
Lin Kaiyun bit his thumb, and tapped directly between Luo An's eyebrows, a burst of red light flashed, and Luo An's eyes immediately returned to normal.

Luo An also recovered, but when he saw that he was holding a big knife on Lin Kaiyun's neck, his legs were so frightened that he put down the big knife and kept begging for mercy, "Master Lin, please spare me! I really didn't mean it!" , I don’t know what’s going on!”

Lin Kaiyun didn't respond, but just stretched out his palm to Luo An.

"Don't kill me, please, don't kill me, I really don't know what's going on!"

When Luo An saw Lin Kaiyun, he raised his palm to face himself, thinking that he was going to slap him to death, so he hurriedly cried and begged for mercy.

In the end, Lin Kaiyun just patted Luo An on the shoulder and said with a smile, "I know you didn't do it on purpose, don't be afraid, you were just disturbed by resentment!"

After Luo An heard Lin Kaiyun's words, he instantly felt that he was saved, and his whole body had no strength to sit on the ground, with cold sweat protruding from his forehead.

Seeing that the misunderstanding had been resolved, Dai Qingfeng on the side stopped mentioning this matter, but asked about Lin Kaiyun's resentment,

"Resentment? Brother Lin, are you saying there are ghosts here?"

Lin Kaiyun smiled and shook his head, explaining,

"No, no, resentment is not the same as ghosts, it's just that there is a lot of yin here, and some people may have died, that's why resentment arises, and some ordinary people are very likely to be disturbed by this resentment, and do something. Something out of my mind!"

Dai Qingfeng nodded after hearing Lin Kaiyun's explanation. He understood the meaning, but he was still a little confused, so he asked,

"Ordinary people are disturbed, so why does Luo An have something, but I don't?"

Lin Kaiyun glanced at Dai Qingfeng's zombie arm, and joked,

"Raise your zombie arm and take a look, are you an ordinary person?"

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, Dai Qingfeng smiled awkwardly. Indeed, he is no longer an ordinary person no matter what.

This incident itself was a misunderstanding, and this was considered a turning point, and the three of them continued on their way.

Now their first goal is to find the sacred tree, and their second goal is to find the exit.

Although this passage is naturally formed, and there are many crooked stones blocking the way, it does not affect walking, and it is strange that the naturally formed passage is also very long.

The three of Lin Kaiyun walked for more than ten minutes before they felt the traces of the wind blowing, and then they came to a wide space.

The temperature in this space was much lower than in the previous passage, and the cold wind was blowing everywhere, making the three of them unconsciously feel a little cold, but the contrast and the low temperature made them even more surprised by the scene in front of them.

Chapter 238 All the way up

This space is about the size of a football field, which makes the three people who have been walking in the narrow passage much more comfortable, but the temperature in this space is very low, close to zero, which makes Lin Kaiyun and the three unconsciously feel cold.

Of course, what made them feel even more chilled was what was in front of them.

To be precise, it should be that there are countless dead bones in this space, densely packed, and there are also many green will-o'-the-wisps floating around. These will-o'-the-wisps are formed by the condensation of resentment!

The most important thing is that these dead bones include human beings and animals, and at the same time, there are some bite marks on the bones.

This hell-like scene made the three of Lin Kaiyun feel shocking.

"Brother Lin, this...what's going on?"

Dai Qingfeng opened his mouth wide, his frightened lips were trembling, and he couldn't speak clearly.

The same is true for Luo An. Although he has a strange disease that makes it hard to feel excited, it doesn't mean that he will feel excited when he is surprised. For example, he is so shocked that he can't speak now.

As far as Dai Qingfeng and Luo An are concerned, ordinary people like them have never seen hell or the underworld, but the scene in front of them makes them feel that even hell is only this level.

Lin Kaiyun also had a dignified expression at this time. It is not an exaggeration to call this place the eternal pit. At least the dead bones of animals and humans placed layer by layer must exceed [-].

Lin Kaiyun shook his head and replied coldly,

"I don't know either, but the reason for the death of these animals and humans is probably not simple!"

It must have been thrown here by something to be able to appear here, and there are still some bite marks on these bones, I am afraid it is not that simple.

Luo An finally reacted at this time, looked at Lin Kaiyun in panic, and asked at a loss,

"Master Lin, what should we do? Are we still going forward?"

"Of course, let's go. Is there any other way for us? Going back is also a dead end. We can only go forward!"

Lin Kaiyun shrugged, said something casually, and walked straight forward.

There is a lot of resentment in this space, maybe there will be some accidents, but Lin Kaiyun did not find an excuse to let Dai Qingfeng or Luo An go to the front, anyway, even if there is an accident, he has to deal with it, it is better to let him stand at the end go ahead!It's also easy.

Seeing that Lin Kaiyun was leaving, Dai Qingfeng and Luo An went in, and hurriedly followed. Although these dead bones made them feel very scared, following Lin Kaiyun's side at this time was tantamount to the safest choice.

So Lin Kaiyun and the others just lay down like this, the dead bones of these animals moved forward, and the resentment and will-o'-the-wisps floating on them made the nerves of the three of them tense, ready to meet any accidents that would happen.

However, after passing through the space the size of a football field, something unexpected happened to them.

That is, nothing happened. Although there is a lot of resentment, there are not even lonely ghosts. This can be said to be the biggest surprise.

Dai Qingfeng and Luo An also breathed a sigh of relief about this, secretly feeling lucky.

But Lin Kaiyun couldn't be happy at this time, because normally speaking, in this place with a lot of yin and resentment, it is impossible to have no lonely souls and wild ghosts. Simply put, as long as someone dies in this space, the soul must be Will be bound here and become a wild ghost.

But they didn't encounter it until they passed through the entire space, only to explain one problem, all these dead bones have no soul.

So where did the soul go?

Lin Kaiyun had some bad premonitions in his heart.

However, no matter what kind of danger lies ahead, they have only one way forward.

If he was outside at this moment, Lin Kaiyun would definitely investigate carefully what happened here, and at the same time he would do a good ritual to save these dead bones, but now is obviously not the right time.

Passing through the space the size of a football field, the three of Lin Kaiyun entered an extremely difficult passage.

Originally, Lin Kaiyun thought that he would repeat the boring route before, walking this dark passage, but after walking a few steps, there was no way.

To be precise, there is no road ahead, and this hole actually continues upwards.

Lin Kaiyun raised his head and looked up at the top. At this moment, they seemed to be at the bottom of a well, and they could see a clear light, which meant that the top should be connected to the outside world.

Seeing such a scene, several people had roughly the same thoughts in their hearts. They entered the cave and walked for so long to find the sacred tree. Although the sacred tree has not been found now, the passage leads to the top, and there There is a light indicating that it is directly connected to the outside world, at least they can get out alive.

However, Dai Qingfeng and Luo An unexpectedly made the same choice at this moment, that is, they looked at Lin Kaiyun.

They didn't speak at this time, and they didn't dare to make any comments, they just waited for Lin Kaiyun to say what to do!

But in the current situation, there is almost only one choice, otherwise, what else can I do?Is it going to explode?

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