Along the way, Xiwang told Lin Kaiyun what happened.

It turned out that after Li Laoshuan and Xiwang gathered the wood in the yard, they took their equipment and went to the village to cut down the old willow tree.

When he got to the old willow tree, Xiwang first saw it with a saw, but because the old willow tree was too thick, the saw couldn't do much.

Later, Li Laoshuan directly took the ax and started to chop. As a result, he heard a strange sound coming from the tree after he had just cut two axes. They were terrified that there was a lifelike human face on the willow branch.

Next, Li Laoshuan hurried to the village head's house and told the village head about the matter. Of course, the village head would not believe this kind of nonsense, so he took people to look at the old willow tree, only to find that the old willow tree had withered. The dead old willow tree was bleeding.

human face?blood?

Lin Kaiyun frowned after listening to Xiwang's narration. He had clearly noticed that the old willow tree was definitely not a monster. He was very sure of this, but what happened to Xiwang's description?

Seeing Lin Kaiyun's frowning look, Xiwang thought it was because he didn't believe what he said, so he quickly explained,

"Mr. Lin, you have to believe me, what I said is true, you will understand when you see it when you get there."

Lin Kaiyun just nodded without responding, then quickened his pace and walked towards the village.

There were only a few dozen households in this Liugou Village, which was not very big. Soon, Lin Kaiyun came to the head of the village and saw the old willow tree.

Sure enough, as Xiwang said, there was an obvious ax mark under the old willow tree, and fresh blood flowed out of that mark continuously.

However, there was a new situation on the willow tree. A person fell on the dead branch of the old willow tree. His face was purple, his tongue was exposed, and he looked like he had hanged himself.

At the same time, everyone in the village was here, looking at the old willow tree in horror.

Lin Kaiyun wanted to observe the old willow tree up close, so he walked to the side of the crowd and said, "Let me go and have a look!"

"Is this the stranger the village chief said?"

"It's been a long time since anyone from outside the village has come. What are they doing here?"

"The old willow tree in our village has been there for decades, and it has never been a problem. Why is it haunted when they come today?"

"Yes, yes, could it be their reason!"

"I looked like, oops, stop it, stop it, they're coming!"

The villagers around the old willow tree consciously parted ways for Lin Kaiyun and others, but still pointed at them.

Lin Kaiyun didn't have any special reaction to these voices of discussion, but Luo An, who was following behind Lin Kaiyun, was very upset at this moment, threatening the villagers who carried the big move on their shoulders, squinted, and chewed their tongues.

Seeing Luo An's ferocious look, the villagers took two steps back in shock, kept a quiet distance, and chatted softly,

"Don't say it, don't say it, these people are so fierce, didn't you see that they have knives in their hands?"

"It must have something to do with them!"

"I think so, let's listen to what the village chief has to say!"

The village head of Liugou Village was the old smoking man whom Lin Kaiyun and the others had met at the head of the village when they came.

The old smoker held the pipe pole in his hand and kept beating it, looking worriedly at the corpse hanging from the willow tree.

After seeing Xiwang and Lin Kaiyun walking in, the village chief said dissatisfiedly, "Xiwang, what's the matter with you, haven't you sobered up yet? Didn't I tell you? These people are passing by, and they may be haunted." , No matter how artificial it is, don't involve outsiders!"

After the training, the village chief turned his head to look, smiled at Lin Kaiyun, and said apologetically, "Guys, I'm really sorry old man, I didn't mean to drive you away, but something happened in our village, and you also saw it , it's weird, so you guys better go!"

Lin Kaiyun knew that the village head was kind, and he was more willing to help them solve this problem, but what he said verbally was still very vague.

"Village Chief, I appreciate your kindness. We came here precisely because of the weirdness of this tree. Maybe we can help you!"

Seeing that Lin Kaiyun was unwilling to leave, the village chief stopped trying to persuade him. He looked at the corpse on the old willow tree with his hands behind his back, and said slowly,

"The legs grow on your own body. Since you don't want to leave, it's useless for me to persuade you, but don't make too much fuss. The person who was hanged above is called Huzi, and he is also a well-known alcoholic in our village. It may be that after drinking too much, the garlic on the soles of the feet entangled with the branches, and after struggling, the branches became tighter and tighter and strangled to death."

After finishing speaking, the village chief yelled at Li Laoshuan and Xiwang, "You two fathers and sons did this, and now you two are going to chop down this old willow tree with an axe." Cut it off, and then set it on fire again!"

After Xiwang heard what the village head said, he trembled in fright, and shook his head reluctantly, "Ah? Uncle, this tree is haunted! Can we not let us go?"

Xiwang's father, Li Laoshuan, didn't dare either, and immediately made a suggestion, "Village chief, why don't we just burn it with fire!"

Seeing that Li Laoshuan and Xiwang were unwilling to go, the village chief reprimanded him with a cold face, "No, this old willow tree is withered and dried, and it must burn very vigorously. If it is lit inside, it will easily blow the fire into the village!"


The village head became very impatient, pointed at Li Laoshuan's nose and cursed, "But what is it, so many of us are watching here, what else is there to be afraid of?"

Seeing that the village chief was angry, and there were indeed so many people here as the village chief said, even if it was really haunted, they would not dare to come out. He took the ax, walked to the bottom of the old willow tree, and swung the ax to chop.

Cutting down the tree and burning it is a better way to deal with it, so Lin Kaiyun didn't intervene, and just hugged his shoulders and acted as a bystander.

Seeing this scene, Dai Qingfeng asked Lin Kaiyun curiously, "Brother Lin, is this dead tree really haunted?"

"It's hard to say, but this tree must be weird!"

Lin Kaiyun shook his head, he couldn't tell whether the old willow tree was parasitized by ghosts or other reasons.

It may be because of fear, or it may be because everyone in the village is emboldened here. The father and son, Li Laoshuan and Xiwang, got the strength from who knows where. The root is cut in half.

Chapter 203 Just under the nose

Large-scale movements and a lot of sweating can stimulate human hormones. Li Laoshuan and Xiwang father and son did not have the slightest fear after cutting in half. They even took off their shirts to increase friction. , grabbed a handful of dirt and rubbed it on his hands, picked up the ax and stuck it harder.

Originally, the old willow tree, which had been cut in half, became crumbling, but at this moment, a gust of wind happened to blow, and the old willow tree could no longer support it, and fell down along the direction of the wind.

Crunch, bang!

The moment the old willow tree with a diameter of one meter fell down, it made a huge muffled sound, splashing a cloud of smoke and dust, and the corpse hanging on it was also driven to the side.

This scene made the villagers who were already terrified even more terrified, including Li Laoshuan, Xiwang and his son, who threw down their axes and ran away.

Seeing that Li Laoshuan, his son and the villagers were all terrified, the village chief made him a little scared too.

But he is the head of a village after all, and these people were all looking at him, and then they held the pipe pole in their hands, boldly walked a few steps forward, shook the ashes in front of their faces with both hands, and carefully stared at the fallen man. old willow tree.

Seeing that everything was normal and nothing weird, the village chief heaved a sigh of relief, turned around and held the pipe pole in his hand, pointed at the villagers who ran far away, and cursed,

"What are you running for? Isn't it normal for a tree to fall and have dust? Besides, if you go up and take a look, there isn't any blood here? I guess the blood before was just the sap left by the tree. It just happened to happen!"


After hearing what the village chief said, Xiwang moved closer to the village chief, raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, stared at the old willow tree carefully, and then said in surprise, "It's true! It's really all right, dad, you can come and see it too. Look, it's just a normal tree!"

Seeing a timid Xiwang say so, the villagers at the scene also leaned over with confidence, talking in twos and threes, and gathered together to discuss,

"Really, no blood, no face!"

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