"I would like to ask Master Shen from the Xian family to come quickly, as urgently as a law!"

Half a second later, it was still the same as before, without any response.

He couldn't bear it anymore, and yelled,

"Made, old guy, if you come out, I'm going to the underworld to meet the King of Hades!"

As soon as the words fell, a strange wave of energy appeared behind him, and the hunched figure of Uncle Shen slowly emerged.

The little old man, Uncle Shen, was holding a cane, swaying step by step, and said, "Young man, are you scolding me? Old man, I am getting old, and my reaction is a little slow!"

When Lin Kaiyun saw that Uncle Shen finally came out, his eyes filled with enthusiasm, and he almost burst into tears. As his immortal, it was the first time for this giant snake, Uncle Shen, to come out to do business.

He didn't care about respecting the old and caring for the young. He pulled Qingqing and hid directly behind Uncle Shen, shouting eagerly, "Uncle Shen, save me first, and I'm explaining to you!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Kaiyun did not forget to give Uncle Shen a push, which made Uncle Shen react slowly.

"Hahaha, young man, for thousands of years, you are the first one who dares to push me like that!"

Uncle Shen of the Xian family beat his old waist with one hand and laughed loudly.

At this time, the dragon claw fell down without any suspense.

Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun closed his eyes immediately, and muttered in a low voice, "Omnipotent, I am the Supreme Lord! If I survive this time, I will definitely be a vegetarian in the future!"

The gap between him and this black dragon is really too big, all the means have been used, but he still can't stop him, for now, he can only rely on his own help, Master Xianshen.

But even so, Lin Kaiyun still had no idea. In the impression of his old friend, the dragon is the one that conquers all snakes. I am afraid that Uncle Shen will not be able to resist it! ! !

Could it be that I, Lin Kaiyun, the dignified leader of Maoshan's younger generation, is about to die like this?

You know, my wife and I haven't married yet!

Wu Shifei from the Ecstasy Department, the bullshit master uncle, the hype that he said at the beginning is absolutely not dangerous, it is pure fart!

Bang bang bang!

As time passed, Lin Kaiyun could clearly hear his own heartbeat, and even Qingqing's heartbeat beside him.

Lin Kaiyun suddenly opened his eyes and was overjoyed, "I'm not dead?"

I saw that Uncle Shen raised his snake-headed crutch and put it under the dragon's claws, while the other hand kept beating his back.

"whispering sound!"

The black dragon floated in the air and hissed angrily. The ant was able to block its attack. The scales all over its body crackled, and it moved its claws even harder.

However, Uncle Shen lightly tapped his crutches, and the black dragon's claws bounced off uncontrollably, like an electric shock.

"I'm a good boy, fake?"

Lin Kaiyun couldn't believe his eyes, the contrast between a huge black dragon and a crooked little old man was really too great.

Is it true that as Uncle Shen said, he doesn't bother to cultivate low-level dragons?

At this time, Uncle Shen from the Xian family turned his back to Lin Kaiyun, and said slowly,

"Young man, this is just the incarnation of a dragon's veins. It's far from the strength of a real dragon. You can't deal with someone who is dying?"

The voice was very kind, but no matter how Lin Kaiyun heard it, he was mocking him.

Lin Kaiyun pretended not to hear Uncle Shen's ridicule, and asked doubtfully, "What does it mean that the dragon's veins have transformed? Isn't this black dragon a real dragon?"

Uncle Shen raised his head with great difficulty, looked up at Heilong, and explained with a smile,

"You can see that its scales are not nine-nine-yang."

"And the movement of the earth's veins stops and rises, and the dragon is said to have nine mountains and five rivers. Therefore, it goes up to the sky and enters the earth. The nine-five-year-old god, once transformed, will not be much different from a real dragon."

Lin Kaiyun nodded half-understood, and then said, "Don't care what it is, Mr. Shen, please solve this guy for me!"

Uncle Shen heard the words, turned around slowly, and moved towards Lin Kaiyun step by step with a cane, while shaking his head constantly, "The old man is tired!"

Lin Kaiyun was dumbfounded immediately, and quickly persuaded, "No way! Uncle Shen, that black dragon is still circling, apparently planning to attack, you have already come out, so help people to the end!"

Uncle Shen didn't raise his head, looked at Lu seriously, and said with a smile,

"I can help you, but I won't fight this little black loach myself. I'll lose my status!"

Lin Kaiyun was a little speechless, "You don't fight? Who will fight? I can't fight either!!"

"That's right, it's you who fight!"


"That's right, you can just recite the upper body spell, and the old man will lend you some strength!"

Hearing this, Lin Kaiyun understood that Uncle Shen was finally willing to lend his upper body strength to him.

He closed his eyes and shouted,

"The leader of the Golden Flower is here, and thousands of evil ghosts go elsewhere,"

"From now on, you must do the right thing, lest my magic soldiers hurt you."

"I follow the decree of the Jinhua leader, and I am as urgent as a law!"

"Uncle Shen, please go up!"

Uncle Shen from the Xian family nodded with a smile, and then disappeared. It just returned to the cave, and did not go to Lin Kaiyun's body.

You must know that its strength is not something that ordinary people can bear, and to deal with this little black loach, a little strength is enough.


Lin Kaiyun only felt a chill in his body, the kind of coldness that penetrated from the inside out, as if the blood in his whole body was cooling down rapidly, his body trembled uncontrollably, there were snake patterns flashing across it for a while, and it was covered with scales for a while.

This feeling didn't last too long, Lin Kaiyun opened his eyes suddenly, his eyes turned green, his pupils stood up even more, and the corners of his mouth stretched a little, as if maintaining a weird smile at all times.

Other than that, nothing has changed.

Qingqing also saw the change in Lin Kaiyun's eyes, and greeted with some worry,

"Brother Lin, are you okay?"


Lin Kaiyun answered in the affirmative, then grinned, and licked his lips with his tongue like a letter,

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