This star array is formed by the evolution of the stars.

But now this is just right, the Shi family hides cautiously, the ferryman and the underworld messenger are inextricably fighting each other, and Zhao Li is also entangled by the plague ghost Shi Wenye, so he can just deal with the soul according to his own circumstances.

Lin Kaiyun thought to himself, very satisfied with the current situation, he immediately stretched out his hand in front of Qingqing and shook it!

Seeing the huddle below, Qingqing was excited, her little hands clenched excitedly, and suddenly Lin Kaiyun's hand stretched out, she raised her eyebrows and asked,


Lin Kaiyun was speechless, and growled, "What are you doing? Give me blood! I just shot an arrow!"

"oh oh!"

Qingqing came to her senses, nodded her head foolishly, then stared at Lin Kaiyun in confusion, tapped the back of Lin Kaiyun's hand, and reminded in a low voice, "Brother Lin, you are the one who bit me, you don't need to reach out! "

"Qingqing, you are too fascinated by watching. I stretched out my hand to remind you! Otherwise, I will bite your arm suddenly, lest you will be scared!"

After Lin Kaiyun finished explaining, he was not polite, he directly grabbed Qingqing's hand, rolled up his sleeve, and bit down on the snow-white forearm like green onion.

hiss! ! !

Qingqing groaned in pain and cursed angrily, "Lin Kaiyun, you can't let me prepare!"

"It's too late, the battle is tense, if you miss the opportunity, you will be in trouble!"

Lin Kaiyun swallowed some milk-scented blood, and the blood in his body quickly recovered. He turned his head and continued to observe the situation.

"Really, you can't be gentle!"

Qingqing bit her lip and rubbed her arm dissatisfied.

Lin Kaiyun glanced at Qingqing secretly, and felt a little strange in his heart, what happened to him?There is no strange feeling when sucking blood, even there seems to be a beast in the body.

Could it be because of the frequent use of the Demon Bow Blood Hades?

Lin Kaiyun shook his head and put away all distracting thoughts. Now his mana is slowly recovering. He only needs to find an opportunity to use thunder to wipe out most of the souls.

In the current barrier, the Yinchai and the ferryman fought fiercely, as if they only had eyes on each other, and completely ignored other people, even Lin Kaiyun who attacked the Shi family, no one came to retaliate.

The same was true for Yue Qiluo, standing vigilantly beside the purple jade sarcophagus, watching everything with cold eyes.

The souls brought by Xu Liu are already in her hands, and she brutally pressed them into the Nine Streams, but now she does not dare to cast spells to melt these souls.

If one is not handled properly, it is possible that these errants and ferrymen will turn their guns on her, which is not what Yue Qiluo wants to see.

Official Zhao dodged Shi Wenye's attack, and cursed at the man-made starry sky, "Shi Zhen, hurry up and detain your soul, a brat, did you scare you like this? If my lord Ah Cha blames you, your Shi family will But I can't protect you!"

Shi Zhen was hidden in the starry sky. He had already bandaged his arm injury, but his right arm was still unable to move. His bones and tendons were all pierced by the arrow.

Because of this, Shi Zhen marveled at the power of the blood arrows, so he carefully arranged the XingXiu formation.

However, at this time, Zhao Li had already said so, and Shi Zhen had no choice but to order to the Shi family, "Every time a person goes out, if the soul is detained, immediately run back to the formation, and repeat in turn."


The Shi family obeyed Shi Zhen's arrangement, went out alone, quickly ran out of the Xingxiu formation, found one of the nearest nine streams, and raised the bag to detain the soul.

"Good job, dare to come out!"

Lin Kaiyun saw someone from the Shi family coming out, so he directly drew his bow and shot an arrow.


The blood arrow shot out rapidly, piercing the Shi family's body.


The Shi family members who were detaining their souls crashed to the ground, and there was no reaction before they died.

Shi Zhen of the fifth rank is still invincible, and these Shi family members of the third rank and lower are basically killing each other with one arrow.

Lin Kaiyun's blood arrow is powerful, the only weakness is that it consumes blood and can only be used three times, but now with Qingqing's power bank, it is simply incomprehensible.

Chapter 108 Delicate Balance

At this time, Lin Kaiyun seemed to be a sniper, standing majestically on the huge boulder. When one of the Shi family members came out, the blood arrow shot one dead.

With several people in a row, Shi Zhen couldn't bear this kind of loss anymore, and shouted in the formation, "Everyone, don't go out!"

Now all parties on the entire hillside are in a delicate balance, the Yincha and the ferrymen are targeting each other, Lin Kaiyun and the Shi family are on guard against each other, Yue Qiluo dare not act rashly, Xuankui has dealt with the paper giant, and the attack ends in a frenzy boundary.

As for Prince Zaichun and Yanyan, they could only stare blankly in the distance, they were truly marginal characters.

Lin Kaiyun locked his eyes on Yue Qiluo, his only worry now was Yue Qiluo, this witch would never sit back and watch him destroy these souls.

"Have it!"

Lin Kaiyun suddenly thought of an idea to restrain Yue Qiluo, that is to open the door and let Xuankui go!

He turned his head and bit Qingqing again to replenish his blood, and shot three arrows directly at the zombie Wang Xuankui.

Xuan Kui felt the breath of the blood arrow, but it didn't respond at all. Now Xuan Kui only has one belief, that is to break the barrier and take away Han Yan's body.


Three blood arrows pressed against Xuan Kui's ear, and the howling wind blew three bloodstains on Xuan Kui's shriveled face.


The blood arrow directly hit the barrier, piercing through it easily.

At this moment, Xuan Kui felt a gap in the enchantment in front of him, raised his sharp claw, and inserted it along the gap.

It's sizzling!

The red liquid of the enchantment began to circulate and repaired continuously, burning Xuan Kui's protruding claws, and a large amount of white smoke came out.

Roar! ! !

Xuan Kui roared, the sarcoma on his shoulder continued to swell, his head bumped against his shoulder, and Xuan Kui squeezed half of his body in frantically.

The enchantment kept attacking Xuankui, and his blue and withered skin seemed to have been burned by flames, making him even more disgusting.

However, Xuan Kui didn't feel any pain at all, he resisted and squeezed in, even with Yue Qiluo's enchantment, it couldn't stop him.


Xuan Kui howled excitedly, kicked his feet, jumped up, and fell towards the purple jade sarcophagus.

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