"The village chief is right, there are no ghosts in the first place!"

"It seems that Huzi really entangled himself to death after drinking too much, as the village head analyzed!"

"It seems to be true. After all, this old willow tree has been in the village for decades. If it was really haunted, it would have been haunted long ago!"

The village chief pinned the pipe pole to his waist, and walked in front of all the villagers with his hands behind his back, patiently doing ideological work for these frightened villagers,

"I told you a long time ago, don't talk about things that don't exist all day long. Besides, even if there are really unclean things, we have so many people and are so popular, we should be afraid of us!"

Lin Kaiyun and the other three who were quietly watching the changes were also a little strange. Logically, judging from Xiwang's description, the old willow tree should not be fine.

Dai Qingfeng also felt that there should be no ghosts, and said to Lin Kaiyun,

"Brother Lin, it seems that you are worrying too much. This tree is normal, and there is no weird image. Maybe everything that happened before was an accident!"

"Maybe! After all, anything is possible in this world!"

Lin Kaiyun nodded, the old willow tree was also cut down, there was nothing strange about it, and he didn't find anything unusual either.

Luo An, who was standing beside Lin Kaiyun, shrugged his shoulders blandly, and said, "If I had known earlier, we wouldn't have to come here. How nice it is to sleep in the room!"

Lin Kaiyun squinted at Luo An, then made a decision, and said, "Okay, I'll let you sleep enough tonight, anyway, it's getting late now, we won't hurry today!"

After this delay, it will be dark now, although Lin Kaiyun is not worried about the danger if he continues to drive into the mountain, but he doesn't want to sleep on the cold ground.

Luo An didn't care if there was anyone around, and shouted at Li Laoshuan, "Hey, Li Laohan, we won't leave tonight, can we stay at your house?"

"Okay, okay, great!"

After Li Laoshuan heard Luo An's words, he immediately beamed with joy and laughed. He knew how generous Lin Kaiyun and the others were, and since he wanted to live in their house, he would certainly benefit from him.

As soon as Li Laoshuan thought of this place, he felt that he was so lucky that he was able to earn a lot of money in this village in the valley. Then he pushed Xiwang and said, "Why are you still here, kid? Take the three guests back, and tell your mother to prepare dinner by the way!"

"Good good!"

Xiwang was pushed and staggered for a moment, then quickly reacted, ran to Lin Kaiyun's side, and respectfully extended his hand to invite, "Three guests, let's go back, you take a short rest, dinner will be ready!"

Lin Kaiyun nodded, then smiled at the village chief, said hello, got up and followed Xiwang to the house.

Looking at the backs of Lin Kaiyuan and the others, many villagers showed envious expressions, and some people who had a better relationship with Li Laoshuan joked, "Okay, Laoshuan, you are really lucky , You can earn money by cooking a few meals and providing a house!"

"Li Laoshuan, how many coins did they give you?"

Li Laoshuan shook his head and said, "No, I didn't hit any big luck. Our child's mother just cooked some simple meals, and these three just gave a little token!"

Li Laoshuan, who has lived in the village since he was a child, understands this truth. If other people really know that these three guests gave him two oceans, let alone envy, jealousy and hatred, they will definitely Many people borrowed money from him for various reasons.

However, they are all from Liugou Village, and everyone doesn't know who. When I saw Li Laoshuan's excitement before, I knew that Lin Kaiyun's three guests must have given him a lot of benefits. Of course, Li Laosan Even if Shuan refused to admit it, there was nothing they could do.

Some small-minded people saw that Mr. Li could make money without doing anything, and they felt sore, and asked angrily, "Old Shuan, this old willow tree has already been cut down, you promised us to give us a family." A chair is nothing!"

After Li Laoshuan heard this, he patted his chest and said with certainty, "I will definitely do it. I, Li Laosan, when did I break my promise? Now help me carry the old willow tree back." , Tomorrow I will start making chairs first!"


After Lin Kaiyun and the others returned to Xiwang's home, they went directly into the house to rest. After half an hour, they heard the sound of villagers carrying trees into the yard.

Lin Kaiyun was by the window, looking around, and it happened that the old willow tree was right under his nose. As long as nothing happened after Li Laoshuan sawed it open, it meant that what happened to the old willow tree was indeed an accident.

Chapter 204 Help!kill it!

In the yard, the noisy voices quickly quieted down. The villagers were simple and simple, they just helped to bring the trees here, and they didn't mean to disturb Lin Kaiyun because of his generosity.

Afterwards, Xiwang's mother cooked the meal and politely delivered it to the room of Lin Kaiyun and the others. The meal was no different from the one at noon. It was still a few vegetables and a few slices of meat, but it was understandable. In such a small mountain village, , It is normal to eat less types of food.

After eating, Lin Kaiyun and Dai Qingfeng studied the map, while Luo An fell asleep under the blanket.

Then night fell, and there was no electricity or lights in the small mountain village. After chatting for a while by candlelight, several people rested.


At night, the moon hangs high, and the whole Liugou Village is quiet and peaceful.

At the head of the village was a figure, carrying a candle lantern that was not too bright, walking towards the village.

This person is named Feng Daichuan, because when he was born, there were three dark spots between the two eyebrows, which looked like the word Chuan, so he took a simple and direct name.

This Feng Daichuan is also a villager of Liugou Village. He left the village half a month ago to go to a distant town to buy some lamp oil and some necessities that are not available in the village.

Because the journey was far away, and he was just an ordinary person, not like Lin Kaiyun and the others, so his walking speed was not fast, and it took half a month to rush back. Because he was eager to go home, he rushed all night and did not find a place to rest.

At this time, Feng Daichuan had already stepped into the entrance of the village, thinking that he would be able to go home and see his mother-in-law soon, he felt happy in his heart, and even the dark spot of the word Sichuan between his eyebrows no longer looked sad.

After walking to the side of the old willow tree, Feng Daichuan suddenly found that the old willow tree had been cut off, leaving only a tree root, and there was still a faint light under the tree heel, he muttered suspiciously,

"Hey, why was this tree cut down? And why is there still light below? Could it be that there is a treasure?"

In the middle of the night, and the lantern Feng Daichuan was carrying was not lit, the green glint was particularly obvious, which immediately attracted his attention.

Dare to rush on the road in the middle of the night, Feng Daichuan is naturally quite courageous, and he is very familiar with his village, so he sewed and wore it again, without hesitation, he directly took the lantern and walked to the root of the tree.

Feng Daichuan stretched out the lamp, and carefully took photos under the tree roots. Immediately, he jumped up in surprise, and said to himself with a happy face, "Oh my god, what a treasure, it's so right for me to travel at night. The light is coming from the soil, and I can't see it during the day!"

But after being happy, Feng Sanchuan quickly stroked his chin and became frowning. He circled the tree roots and muttered, "I don't have any tools or shovels! What should I do? I can't help it either." Dig!"

After walking around for a while, Feng Daichuan gritted his teeth and made a decision to dig with his own hands.

Feng Daichuan put the lantern aside, rolled up his sleeves, squatted down and dug up, "This is an opportunity given to me by God, I can't let others find out!"

The soil under the tree roots was soft before, but during the day, many people gathered around the old willow tree, stepping on it, causing the soil to harden.

Feng Daichuan expended a lot of effort and didn't dig out much soil. He was so tired that he sat down on the ground, patted the roots of the tree angrily, and cursed, "Why are there so many footprints here? Who in the village is so How boring! You actually walk around this old willow tree!"

You can scold, but baby Feng Daichuan won't let it go. He put his eyes on the lantern beside him, and then reached out and broke the handle of the lantern.

Feng Daichuan also had something in his hand, so he didn't dare to delay, so he bent down and dug it up.

After having something, a hole was quickly dug out of the soil under the tree root, just when Feng Daichuan was about to make persistent efforts to dig out the treasure in one go.

Suddenly, the handle of the lantern stopped digging, as if it was caught by something.

After encountering this situation, Feng Daichuan didn't panic, but subconsciously thought that he had dug up a treasure, and threw down the handle of the lantern with excitement, and directly operated with both hands, still plausible,

"What? Could it be that we have dug up treasures? Hahaha, I'm going to be rich, and I won't have to live in this remote mountain valley in the future!"

Taking pleasure in others' misfortune, this time is suitable for Feng Daichuan's body. Just when he was full of joy and thought that he had finally dug up the treasure, a dry arm with green fluorescence pushed out from the soil and directly grabbed Feng Daichuan. arm.

Feng Daichuan was terrified at this moment, full of joy he thought it was a treasure, but it turned out to be a hand glowing with fluorescence, and this hand also grabbed him.

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