Lin Kaiyun moved behind Lin Jiu's side, leaned close to Lin Jiu's ear, and whispered, then glanced at Qian Zhenren and Wu Zhenren, gestured with his hand, and said, "Master, should we do justice for the heavens?" , act chivalrously and act decisively, cut the weeds and eradicate the roots, so as to avoid future troubles, and solve their infringements!!!”

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, Lin Jiu glanced at Lin Kaiyun, his eyes were full of doubts, and asked in confusion, "Kaiyun, why can't I understand a word you said?"

Lin Kaiyun explained it in a simple way, and said, "Master, I heard people say that this Yemao Mountain is actually doing some tricks and abductions, killing people's lives. Isn't this tantamount to discrediting Maoshan?"

Lin Jiu finally understood Lin Kaiyun's meaning, shook his head, and said with a smile, "Maoshan is Maoshan, their Yemaoshan is Yemaoshan, it doesn't matter, besides, the mountain of their sect is called Yemaoshan, if we forcibly intervene, wouldn't it be Bully the small with the big?"

"What? And Yemao Mountain?" Lin Kaiyun exclaimed instantly, the previous news about Jiang Menshen was too unreliable.

In fact, Jiang Menshen cannot be completely blamed. After all, in the eyes of outsiders like Jiang Menshen, Ye Maoshan is a pirated version of Maoshan, a despicable villain.

A sneeze!

Jiang Menshen, who was hundreds of miles away, sneezed, and couldn't help wondering, is someone scolding me?Forget it, let's continue looking for someone!

Jiang Menshen faced an old woman with heavy make-up in front of him, and said solemnly, "Mother Lin, I like people who are simple and not deceiving, and it is best to have a good physique!"

Lin Jiu heard Lin Kaiyun's exclamation and laughed, "What's so strange about this, there are all kinds of wonders in this world!"

After hearing that Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun were from Maoshan, some people did pack their things and prepare to leave.

These people are all fake Taoist priests and fake monks. They originally wanted to do a trick to cheat money, but it didn't work out. The fake Guan Gong met the real Martial Saint and did it in front of the people in Maoshan. Isn't this nonsense! ! !

However, these people who were about to leave were stopped by someone, it was Zhang Damin just now, he smiled darkly, "Everyone is here, don't rush to leave!"

Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun smiled and said, "Master, I guess this is not going to be pretended, let's see and go!"

Originally, Lin Kaiyun didn't have time to watch the show, but since the real people Qian Zhenren and Wu Zhenren in Zombie Resurrection are here, Lin Kaiyun immediately became interested.

The fake Taoist priest in Taoist robes cursed at the top of his voice, "What do you mean? I have been waiting for such a long time, old Taoist, and now I have something to do, so why don't you let me go?"

"No problem! Since you've all been waiting for so long, it's not too late!"

Zhang Damin spoke very politely, but still blocked the few people who were about to leave.

Just when several people were about to get angry, Zhang Damin took out a thin tube from the pocket of his gown, put it in his mouth, and blew rhythmically into the air.

The sound was unusually sharp and abnormal, like a crow being strangled by the neck, it was very uncomfortable to hear.

Whoosh whoosh!

There was a burst of sound of grass and trees being fiddled with.

In less than 5 minutes, seven or eight people walked out from the depths of the dense forest. The leader couldn't tell the age, and was wearing a black robe that covered him from head to toe, but he walked very slowly.

Lin Kaiyun narrowed his eyes, why does this walking posture look like a mechanical dance?Could this guy have old cold legs, arthritis?

At the same time, there was a stick-like shape on the side of this person, as if a weapon was tied to his arm.

"This man, interesting, walking is a mechanical dance? A weapon or a stick?"

Lin Kaiyun muttered with his chin in his hands, it must be known that it is very rare to use a stick as a weapon.

Of course, the lack is not because the attack power is too weak. On the contrary, stick weapons should not be too strong in the hands of some people. However, it is not easy to refine stick weapons to a certain level. It can be said that it is difficult.

After all, a stick is not like a sword, it has a blade itself, so its lethality is not bad.

But with stick weapons, you can hit a few sticks at most, even if you have a lot of strength, you will get a trauma, so it is particularly weak in the early stage.

"Masters of Taoism, Masters of Buddha, I have been waiting for a long time. Today, I invited you all over!"

The black-robed man paused in place, and let out a hoarse voice, which seemed to be a bad-quality speaker, making it very uncomfortable to hear.

"Hey, I've been waiting for a fucking hour before you come out? What do you mean?"

"That's right! We've been waiting for so long, do you want to give an explanation?"

At this time, came out from three directions, three people dressed in completely different clothes started cursing at the man in black robe,

"I don't care if you want to catch ghosts or not, but we waited for an hour, you must give us some rewards first!"

"This brother is right. I think everyone agrees. I don't want to take advantage of you. Just give me 100 yuan first! I don't care about theirs!"

"You are already 100 yuan, and we can't afford less. I feel like paying, otherwise we will be rude!"

These few people in their early years were dressed completely differently, but no matter how they looked at them, they seemed to be colluding and cooperating with each other.

But even so, the black-robed man bent over mechanically, and said with a smile, "Everyone, don't worry, the matter of Dayang is easy to talk about, and I will show it to everyone right away!"

The few people who made trouble in the early days looked at each other, obviously they didn't expect the man in black to reply so simply.

At this time,

A Taoist priest with a gossip mirror hanging on his waist stood up and said coldly to the man in black, "Everyone who worships the Immortal Sect, you don't have to pretend, don't you have the ability to deceive people? Why are you still playing tricks?" set!!!"

"Oh, I think it's very strange! Since it's you, everything makes sense!"

The tone of the man in black didn't change, it continued to be hoarse.

"We have been investigating you for a long time, and we will kill you one by one. One day, we will kill you all!"

The old monk who knocked on the wooden fish dropped the wooden fish, kicked over the table, and cursed loudly.

The voice just fell,


In the open space, a dozen or so people who looked like I don’t know you well, suddenly heard the old monk, each of them took out their weapons from their salutes.

The black-robed man couldn't see his expression clearly, so he let out a hoarse voice, "You guys from the Cao Gang really don't know how to live and die, and keep looking for trouble. Do you think we are worshiping immortals, and you have no temper?"

As soon as these words came out, it was obvious that this group of black-robed men and these fake Taoist priests and monks knew each other well.

Seeing this scene, Lin Kaiyun almost laughed angrily, "Co-authors, one of you set up a trap and the other set up an ambush, and in the end, we are the only outsiders?"

Chapter 160 A Step Late

"Kaiyun, what is the plot of these people?" Lin Jiu was really confused, and looked at Lin Kaiyun suspiciously.

Although Lin Jiu has been down the mountain for more than ten years, he has always been doing exorcism and catching ghosts. Lin Jiu is naturally easy to deal with ghosts, but he is not good at calculating people.


Lin Kaiyun was stunned when he heard the words. He was thinking about what kind of simple language he should use to explain to Lin Jiu. After thinking for a while, he said, "Master, I guess it should be like this. This cult of worshiping immortals has enmity with this Cao Gang , probably robbed the benefits of the Cao Gang, but the Cao Gang did not dare to attack the door, so the small group of people who worshiped the Immortal Sect have been ambushing outside!"

It's not that Lin Kaiyun is good at calculating, but the conversation between the black-robed man and the fake monk before should be the meaning.

Lin Jiu nodded after listening. After digesting for a while, he understood Lin Kaiyun's meaning, but he still asked in doubt, "Then why did you come to us for the reason of exorcising ghosts?"

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