Tie Gui was deformed by Lin Kaiyun's impact, but the ghost has no physical body, and there will be no broken bones or broken bones.

Even though his appearance was distorted to the extreme, he still struggled and roared.

"Thunder Gun!"

Lin Kaiyun's other hand, like a gun, aimed at the big mouth on Tie Gui's face.

The thunder and lightning violently jumped on the finger, like a bullet being shot out, and shot into the body of the ghost.


Thunder and lightning, visible to the naked eye, exploded in Tie Gui's body.


Tie Gui screamed and struggled desperately, trying to escape, but was held down by Lin Kaiyun's hand, was eaten away by lightning, and turned into white smoke.

"Okay, solved!"

Lin Kaiyun got up and patted the dust on his hands. This ghost is not a high level, just three levels, and it is relatively easy to clean up.

He pointed to the fat cook and said, "You can try cooking now!"


The fat cook subconsciously yelled. He was sitting slumped on the ground, and the ground was wet, not just from sweat but from peeing from fear.

But when he heard that Lin Kaiyun asked him to cook in the kitchen with monsters, he wanted to escape.

Lin Kaiyun stretched out his hand to grab the void, and the fat cook lost control of his body and flew back directly.

The hallmark feature of refining the body into Qi is that it can control objects in the air, and people are also objects in a sense.

The fat cook was terrified. He flapped his limbs in the air and shouted like he was killing a pig, "Ah! Don't kill me, help me!"

"I asked you to cook for nothing else, why are you running away!" Lin Kaiyun grabbed the fat cook by the collar, threw it aside, and scolded,

"Hurry up, don't smudge, I'm still waiting to go!"

The fat cook quickly knelt down in front of Lin Kaiyun, kept kowtow, and begged for mercy, "Hero, god, I was wrong. I don't know Taishan with my eyes. My dog's eyes look down on people. Don't feed me to monsters."

Qingqing was amused by the fat cook's overreaction, she said with a smile, "That monster has been wiped out, I just asked you to cook to see if it would taste bad, you are thinking too much!"


The fat cook raised his head in disbelief. He had lingering fears about the ferocious appearance of that monster just now, and he muttered stupidly, "Will it just disappear when it turns into white smoke? I thought it ran away!"

Qingqing raised her hand slightly, and shot out a few red lines from her fingertips, entangled the fat cook, and said threateningly, "Nonsense! I'll let you turn into white smoke now and see if you die or run away!"

The fat cook looked at the red line on his body and almost fainted from fright. He turned around deftly and kowtowed to Qingqing again, "Ah! Don't kill me, aunt, please spare me. I believe it, I believe it."

"You really know the times!" Lin Kaiyun smiled. The fat man begged him for mercy just now, but when he saw Qingqing making a move, he immediately kowtowed to Qingqing again. He hugged his shoulders and shouted in a deep voice, "No one wants to kill You, let you cook a dish now, I don't want to say it a second time."

"Obey! I'll do it!"

The fat cook scrambled and scrambled, deliberately avoiding the pit where the Tie Gui was wiped out, and tremblingly selected dishes.

Shopkeeper Hu respectfully arched his hands towards Lin Kaiyun and Qingqing, with an expression of disbelief on his face, and asked cautiously, "You two masters, are the monsters really gone?"

He felt that his restaurant had messed with dirty things before, so he asked Taoist priests and monks to do it.

But it didn't have any effect, and there was no change. Apart from being unpalatable, no one had any accidents, so as time passed, he gave up the idea of ​​suspecting that there was a ghost in his restaurant.

Today, shopkeeper Hu was also frightened to death the moment he saw the ghost, but he also had a feeling of sudden realization in his heart. It turned out that the restaurant was really haunted by ghosts, and he was not wrong in his judgment.

However, seeing Lin Kaiyun destroying the ghost with ease, shopkeeper Hu was a little unbelievable. In his consciousness, ghosts should be extremely powerful, even if people can deal with them, they have to pay a high price.

But Lin Kaiyun beat the ghost completely violently, and then released lightning from his fingers to wipe out the ghost.

This shopkeeper Hu is not from the rivers and lakes, so of course he doesn’t understand. Although Lin Kaiyun’s release of thunder and lightning is incredible, the monks and Taoist priests he found before were all spraying water and fire. Sorry to do something.

Lin Kaiyun nodded, there is no need to explain too much, and said flatly, "The taste of the dish will not disappear, just try it later."

"it is good!"

Shopkeeper Hu certainly had doubts, but he has been the shopkeeper for many years and is also a slick person, so he would not question it face to face, so he asked from the side, "You two masters, if it is really resolved, I don't know how I should thank you? You see How much ocean is right for me to give you?"

As long as he dared to ask for money, it might be a trick to deceive him. After all, it was Lin Kaiyun and his wife who asked why they came to the kitchen.


Lin Kaiyun originally wanted to help, but shopkeeper Hu offered it up, so he can't be blamed. He glanced at Qingqing, and said to shopkeeper Hu solemnly,

"We have saved your restaurant, and seeing that you are so sincere, I feel uneasy if I don't want you. In this way, I don't want more. You can just give it to one hundred oceans, and Qingqing will take the money!"

Qingqing understood, stretched out her hand to Shopkeeper Hu, and said, "Brother Lin is the leader of the younger generation in Maoshan, at least five hundred dollars for one shot, this time Brother Lin is all about doing good things, meaning, Just charge you 100 oceans, which is a great thing."

Shopkeeper Hu was originally careful, but now seeing how Lin Kaiyun and Qingqing seem to be singing together, he became even more suspicious.

He kept his posture very low, continued to look respectful, and said with a smile, "You two masters, I don't have so many oceans in my shop, they are all in the bank! I will send someone to pick them up, just wait a moment!"


Lin Kaiyun frowned slightly. For a cultivator like him, the changes in the emotions of ordinary people can be sensitively detected.

With a cold voice, he asked, "Aren't you willing to give it?"

Shopkeeper Hu didn't expect Lin Kaiyun to see through his little thoughts, and explained calmly, "How could it be? You two have helped me so much, why would I not want to!"

Although the expression is well controlled, but the abnormal pinching of the fingers is undoubtedly a lie.

Just when shopkeeper Hu was thinking about countermeasures, the fat cook prepared the dishes neatly, put them on a plate and brought them in front of Lin Kaiyun, and said respectfully, "You two masters, the dishes are ready, what else can I order?"

Lin Kaiyun ignored the fat cook, and nodded his chin, "Shopkeeper Hu, try it!"

When the fat chef stir-fried vegetables before, they had a strong aroma when they were in the pot, but when they were fried and placed on a plate, the taste was almost swallowed by the ghost.

And now the dish in front of him is full of color, fragrance and taste, and the result is self-evident.

Shopkeeper Hu didn't hesitate, picked up the chopsticks, picked up the dish and put it in his mouth.

It is glutinous in the mouth, melts with a bite, and is extremely delicious. As the shopkeeper Hu chewed, his face went from shock to doubt, and finally shed tears. This dish is simply delicious, even better than the restaurant before the accident.

He raised his sleeve to wipe away his tears, took another big piece and put it into his mouth, chewing and saying, "It's so delicious, this dish is so delicious. Woohoo!"

Shopkeeper Hu ate the food on the plate continuously, gobbling it like a person who has been hungry for three days.

Lin Kaiyun said angrily, "Don't patronize eating, believe it now? You can't lose a penny of Dayang!"

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