
Lin Kaiyun breathed a sigh of relief. The black dragon's body was too huge. When he rushed down just now, he couldn't tell where the target was. He got used to being vigilant and ran away subconsciously.

"Since the target is not me, it's easy to handle!"

Regardless of his own image, Lin Kaiyun crawled to the ground, quietly raised his head and stared at the black dragon's every move, with a strange smile on the corner of his mouth.

Qingqing on the side, seeing Lin Kaiyun's smile, knew that nothing was good, and asked with some exclaimed guesses, "Brother Lin, don't you want to be a dragon slaying warrior?"

Lin Kaiyun glanced at Qingqing, rolled his eyes and shouted, "Slaying the dragon? Am I free? With my small body, it's not as big as that black dragon's beard. How can I slaughter it!"

Qingqing asked, "Then what are you doing crawling?"

"Now that Hanba's body is the most valuable treasure. If we get it, we can take it back. If it's worthless, we'll destroy it. It's a solution to an unstable problem."

Lin Kaiyun fixed his gaze on Han Yan's body, and spoke firmly.

Hearing this, Qingqing was a little worried, and bit her lip to remind, "Brother Lin, that black dragon came out of Hanba's body, aren't you afraid of angering that black dragon by doing this?"

Lin Kaiyun didn't care about Qingqing's words at all, pointed to Yue Qiluo who was below, and said with a smile, "Wealth is in danger, look at that Yue Qiluo was injured so badly, she still didn't run away."

Qingqing looked along Lin Kaiyun's fingers, and said with some doubts, "Brother Lin, I see that man looks like he is going to run away?"

"What do you know, Yue Qiluo's appearance is clearly recovering her strength, and she is ready to play by ear, and snatch drought from me..."

Before Lin Kaiyun finished his sentence, Yue Qiluo at the bottom of the slope glanced at them, and flew away wrapped in a little paper figurine, disappearing into the sky very quickly.

Qingqing tilted her head, looked at Lin Kaiyun, and couldn't help holding back a smile, "Brother Lin, is this what you said that you wanted to snatch Hanba from you?"

"Cough cough!"

Lin Kaiyun coughed lightly to cover up his embarrassment, and then started talking nonsense in a serious manner, "Qingqing, this is why you, Brother Lin, and I are crawling here. That Yue Qiluo was scared away because of our interference!"

"Yes Yes Yes!"

Qingqing nodded to deal with it, and did not expose Lin Kaiyun's excuses, and persuaded, "Then let's go too!"

"How bold people are, how productive the land is, this drought will be a disaster after all, and I will never be at ease in the hands of others!"

Lin Kaiyun shook his head, he had made up his mind, and while the black dragon was researching the zombie king Xuankui, he would snatch Hanba away, if he couldn't get it, he could just destroy it.

Lin Kaiyun didn't put away the strange door after the wind, he moved the word Kun under Han Yan's body, and squeezed the method with his hands,

"Kun, Tuheche!"


A soil snake sprang out from the ground and pushed the Hanba up.

Lin Kaiyun controlled the earth snake with his fingers and swam in his direction.

"Ha, that's great, the black dragon doesn't care at all!"

Seeing that the black dragon didn't respond, Lin Kaiyun couldn't help being overjoyed, and happily looked forward to the earth snake approaching gradually.

Suddenly the black dragon turned its head, its huge eyeballs, like lighthouses, fixedly shined on Lin Kaiyun, and floated over.


The huge earth snake was extremely small in front of the black dragon. The black dragon opened its mouth and roared, and it shattered instantly.

"Bah, my crow's mouth!"

Lin Kaiyun patted his mouth annoyed, and was happy in vain.

Qingqing looked at Lin Kaiyun a little flustered, "Brother Lin, we failed, let's go!"


Lin Kaiyun stood up, pulled Qingqing, and ran quickly, "It must be too late to go, we have to run!"

However, the distance Lin Kaiyun and Qingqing tried to escape was not even an inch in the eyes of the black dragon, and with a slight movement, they overtook them.

Lin Kaiyun felt the black shadow over his head, turned around and shot an arrow with a bow, and the bloody arrow shot out quickly.


The blood arrow, which could hurt even the zombie king Xuankui, pierced the black dragon's scales and bounced off.


The black dragon screamed, and the dragon claws directly grabbed Lin Kaiyun.


"Yang Wulei!"

"Golden Light Curse!"


Lin Kaiyun didn't have time to think about it, so he opened up his firepower and used all the exercises that could be used.

However, facing the crushing dragon claws, he could only shake a little bit.

Chapter 120 This feeling is so good

The claws, not hindered at all, went straight to Lin Kaiyun and Qingqing to grab them.

In the eyes of the black dragon, these two people are ants. If it hadn't been for snatching Hanba just now, it wouldn't have looked at them both.

Qingqing was very scared at this time, and looked at Lin Kaiyun with tears in her eyes, "Brother Lin, what should I do? I can't move with this pressure!"

"What should I do? I can only fight!"

Lin Kaiyun's whole body was shimmering with golden light, and the Golden Light Curse of Hundred Trials Bailing seemed very small at this time, and the light was precarious, as if it might break at any time.

Lin Kaiyun tore off his clothes abruptly, revealing the shoulder panel on the left side, revealing the mark of the little snake on it.

This is exactly the horse-out contract signed with the unknown giant snake, Uncle Shen. He touched the storage belt with his right hand, and took out a bundle of horse-out incense, his fingertips ignited, and poked it on the mark on his left shoulder with lightning speed.

The completely ignited horse incense stuck to the skin, and Lin Kaiyun suddenly felt a burning pain in his heart, as if his entire left shoulder was going to be burned.

His face was pale, he grinned his teeth in pain, stepped on seven-star steps, and shouted in his mouth,

"Guests in the main hall of Jinhua Cult, and famous people on the Altar of Five Immortals,"

"Brother Ma invites the family today, please invite the immortal family to show their might,"

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