It was Lin Kaiyun and the three of them.

Luo An looked down at Dai Qingfeng's zombie arm, and asked curiously,

"Boss Dai, do you really feel no feeling in that zombie arm? You didn't know that when you were unconscious last night, that zombie arm seemed to be alive!"

"Really? But now my arm really doesn't feel anything!"

After hearing Luo An's words, Dai Qingfeng touched his zombie right arm and shook his head.

Dai Qingfeng saw Lin Kaiyun's figure last night before he fell into a coma. He thought it was a dream, but he didn't expect that Lin Kaiyun really saved them.

But even so, his entire right arm turned into a zombie at this time, including the fingertips with zombie-like claws.

This change made Dai Qingfeng very worried. After experiencing life and death again last night, Dai Qingfeng still felt a fear. After waking up in the morning, he also asked Lin Kaiyun if he could chop off the entire right arm Lose.

After walking through the gate of hell once, in order to survive, let alone cut off an arm, even cut off a leg, no matter how easy it is, I am willing to do so.

But Lin Kaiyun told Dai Qingfeng that it is best not to move the zombie's arm, otherwise no one can say what the consequences will be, and he may die the moment the arm is cut off.

There was no other way, Dai Qingfeng could only ask the head of Liugou Village for a cloth list, wrapped it around his right arm and continued on his way.

After what happened last night, Dai Qingfeng is now more urgent about the destination on the map and the so-called life-saving method. When he is on the road, his pace involuntarily speeds up, and there is always a look of urgency on his face.

And Lin Kaiyun didn't want to waste time, he checked the map before rushing this morning, and he was not far from the location marked the sacred tree, and there would be no villages or other things passing by on the map.

Lin Kaiyun put the map into his arms, and said to Dai Qingfeng and Luo An,

"Let's speed up a bit more! Fight for the place that feels marked before night!"

"it is good!"

Naturally, Dai Qingfeng and Luo An would not have any opinions, and they were not chatting, and hurried on their way.

From the moment the sun rose in the morning until the sun set, nothing happened in this dense mountain forest. The congested road section mentioned by the head of Liugou Village was just some big trees falling down and lying on the road. No one walked on the road for a long time, and the rain hit, so the small dirt road, which was not considered strong, was destroyed.

However, those fallen trees seemed to be knocked down by huge objects, but Lin Kaiyun didn't care about them, and only regarded them as similar to the tiger monsters before.

The three of Lin Kaiyun didn't even eat anything, they walked until the evening, and finally arrived at the place marked on the map, but there was no way for them to move forward.

Lin Kaiyun took a look at the map, studied the cliff in front of him, and said,

"There is a cliff here, it should be reached from here!"

Dai Qingfeng raised his head and looked at the cliff tens of meters high. He frowned and asked, "It's so good, how do we go up?"

Lin Kaiyun hugged his shoulders, glanced at Luo An, and said slowly, "Then you have to ask Luo An, he is a mercenary who takes on all kinds of missions, and he comes to this wild barren mountain and old forest without any equipment or anything. take it?"

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, Dai Qingfeng turned his head decisively to look at Luo An, his eyes full of questions.

Luo An shook his head with a wry smile, spread his hands, and asked Lin Kaiyun, "I didn't bring anything except weapons. Master Lin, you are so powerful, can't you take us up?"

Lin Kaiyun was amused by Luo An, glanced sideways at Luo An, and complained, "Take you up? Such a high cliff, I have to spend a lot of trouble to go up, and take you up, do you think I am some kind of fairy?"

Luo An scratched his head sadly, "Then what should I do? If it is more than ten meters to 20 meters, I can still climb so high with bare hands!"

Dai Qingfeng also looked confused, obviously there was no good way.

Lin Kaiyun walked to Luo An's side, patted him on the shoulder, and scolded him,

"Luo'an, you mercenary, you don't even bring some tiger claws and ropes with you when you go on missions in the deep mountains and old forests?"

Luo An immediately explained, and quietly glanced at Dai Qingfeng, and said,

"Master Lin, usually follow the employer's route when setting out missions. The employer knows about mountains and rivers, so he will naturally prepare the tools to pass, so we mercenaries only need to protect the safety of the employer!"

After hearing Luo An's words, the flesh on Dai Qingfeng's face twitched, and then he looked at Lin Kaiyun apologetically, and said, "Sorry, Brother Lin, there are no road conditions marked on this map, and I don't know if I will meet you." In this case, I didn’t prepare anything!”

"Okay, now that the matter has come to an end, it doesn't matter what you two look like, it seems that I can only find a way!"

Lin Kaiyun waved his hand, interrupted Dai Qingfeng, then walked to the bottom of the cliff and knocked on the stone wall.

"The stones of this cliff are still quite hard, enough to support it."

Lin Kaiyun muttered softly, and pulled out the black tendon on Ba's body from his arms, and then took out the Seven Star Longyuan Sword from the storage belt.

Tie one end of the black gold to the Seven Star Longyuan Sword, and then hold the Seven Star Longyuan Sword in his hand and gesture to the top of the cliff.

Seeing Lin Kaiyun's series of operations, Luo An also guessed what he wanted to do?He stepped forward and asked suspiciously,

"Master Lin, don't you want to use this as a climbing hook? Can it work? Your sword doesn't have a hook either? It must not be able to hook rocks."

Lin Kaiyun smiled at Luo An,

"Who said I must hook stones? Can't they be inserted into the cliff?"

After finishing speaking, Lin Kaiyun didn't make any preparations, twisted his wrist and directly shot the Seven Star Longyuan Sword.


The seven-star Longyuan sword was so fast in the air that it even made the howling sound of the wind, like a wild horse running off the rein, heading straight to the top of the cliff.


The tip of the Seven Star Longyuan Sword was not hindered after touching the cliff face, as if cutting tofu, most of it was directly inserted into it.

Lin Kaiyun tugged at the black veins below, and said, "It's quite stable, I'll go up first and then pull you up!"

Luo An and Dai Qingfeng nodded, "Okay, wait..."

However, before the two of them finished speaking, Lin Kaiyun grabbed Heijin, exerted force on his wrist, and leaped up with the help of pulling force.

Chapter 214 Where there is a mountain, there must be a cave, and where there is a cave, there must be a treasure

The steep cliff was like walking on flat ground under Lin Kaiyun's feet, making Dai Qingfeng and Luo An, who were waiting below, straighten their eyes.

"Boss Dai, with the ability of Master Lin, why do I think he can climb up without this auxiliary thing!"

Luo An asked with his head sideways. Seeing Lin Kaiyun's unrestrained movements, he had envy on his face.

After Dai Qingfeng heard Luo An's words, he stared at the vigorous Lin Kaiyun and sighed,

"Can't you see that? Brother Lin is thinking about the two of us. If it weren't for the burden of us, he would probably jump on it by himself!"

Indeed, as Dai Qingfeng thought, this cliff was not difficult for Lin Kaiyun, he climbed up it very easily, and he didn't even have to breathe.

"Okay, you two come up! Just follow the route I stepped on just now, the stones are very strong!"

After Lin Kaiyun climbed to the top of the cliff, he looked around and found nothing unusual, then he waved to the bottom.

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