After hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, both Dai Qingfeng and Luo An couldn't help laughing bitterly, the voices of the two were surprisingly unified,

"Follow your route? With the level of the two of us, how can we follow your route?"

Of course, although it is impossible to climb up as chicly as Lin Kaiyun, it is still possible to go slower.

Moreover, Lin Kaiyun had already scouted the road conditions for them first, so during the climbing process, Dai Qingfeng and Luo An didn't have to worry about which rocks would be soft and unsafe.

Although the process was quite embarrassing and experienced some twists and turns, in the end Dai Qingfeng and Luo An climbed up without any danger.

After climbing up, the two of them were in no mood to observe the surrounding situation, and sat down on the ground tired, panting heavily.

Lin Kaiyun looked at the tired and out of breath with his hands behind his back, the two joked and laughed,

"One of you is a mercenary who has practiced martial arts, and the other has a mutated zombie arm. You are so tired after climbing a cliff!"

Luo An struggled to stand up while supporting his knees, and explained solemnly,

"Master Lin, you don't know. Climbing the cliff is not as simple as rushing. You have to be careful at all times and stretch your nerves to the tightest. Can you not get tired?"

"You two can stand up, let's rest while walking, there is a cave over there, if there is no accident, the sacred tree is inside!"

Lin Kaiyun was not in the mood to discuss the physical exertion of climbing the cliff with Luo An, he pointed behind him.

This cliff is the side of a mountain. After they climbed to the top of the cliff, they were on a downward slope.

And looking down, there is a very obvious cave, which looks extremely dark in the evening when the sun has set, as if it is a huge mouth that can swallow everything.

Dai Qingfeng and Luo An also saw the cave along their fingers, but their expressions were completely different.

Dai Qingfeng's face was very serious, his eyes seemed to be able to emit light, and he wished he could immediately rush in to find the so-called sacred tree and save his life.

At this time, Luo An didn't have any emotion, scratched his head honestly, and then asked Lin Kaiyun, "Master Lin, it's not that I don't believe you, but why is this tree in the cave? Could it be a mistake? ?”

Dare to question me?

Lin Kaiyun glanced at him angrily, and shouted, "You know what, if there is a mountain, there must be a cave, and if there is a cave, there must be a treasure!"

Luo An didn't seem to feel that Lin Kaiyun was a little upset, and he was still talking, "Really? Why haven't I heard this sentence before?"

For Luo An, who questioned himself one after another, Lin Kaiyun's face became more and more cold, and he said slowly with a sideways face, "Because this is what I just said just now, why do you have any objections?"

Luo An finally realized what was wrong at this time, shrank his neck, quickly waved his hands, and said with a smile, "No, no, I just asked casually!"

At this time, Luo An remembered Lin Kaiyun's decisiveness when he killed the tiger monster and Ba. Although Lin Kaiyun did not show too much ruthlessness along the way, the consequences of provoking Lin Kaiyun's anger are very serious. Luo An dare not Blocking.

At this time, Dai Qingfeng also stood up to smooth things over, and said with a smile, "Brother Lin, don't be angry, Luo An's mouth is just a little broken, he has no other intentions."

After all, Luo An didn't abandon Dai Qingfeng at the critical juncture before, and Dai Qingfeng has always remembered this kindness!


Lin Kaiyun snorted coldly, didn't say anything else, walked into the cave with his hands behind his back.

These two people are strangers to Lin Kaiyun. If it weren't for the ancient Manchu script on the map, Lin Kaiyun would never talk to these two people. He is absolutely benevolent along the way. He will help if he can, and he will help if he can .

However, it doesn't mean that Dai Qingfeng and Luo An can be unscrupulous in front of Lin Kaiyun, especially when it comes to Shenshu, it is necessary to let them know who is the one who has the final say?

Looking at the back of Lin Kaiyun leaving, and thinking of Lin Kaiyun who was suddenly angry, Luo An felt a little uneasy, and asked Dai Qingfeng, "Boss Dai, I think Master Lin seems very angry, wait a minute, he won't kill me?"

If they were looking for treasures, then they were standing at the gate of the treasures now, with ulterior motives. In addition, Lin Kaiyun seemed to have a sudden change in temperament, which made Luo'an people feel a little uncertain.

Dai Qingfeng still saw it clearly, he shook his head and said,

"No, Brother Lin knows the route of the map. If he has that kind of thought, he can do it at any time. There is no need to make those secrets. Besides, if Brother Lin didn't help us along the way, the two of us You've already died! So as long as you don't talk too much, stop talking nonsense, Brother Lin won't care about it."

"That's right, let's hurry up!"

Luo An thought for a while, and felt that what Dai Qingfeng said was right. He looked up and saw Lin Kaiyun walking away, and trotted to follow.

Lin Kaiyun stopped, not waiting for Dai Qingfeng and Luo An, because he thought with his toes, knowing that the two of them would definitely follow.

The reason why he stopped was that when he reached the edge of the cave, he found that the cave was not formed naturally, but was excavated and piled up manually.

At this time, Dai Qingfeng and Luo An also came to the edge of the cave, looking at the blue bricks at the entrance of the cave, they were also a little confused.

Lin Kaiyun thought about it for a while, then muttered, "This is not a tomb, is it?"

This time Luo An learned to be smart and didn't interrupt, but his eyes were full of doubts.

Dai Qingfeng on the side stretched out his hand to touch the hole made of green bricks, and sighed, "It's very possible, Brother Lin, shall we go in?"

"Go in, why don't you go in? A tomb is better. I've long wanted to go to a big tomb and be a gold captain!"

Chapter 215 Underground Lake

The entrance of this cave is like a fallen giant beast, lying quietly in front of Lin Kaiyun and the others.

The opening is arched, three meters wide and two meters high. The inner layer is covered with blue bricks, and at the same time, it is framed with wood to increase the distribution of force.

For the sake of caution, Dai Qingfeng on the side suggested to Lin Kaiyun,

"Brother Lin, why don't we rest outside tonight and go in at dawn tomorrow!"

Lin Kaiyun shook his head and refused,

"You don't need to wait until the daytime to enter! The inside of the cave is also dark during the daytime. Since they are all the same, why wait, go in now!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Kaiyun looked over. During this time, Luo An, who was calm and uninterrupted, asked, "Can you make torches? Or do you have some lighting things?"

After being scolded by Lin Kaiyun for talking too much before, Luo An didn't talk nonsense during this period. Although Lin Kaiyun didn't do anything, Luo An obviously had a little fear of Lin Kaiyun in his mind.

Now hearing Lin Kaiyun's question, Luo An's heart skipped a beat, then he rubbed his hands in embarrassment, and said falteringly, "Well, Master Lin, I..."

As soon as Lin Kaiyun saw Luo An like this, he knew that there must be nothing, and he no longer made things difficult for him.

Then Lin Kaiyun took out a few talismans in his arms, and shook them between his fingertips. The talisman papers spontaneously ignited instantly.

"Let's go, since you don't have a job, let's try to use this first, at least it's a bit brighter!"

After speaking, Lin Kaiyun held the burning talisman and walked into the cave first, followed by Dai Qingfeng and Luo An.

Although the burning fire of the talisman paper was not particularly bright, it was still enough in the small space of this cave.

The inside of this cave is very humid, all of which are arched passages dug by hand, with thin green bricks on the inner layer, and then reinforced with wooden frames, while the stones of the mountain itself are under the feet, without any traces of footprints on them , but there are a few curved marks, which have been spreading to the depths.

Dai Qingfeng squatted down and looked at these marks carefully, and said in doubt,

"Brother Lin, why does this look like the mark of a wooden cart?"

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