Zhao Yun pointed his gun forward, blowing up the howling wind. He supported his horse, jumped up, pointed the huge gun head at Shi Wenye, and then the white horse behind him instantly turned into a phantom and merged into the gun head above.

"Shi Wenye, try Zhao Yun's martial arts skills!"

"White Horse Bright Silver Spear!!!"

Zhao Li shouted quite proudly, raised his gun and fired without stopping.

"What is this? Is it the face of Zhao Li who cultivated it? But why does this face and Zhao Li himself seem to be two individuals!!!"

Shi Wenye quickly turned himself into a plague, and fled to avoid it. He was puzzled, and couldn't figure it out.

Faxiang is a supernatural power, whether it is a ghost or a monk in the world, it is an illusion of the rules of the practice, which can be increased or reduced by dozens of times, in short, it is to enhance the combat power.

But dharma appearance is nothing more than two kinds, one is the illusion of one's own body, and the other is manipulation. Like Zhao Li, it is unheard of that both dharma appearance and himself can attack! ! !

Shi Wenye didn't understand, but now there is one person who guessed something, that is Lin Kaiyun, he looked at Zhao Yun and Zhao Li who attacked Shi Wenye, he was very surprised, even full of the speed of pouring yang energy.

"Why am I like the guardian spirit in Zhenhun Street?"

"Underworld, Ah Cha, guardian spirit, Zhao official? No way?"

The more Lin Kaiyun thought about it, the more frightened he became. The appearance of Zhao Yun and Zhao Li reminded him involuntarily of an anime he had seen in his previous life, Zhenhun Street.

There is also the underworld there, and the one who governs the soul and the undead is called the Soul Suppressor. Its characteristic is that it will awaken the guardian spirit, usually one's ancestors, or generals related to one's ancestors, generals, etc.

However, these were obviously not related to Zhao Li and Ah Cha, but the Zhao Yun that appeared now was obviously something like a guardian spirit.

"What kind of existence is this underworld? What kind of enmity or relationship is there between the underworld and the underworld? Why are there two places to house souls in one world?"

These things are like a mess, lingering in Lin Kaiyun's mind. Before Wu Shifei asked him to eliminate a group of soul fluctuations, he also suspected and doubted in his mind.

But along the way, this is not Lin Jiu's zombie world. Yue Qiluo, Zhao Li, and even guardian spirits all appeared one after another, which made Lin Kaiyun feel very heavy in his heart.

Before, he thought it was Lin Jiu's zombie world. There were no gods and demons, and nothing too perverted. At the same time, he had awakened the system. Relying on the system, not to mention establishing a sect, he could dominate the world, and at least he could become the most powerful person in the world. Dangdang.

But now Lin Kaiyun has no idea. To be precise, he even lacks a sense of security. Who knows what else will happen in this world. Even if the Tathagata Buddha appeared in front of Lin Kaiyun and recited scriptures, he would not be surprised.

"No, this is the end of the matter, I'd better get rid of these souls as soon as possible. If these souls are abnormal, then I can still gain a lot of merit points! The world is dangerous, I have to accumulate more capital now!"

Lin Kaiyun put aside those anxious thoughts in his mind, and now he is only thinking about the system and merit points.

He didn't shy away from the idea of ​​relying on the system at all. He could have the current combat effectiveness and martial arts adventures because of the system.

Lin Kaiyun has thick skin!I don't want to be like the people in those novels, who start to dislike the system when their wings are hardened, and even sneer at it, and stand up again.

On the contrary, his mind is now full of thoughts on how to squeeze the system, and make use of the advantages of the system more reasonably and efficiently. Anyway, this system is his biggest cheat, as long as it can bring help, he will reject the system in his brain.

"Let me be true Yang! Hurry like a law!"

Lin Kaiyun urged his Yang Soul with all his strength, and Yang Qi exploded, reaching its peak in an instant.

The souls in the nine creeks could no longer resist, and they all disappeared in ashes.

Zhao Li glared at Lin Kaiyun angrily, and shouted loudly,

"Damn it, kill that kid!"


The ferrymen who were a little bit broken before, after seeing Zhao Li appearing and chasing after Shi Wenye to beat them up, their fighting power increased one after another, and they were outnumbered.

Now after hearing Zhao Li's order, these ferrymen rushed to Lin Kaiyun's yang soul regardless of their own safety.

"Ox head horse face, lead people to stop these bastards!"

Shi Wenye also reacted quickly, and at the same time used King Qin to circle the pillar, constantly circled around the huge Zhao Yun, and harassed Zhao officials from time to time relying on his ability to turn into a plague.

The bull head and horse face followed the ghosts of the underworld, chasing and intercepting them, in short, they just wanted to prevent these ferrymen from getting close to Lin Kaiyun.

But these ferrymen's weapons all have the ability to attack from a long distance. It is possible to block people with a bull's head and a horse's face, but the spiritual bullets cannot completely block them. During the period, there were still many attacks and hit Lin Kaiyun.

Simply, these bullets failed to hit Lin Kaiyun's vital points, but after Yang Soul erupted with all its Yang Qi, it was also a little sluggish, and after receiving some attacks, the whole soul became unstable.

"Brother Lin!"

Qingqing worried anxiously.

She couldn't help at this time, and she felt very regretful in her heart.

At this moment, Lin Kaiyun's yang soul moved and jumped off the Seven Star Longyuan Sword. He shouted weakly, "Qingqing, hurry up, pull out the big money of Diaomu from my mouth!!!"

"it is good!"

Hearing this, Qing Qing didn't dare to delay, walked up to Lin Kaiyun's body, shot out a red thread between her fingers, wrapped around the Diaomu coin, exhausted all her strength, and quickly pulled out the Diaomu coin.

When the Diaomu Daqian blurted out, Lin Kaiyun's physical body seemed to be discouraged, and Yin Qi continued to burst out from the seven holes.

Lin Kaiyun used to rely on the confrontation of yin and yang to force out his yang soul, but now he must release all the yin energy to allow the yang soul to return to his body.

laugh! ! !

The Yin Qi kept coming out, like boiling water, and soon the Yin Qi was almost released.

Lin Kaiyun's yang soul, at the same time as the yin qi dissipated, penetrated into his physical body along the sky cap.

"Huh! Surprise and no danger!!!"

Lin Kaiyun breathed a sigh of relief, shook his neck, and shook his arms.

at this time,

In Lin Kaiyun's mind, the voice of the system sounded.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for destroying the mutated evil spirit, rewarding 100 points of merit! 】

[Ding, congratulations for quickly destroying the mutated evil spirits, rewarding you with 100 points of merit! 】


This sound seemed to be stuck in the broadcast, and it continued to ring out. For a while, it shook Lin Kaiyun's head and made him numb.

"No way!!! It's not like every soul has to broadcast it, right?"

When Lin Kaiyun thought that the souls he had destroyed could be eight thousand instead of ten thousand, he immediately panicked.

Chapter 113 Wuhu, take off! !

[Ding, congratulations to the host for destroying the mutated evil spirit, rewarding 100 points of merit! 】

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