Lin Kaiyun also nodded, and said slowly, "This should not be a tomb, no one's tomb will be built like this!"

When Lin Kaiyun said that this is not a tomb, Luo An was a little disappointed, and muttered, "What is that? Could it be a place where someone else dug up the treasure?"

While it might not be the tomb he had his heart set on, it was the treasure hunt of his dreams.

"Whatever he is! Go in and have a look."

Lin Kaiyun quickened his pace, there was nothing unusual about this passage, everything was the same model, and there was nothing to study.

In this cave that goes straight down, even if there is a spell, the light of the lit fire is extremely dim. In addition, everything looks the same so far, so I don't know how long they have been walking, and even Dai Qingfeng and Luo An who are not firm in their minds Both of them felt lost.

"Brother Lin, could it be that we met a ghost and hit the wall?"

Dai Qingfeng asked suspiciously, holding his chest in this cave, he felt that his breathing was not smooth.

"Don't worry about it, we can walk normally, this is all a psychological hint caused by the environment, it's not some ghost hitting a wall!"

Lin Kaiyun shook his head, and answered Dai Qingfeng very positively.

Even though Dai Qingfeng and Luo An were very apprehensive, they didn't dare to raise any rebuttals when they saw Lin Kaiyun say that, and continued to follow Lin Kaiyun.

I don't know how long they walked, and several people felt their foreheads were full of sweat, even Lin Kaiyun did the same.

"What's the matter? I don't feel how hot it is? Why are you sweating so much?"

Luo An wiped his hands on his face, and the sweat was stained on his hands, and it was still dripping down from his cheeks.

Dai Qingfeng on the side.I wiped it on my face, then put it on my lips and licked it, my complexion changed, and I said, "It doesn't seem like sweat? It's water!"

Lin Kaiyun nodded, shaking his palms in the air, feeling the moisture in the air, and said slowly, "That's right, it's water, and there's a lot of moisture in it!"

"There is a lot of water, how can there be a lot of water in this cave? Could it be that there is still water in front?"

Luo An directly lifted up his clothes, wiped his face, and muttered.

Lin Kaiyun smiled after hearing Luo An's muttering, and explained,

"It's not surprising that there is water. If it was built by people and there are still people living in it, there must be a source of water. Besides, this passage has always been downward, and it is normal to have groundwater."

"Can't someone live there?"

Lin Kaiyun said a lot, but Luo An didn't hear clearly, only heard that there might be someone in the cave, he was startled immediately, and felt terrified when he thought about it.

This black light is blind, he can't see anything, and the surroundings are still the same. If he encounters some demons and ghosts, wouldn't he be frightened to death.

Lin Kaiyun glanced at Luo An and said with a smile,

"Even if there are people, what are you afraid of? We are the ones who broke in now. They should be afraid of us, not us afraid of her, do you understand?"

"It makes sense!" Luo An looked at Lin Kaiyun and grinned.

And just as the few people were walking and talking, the scene in front of them finally changed.

In front of Lin Kaiyun and the others, an underground lake unexpectedly appeared. The same passageway disappeared here. From the rotten pillars, it can be seen that there should be a pontoon bridge above this underground lake.

But at this time, there is no shadow of the pontoon bridge.

The water flow in this underground lake is not very urgent, it has always been flowing at a gentle speed, but the sound of water flowing in this confined space is very clear.

The sound of water flowing over the stone wall is like countless arms beating the windows, which makes people feel trembling in their hearts.

Dai Qingfeng was shocked, he kicked the pontoon, only the remaining wooden stakes, and asked Lin Kaiyun in frustration,

"Brother Lin, what should we do? Is there no way ahead? Now we can't see clearly either!"

Lin Kaiyun's eyesight is excellent, and he doesn't have night blindness at night. Normally, the width of this underground lake is not enough for Lin Kaiyun to see the other side.

But the trouble is that there is some water vapor coiled above the underground lake, and the water vapor becomes more and less, completely blocking Lin Kaiyun's sight, making him unable to see the other side.

"Heaven and Earth are boundless, Qiankun borrows the law!"

"Paper Lantern Decision!"

Lin Kaiyun took out a piece of talisman paper, folded it in half several times in his hand, then bit his fingertips, and dripped a drop of blood on it. The talisman paper instantly glowed red, like a lantern.

Chapter 216 Good News and Bad News

Lin Kaiyun put the paper lantern by his mouth, took a breath, and then pushed it out.

The paper lantern floated in the air like a small boat, flew over, passed through the water vapor and reached the opposite side.

With the help of the red light of the lantern, Ying Kaiyun saw clearly the situation on the opposite side, and the opposite side was also an arched passage, exactly the same as the one they walked through now.

Lin Kaiyun's eyes were concentrated, and he wanted to use the light of the paper lantern to see more things, but he didn't get what he wanted.

He said to Dai Qingfeng and Luo An, "There is a road on the opposite side, it seems that we can only cross this underground lake!"

Luo An froze for a moment after hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, then patted himself on the body and said with a wry smile, "Cross the underground lake? We don't have any equipment, can we do it?"

Due to his own personal reasons, Luo An can't feel excitement from ordinary stimuli, so he has always liked exploration and adventure.

Even if he met Ba before, when his life was dying, Luo An was not afraid, he only felt his blood spurting.

But now Luo An is very irritable, because he finds that he is a blind box and can't help him at all. With this unlucky appearance, don't mention being excited, it's good if he doesn't cry.

Dai Qingfeng walked to the edge of the underground lake, frowned, looked at the underground lake, and said decisively,

"This underground lake shouldn't be too deep, I can pass it after thinking about it!"

After all, this trip to find the so-called sacred tree is the most important thing for Dai Qingfeng, and it may affect his life, so no matter what, Dai Qingfeng must persist to the end.

"and many more!"

At this moment, Lin Kaiyun suddenly yelled, then waved to Dai Qingfeng, and said, "Brother Dai, you come back first!"

After Dai Qingfeng heard Lin Kaiyun's shout, he looked at him suspiciously, "What's wrong?"

Lin Kaiyun didn't answer Dai Qingfeng, but repeated what he said just now, "You come back first, I'll tell you later!"

Seeing Lin Kaiyun's appearance, Dai Qingfeng knew that there must be a reason for the incident, so he ran back without thinking too much.

Dai Qingfeng turned his head to look at the underground lake, and asked guessingly,

"What happened to Brother Lin? Is there something in the underground lake?"

Lin Kaiyun looked at the underground lake without moving, and said slowly,

"You really guessed it right, but there is nothing in the underground lake, but some ghosts!"

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