
Zhang Damin's face showed joy, and he led the way in front of him.

Lin Kaiyun frowned, and whispered to Lin Jiu, "Master, there is something wrong with this person, there may be something wrong!"

Lin Jiu shook his head and said, "It's important to eliminate the zombies first!"

Chapter 158 The True Man of Yemaoshan Qian

158 chapter

Lin Kaiyun naturally knew Lin Jiu's character, so he didn't try to persuade him. They were not afraid of ghosts, so why worry about a person with problems?

Needless to say, the road led by Damin is consistent with the footprints of zombies.

Soon, Zhang Damin pointed to the mountain village halfway up the mountain ahead and shouted, "Two priests, our Huangshan Village is ahead!"

There are indeed some houses on the mountainside.

Lin Kaiyun saw that the village was quite high, and asked curiously, "It really exists, on the middle of the mountain?"

Zhang Damin echoed, "Hehe, yes!"

Lin Jiu said with his hands behind his back, "In this troubled world, this village on the middle of the mountain may still be a paradise!"

Just before their eyes, several people also speeded up, but just set foot on the mountain road, they felt a strong resentment, Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun looked at each other.

Lin Kaiyun looked solemn and said, "Master, this resentment doesn't look like a zombie?"

Feeling the strong resentment, Lin Jiu also showed embarrassment, and said helplessly, "Go and see first! Regardless of whether it is Nintendo or not, this resentment must have hurt many people, if it can be resolved, it will be resolved!"

It is best not to resolve the ghost of resentment, because it is resentment at all, and the resentment must be resolved, otherwise it will be eliminated. As long as the resentment is still there, it will definitely reappear.

However, Zhang Damin led Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun to another mountain road at this time.

Lin Kaiyun asked suspiciously, "Are you wrong? This is not the way to enter the village!"

Zhang Damin rolled his eyes, and explained to Lin Kaiyun with a smile, "The two priests, that ghost, is on the cemetery in the back mountain, and the people in our village are trying to deal with it! It's all right now, there are two priests It's no problem to grow up!"

This explanation obviously doesn't make sense. Ordinary people are scared away when they see a ghost, and dare to think of a way to deal with it?And this resentment, not to mention the villagers, is difficult for ordinary Taoists to resolve.

"Kaiyun, let's go and have a look!" Lin Jiu nodded to Zhang Damin, motioning to continue leading the way.

Lin Kaiyun nodded, "Okay!"

My master has such a character, I would rather believe it, as long as the ghost can be cleaned up before the ghost hurts people, it will be fine.

Under the leadership of Zhang Damin, Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun passed through the dense forest and came to a flat land on the mountain. This is not a big cemetery, there are only a few solitary graves. Looking at the soil on the mound, it is obvious that It is an old grave.

The strangest thing is that these graves have been dug up, and the bones are scattered all over the place, but no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like zombies or grieving ghosts, but it looks like man-made.

Of course, what surprised Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun the most was that there were no traces of ghosts here. Instead, there were many people. These people were far more than these corpses and graves. There were more than a dozen of them. It's not like the villagers Zhang Damin said.

There are Taoist priests wearing yellow gossip cloth bags and round hats, sitting together in twos and threes, discussing Fengshui, and others holding Buddhist beads, sitting cross-legged on a stone, and beating wooden fish with the other hand.

And some strangely dressed monks, some of these people are simply fake Taoist priests, fake monks, better ones, who have some spiritual power, but none of them have started, obviously they are all charlatans.

Lin Kaiyun stared at Zhang Damin, and shouted in a deep voice, "Is this the villager you mentioned?"

"Two priests, don't worry!" Zhang Damin said something casually without explaining, and walked away.

Lin Kaiyun was speechless for a while, and said to Lin Jiu, "Master, there must be fraud, and I am too lazy to deal with them. It is important to find Nintendo, let's go!"

Of course, the reason why Lin Kaiyun didn't deal with Zhang Damin was mainly because Lin Jiu was by his side, otherwise the person who lied to him would have been crushed.

Lin Jiu was also a little angry, but more helpless. Under such resentment, it was unreasonable for these people to engage in such scams. He said, "Okay, the footprints of that zombie should be near Huangshan Village. Let's do a search nearby!"

At this moment, an old Taoist priest walked up to Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun and asked,


As soon as these words came out, everyone at the scene turned their attention to Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun.

"Really or not? Is it Maoshan, the big faction that exorcises demons and catches ghosts?"

"Everyone in Maoshan is here, I'd better go! I can't make any more money!"

However, Lin Kaiyun didn't have time to pay attention to other people, because Lin Kaiyun knew the people who came to stop him and Lin Jiu.

This old Taoist, with a big back, shiny hair, and a comb all the time, isn't this the real Qian Ren in the movie Zombie Resurrection?

The sly-eyed person beside Qian Zhenren was Qian Zhenren's apprentice Afa, and behind the two of them, holding his shoulders and looking unkind, was Qian Zhenren's junior, Wu Zhenren.

Lin Kaiyun remembered that in Zombie Resurrection, Qian Zhenren and Wu Zhenren were very at odds, and they even fought for business together, while Wu Zhenren was honest and rude, so naturally he couldn't compete with Qian Zhenren for business.

Afterwards, Zhenren Wu was so worried that he deliberately used means to evolve the zombies in an attempt to disgust Zhenren Qian.

Of course, Lin Kaiyun couldn't remember what kind of handsome, female ghost and so on in the end.

But one thing is certain, these two people should never appear here.

In order to confirm the thoughts in his heart, Lin Kaiyun arched his hands and asked directly, "Prince Daoist, is this real Qian Ren?"

"Yes, old man, it is Qian Renren!"

The old Taoist priest nodded, thinking that Lin Kaiyun had heard his name before, with a smile on his face, and then waved to introduce the two people around him, "This is my junior, Wu Xing, and this is my apprentice, Ah Fa!"

"Our senior brothers, both of us are from the Yemao Mountain family!!!"

Qian Zhenren reported his family name without any concealment, then cupped his hands to Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun, and said in a friendly manner, "It is a great honor to meet Maoshan's real person today!"

Lin Jiu saluted Qian Zhenren, "I don't dare to be a real person, just call me Lin Jiu!"

In fact, from the address responses of the two people, we can see the difference between Maoshan Orthodox and Yemaoshan.

Maoshan, real people can only be worthy of it if they are truly masters.As for Yemao Mountain, everyone claimed to be a real person, and tried their best to put gold on their faces.

Lin Kaiyun's eyes were concentrated, and he glanced at Qian Renren.

This real person Qian and Wu are actually from Yemao Mountain?Last time in Lingxi Town, he himself pretended to be a member of Yemao Mountain, but today he met the real master.

From the way Lin Jiu and Qian Zhenren get along, it can be seen that the relationship between Maoshan and Yemaoshan is not what Lin Kaiyun imagined.

Originally, Lin Kaiyun thought that Ye Maoshan was just a group of swindlers who used Maoshan's name to engage in various activities, but now it seems that it is not the same thing.

Chapter 159 We Are the Only Co-Authors Being Fooled?

"Master, what does this Wild Mao Mountain have to do with our Mao Mountain? I heard that it doesn't have a good reputation for our Mao Mountain!"

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