He waved his hand, "Then what are you waiting for? Do it! Kill all these annoying ferrymen!"

Immediately, the bull-headed horse behind him howled excitedly, and rushed towards Zhao Li and the others in a sinister manner.

Zhao Li's expression turned ferocious, and he looked coldly at the rushing messenger, and shouted loudly, "Brothers, in our territory, let these old ghosts see how powerful we are!"

All the ferrymen pulled out their pistols in unison, loaded them, and fired in volley.

The first row of spiritual power bullets are net ropes, restraints, and the second row of bullets are lethal.

Afterwards, these ferrymen threw iron plates one by one, pierced them on the ground, and shot out electric currents one after another.

"Damn, what is this shit? Special forces?"

Lin Kaiyun couldn't believe his eyes. Although the blind ferryman he had taken care of last night was also a pistol weapon, he didn't feel it was too strange. Now that so many ferrymen attacked together, the scene was indeed a bit shocking.

Compared with Lin Kaiyun, who was eating melons, it was obvious that the underworld's underworld officials were no strangers to the attack methods of these ferrymen.

Charging with a bull's head and a horse's face, he pulled out the seductive chain on his body with both hands, bowed left and right, and danced vigorously, like a blender, rolling the net rope together to avoid being bound.

The ghost behind him tightly grasped the blade of the soul ecstasy chain, and smashed it to the iron plate on the ground, blocking the emitted electric current with his body, allowing the ghost behind him to rush over.

"Kill me!"

Niutou's feet shook violently, the white flag in his hand stabbed out, and the dark wind swept across, smashing the ferryman in front of him.

Yincha's haunting chain was filled with ghostly aura, killing and injuring the ferryman.

The ferryman swung down by Zhao Li was not a vegetarian either. He opened the distance with fist and foot physical skills, and the bullets with spiritual power could cause damage as long as they hit.

For a moment, chains and bullets flew across, and the ghost messenger from the underworld collided with the ferryman from the underworld.

Some unscrupulous errands rushed towards Zhao Li.


Zhao Li raised his hand and shot, like a watermelon, smashing the heads of these wicked men.

"Officer Zhao, don't use power to overwhelm others!"

Shi Wenye originally put on a very high profile, as if he was in charge of the battle, but he didn't expect that Zhao Li did not hesitate to attack directly, so he couldn't stand anymore, with the plague in his hand, he grabbed Zhao Li like an arm.

Zhao Li was already very familiar with the plague power of Plague Ghost Shi Wenye. He didn't dodge or evade. He fired continuously, and the spiritual bullets exploded in the air.

Then Zhao Li ordered to the white-robed man behind him, "Shi Zhen, take the Shi family and detain all the souls!"

The middle-aged white-robed man is the Shi Zhen that Zhao Li said, he nodded, "No problem, leave it to us!"

Lin Kaiyun reacted instantly, "Shi Zhen? The Shi family? It can't be the Shi family of the great master Shi Jian that Master said, right?"

In addition to being Shi Jian's own family, this Shi family is also a family of exorcising demons and chasing ghosts, and their specialty is the power of ten thousand heavens and stars.

Sure enough, just as Lin Kaiyun was thinking, Shi Zhen stretched out his hand, and the Shi family took out a white cloth bag with stars printed on it, and handed it to Shi Zhen.

"Good guy, it's really the Shi family, why did you get involved with the ferryman?"

When Lin Kaiyun saw the imprint of stars on the cloth bag, he confirmed his guess very well. Although he didn't know why the Shi family was with the ferryman, he couldn't watch the Shi family take away the soul at this time.

Lin Kaiyun opened the bow with both hands, and used the demon bow Blood Hades, the blood arrows were congealed visible to the naked eye, and the surroundings made up for the smell of blood.

Now that Shi Zhen was defenseless, this arrow could basically kill him with one blow.

At this moment, Shi Wenye remembered Wu Shifei, the commander of the soul ecstasy, and he had confessed that there was a person who was with him. He searched around, and Lin Kaiyun basically fit Wu Shifei's description.

he shouted,

"Little brother, are you Wu Siming's man? I can't move my hands to deal with those dog legs of the Shi family right now, so you just do it now!"

"Yes, just use that little arrow in your hand!!!"

puff! ! !

Lin Kaiyun almost vomited blood when he heard Shi Wenye's words.

I'm fucking about to sneak attack!Are you messing with me?

Chapter 107 Really, You Can't Be Gentle!

Shi Wenye's words made everyone pay attention to Lin Kaiyun's direction, and caught Lin Kaiyun who was about to attack unexpectedly by surprise.

Shi Wenye didn't forget to add fire, and shouted urgently, "Little brother, shoot quickly, just shoot the man with the cloth bag!"

Shi Zhen led the Shi family to prepare to detain these ghosts. After hearing Shi Wenye's words, he immediately became vigilant, pinched the starlight, and guarded against Lin Kaiyun's attack.

"Made! When I go to the Soul Seduction Department, I will definitely join you for a copy!"

Lin Kaiyun spat unhappily, and kept moving his hands. Even if he was discovered, he had no choice but to shoot.


The seven-inch blood arrow hung in Lin Kaiyun's hand, wrapped in a bloody wind, and shot out, like a shooting star, piercing the night sky, piercing the barrier, and flying towards Shi Zhen's body.

"So fast!"

There was a little starlight on Shi Zhen's palm. He wanted to resist but had no time to react, so he could only subconsciously roll over. Even so, the blood arrow pierced through his right arm, and the blood fell to the ground profusely.

Shi Zhen got up in a panic, dragged his almost crippled right arm, and shouted, "Bu XingXiu formation!"

Immediately, several members of the Shi family took off their clothes, revealing the star marks on their stomachs, and stood around Shi Zhen, their aura continued to rise, and a small starry sky was artificially created on the ground. Completely isolate all Shi family members from the outside world.

Zhao Li saw that the Shi family used the family-inherited formation, and had no intention of helping to detain the soul at all, and cursed, "This Shi Zhen, the older he gets, the less courageous he is, how frightened a junior is to attack like this? "

Lin Kaiyun was also very surprised when he saw the formation used by the Shi family. What is this star array?

And if you want to attack people in the starry sky, you must enter the starry sky. Of course, this man-made starry sky is the territory of the Shi family. If you enter it blankly, you will undoubtedly break into a killing formation.

However, this formation cannot move, and there is no means of long-range attack, so just ignore it.

Lin Kaiyun still has some understanding of the means of the Shi family, after all, his master Bo Shi Jian belongs to the same family.

And Shi Jian is not a good person. In the movie, his master Lin Jiu and Shi Jian also became life-and-death enemies, so Lin Kaiyun kept an eye out and checked a lot of information about Shi's family.

This Shi family is the descendant of Shi Gandang of Mount Tai, and they have always believed in the Lord of Mount Tai, so they were able to extract the unique power of stars from the stars in the sky.

When all Shi family members were born, they would choose a star in the sky as the main star, and the elders would imprint this star on their abdomen.

Of course, the blood and unique exercises of the Shi family can indeed absorb the power of the stars, but they cannot establish a connection with the stars. The marks of the stars imprinted on the abdomen by the descendants of the Shi family are also their faith.

There are gods up three feet above the head, and faith leads to spirit. This method has some similarities with Lin Kaiyun's god mask and the magic of inviting gods, and it can even evolve into stars.

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