
The vibe around Zhao Li's body was distorted, Shi Wenye's body turned into dark green fine sand, he spun to avoid the spirit blade, and quickly wrapped Zhao Li's bullet attacking Lin Kaiyun.

At the same time, several rotten arms suddenly appeared from under Zhao Li's feet, grabbing Zhao Li's legs.

Zila! ! !

Corroded green air continued to emerge, and these rotten arms were all formed by the condensed plague.

The boots on the feet that Zhao Li liked very much were corroded and penetrated in an instant.

Zhao Li bowed his head and shot, the spiritual bullet exploded, and the splashing explosion would shatter his arm! ! !

"Zhao Li, it's not over yet! Look up!"

Shi Wenye sneered, and threw the copper bell in his hand directly. It spun rapidly above Zhao Li's head, and the dark green sand flowed out continuously, forming a vortex, completely trapping Zhao Li in it. .

Zhao Li fired wildly and quickly, and the bullets with spiritual power would be swallowed up when they hit the sand, which couldn't break Shi Wenye's restriction at all.


Shi Wenye laughed excitedly when he saw Zhao Li's bewildered look, with his hands behind his back, as if he was holding a winning ticket, "Zhao Li, in front of me, how dare you be absent-minded?"

Seeing that the bullets with spiritual power couldn't break through at all, Zhao Li simply didn't waste his energy in this plague sand nest, so he said coldly, "Shi Wenye, do you think you can beat me?"

Shi Wenye raised his head aloofly, with his nostrils facing the sky, and mocked very arrogantly,

"Accept your fate! You cultivators in the underworld don't look like humans, and ghosts don't look like ghosts. You don't even have a memory. You won't be my opponent!"

Zhao Li was not ready to quarrel with Shi Wenye, a damned guy, he put his pistol back into his waist, and sneered, "Shi Wenye, today I will show you the power of my lord Ah Cha!"

Zhao Li knelt on the ground on one knee, praying devoutly,

"My lord Ah Cha, your servant, Zhao Li the ferryman, I pray to you here, please give me unrivaled strength!!!"

"Wake up! My true soul!!!"

Every word seems to carry a mysterious power. The knee-length coat on his body rises without wind and floats behind him, with obscure prayer patterns faintly flashing on it.

"What is this?"

Seeing Zhao Li's strange behavior, Shi Wenye was completely puzzled. He had fought against Zhao Li before, and he had never seen such a situation.

Shi Wenye didn't care what Zhao Li was up to, anyway, he had already taken the lead at this time, and he was determined to eliminate Zhao Li in one fell swoop.

"One day, the Heavenly Plague Road, and the second one, the Diplague Gate!"

"The Great Luo Plague is unforgiving!"


Shi Wenye yelled, his face was solemn, he raised his hands and nestled into a ball.


The plague sand nest that besieged Zhao Li stretched out spikes containing highly poisonous plague, and kept shrinking, trying to strangle Zhao Li to this point.

However, Zhao Li did not dodge or evade, and was unmoved in the slightest.


The plague sand nest quickly closed, Zhao Li's figure was also twisted in, and there was a clear piercing sound of flesh and blood.

"grown ups!"

"Master Zhao Li!"

Many of Zhao Li's subordinates saw this scene and shouted anxiously.

"You garbage ferrymen, today is your burial place! Go and accompany your adults!"

With a bull's head and a horse's face, one after the other, they launched a fatal blow to these tranced ferrymen.

For a moment, the evenly matched situation suddenly collapsed, Zhao Li's life and death were unknown, and the combat effectiveness of these ferrymen in the underworld dropped sharply, and the casualties continued to increase.

Seeing that these ferrymen following Zhao Li were about to collapse, there was a sudden tremor.

Cang lang lang lang! ! !This sound is like the scream of a weapon! ! !


The plague sand nest that had been strangled and shrunk into a pillar quickly collapsed, and the sand, which could not be destroyed even by spiritual bullets, instantly scattered all over the place.

The dust and smoke of the sand drifted, and one could vaguely see a heroic figure in the sand, wearing a white helmet, a white armor, and a white horse on his crotch, standing proudly with a gun, with an extraordinary figure.

"I am Changshan Zhao Lilong!"

This huge figure stepped into the air and roared to the sky! ! !

In the middle of the nine creeks, Lin Kaiyun was concentrating on controlling the Yang Qi, crushing the ghosts in the creek, and ignored the fight between Shi Wenye and Zhao Li.

But this imposing cry woke Lin Kaiyun up instantly.

"What? Zhao Zilong?"

Lin Kaiyun couldn't believe his ears, and quickly locked his eyes on the huge figure.

At this time, the sand and dust had gradually dissipated, and this huge figure was also revealed in front of everyone's field of vision, with a silver armor and long spear, bravely crowning the three armies.

Although Lin Kaiyun didn't know what Zhao Yun looked like, the huge figure in front of him fit the description of Zhao Yun in history. Combined with the previous shouts, I'm afraid nine out of ten!


At this moment, Zhao Li stepped out of the huge figure, looked at Shi Wenye coldly, and said with a smile, "Shi Wenye, you told you, don't talk too much, be careful to slap your tongue!"

Shi Wenye's expression at this time was a little funny, his eyes widened, and he looked puzzled, "What kind of monster is this?"

"Monster? Hahaha!"

Zhao Li laughed loudly, "The reincarnation of the underworld has long been outdated, and only we in the underworld can exert the power of the undead!"

He nodded towards Zhao Yun's huge figure, "Go! My martial spirit, let them see your power!"

"As ordered!"

Zhao Yun patted his horse and raised his gun, and rushed to kill.

Chapter 112 I Have a System, I'm Proud

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