interesting! You're not afraid of talismans!"

Lin Kaiyun sneered, and stepped forward with a single step, with lightning attached to his palm, he grabbed the Tiegui by the neck.


All of a sudden, smoke and dust rose everywhere, the kitchen floor tiles shattered, and the Tie Gui was smashed into the soil.

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