You must know that Lin Kaiyun was terribly frozen when he blasted the stone wall before, and now Lin Kaiyun doesn't want to try it again.

"You two don't have to look at me so helplessly. This time I have no other choice but to climb up. If I didn't find the sacred tree this time, it would be a bit of bad luck. And what if the sacred tree is on it? "

Lin Kaiyun stared closely at the ray of light above the cave entrance, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This kind of thing is not uncommon. It is very likely that they will not only get out of this cave by climbing up, but also find the sacred tree at the same time. This is not impossible.

Thinking that Lin Kaiyun was not hesitating, he raised his hands to grab the stone next to him, and slowly climbed up.

Dai Qingfeng and Luo An glanced at each other, and Genlin Kaiyun did the same thing, climbing up.

The surrounding of the upward passage is not smooth, but there are many protruding stones, so it is very easy for a few people to climb up.

But after climbing for a while, Lin Kaiyun felt a little strange, because there were some shriveled pieces of meat and bone scum hanging on the protruding stone.

Combining these things with this upwardly extending hole, Lin Kaiyun suddenly thought of a possibility, that is, the space below that is piled with dead bones is actually a garbage dump, that is, the dead bones were made and dumped in it.

Then the situation is not optimistic. God knows, when they climb up, it will be some monster's lair, and it is conceivable how strong the monster can make so many bones.

But it is impossible for them to wait for death below, there is no other way but to climb up.

Chapter 239

Soldiers came to block the water and soil, no matter what monsters and ghosts were on it, Lin Kaiyun had only one way to climb up.

After all, he didn't want to stay in the cold and damp place down there full of resentment.

However, Lin Kaiyun did not tell Jane what was in his heart. Dai Qingfeng and Luo An who were crawling behind him would only make them feel even more terrified and afraid.

Originally, Dai Qingfeng and Luo An couldn't help much, if they were afraid, it would really have no other effect except to hold back.

As for Dai Qingfeng and Luo An, Lin Kaiyun didn't care if they thought about it or not.

The three of Lin Kaiyun climbed up little by little like this, without any communication during the period, as if they were a little worried about the unknown situation above.

Needless to say, Lin Kaiyun, Dai Qingfeng has a zombie arm, and Luo An is a warrior himself, so it is not difficult to climb up. After ten minutes, Lin Kaiyun climbed out of the cave first.

What kind of monster's lair Lin Kaiyun imagined before, and what kind of embarrassing situation was completely different, there was a valley above the entrance of the cave, but this valley was unusually gloomy, all the trees were withered and dead, and the living plants were all dead. It is highly poisonous and will turn into a monster.

This valley is not a good place at first glance, but it is better than some monster's lair.

Immediately after Lin Kaiyun, Dai Qingfeng and Luo An also climbed up. The two of them could only see withered trees, and couldn't tell if these plants were about to become monsters, so they didn't feel anything other than desolation .

Dai Qingfeng walked to Lin Kaiyun's side, and said slowly,

"Brother Lin, now it seems that the bullshit map should be fake. We should be saved. Although we haven't found the sacred tree, I can only think of other ways to treat it. It will be the arm!"

And Luo An didn't have anything to say, he just lay on the ground and breathed in the fresh air outside. After all, in this cave, although there were air bombs and it was very thin, it suffocated him.

Lin Kaiyun smiled after hearing what Dai Qingfeng said, and casually made a guess,

"It's hard to say, have you ever thought that it is possible that the place indicated by the map is actually here!"

As soon as these words came out, Dai Qingfeng's eyes flickered with light. To be honest, as long as there is hope, he definitely doesn't want to give up. After all, Dai Qingfeng has found many people before this zombie arm, and he has thought about it There are many ways, if they can be solved, they will be solved long ago.

Now it can be said that the map left by the mysterious man who turned his arm into a zombie arm is his only hope. Even if there is a one percent chance, Dai Qingfeng is not willing to give up.

However, at this moment, Lin Kaiyun heard some awkward musical sounds, the sounds seemed to be suona and flute, but the level of playing was very poor, if you don't listen carefully, you can't tell what kind of musical instrument it is.

Lin Kaiyun frowned and asked, and asked Dai Qingfeng and Luo An,

"Did you two hear anything?"

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's question, Dai Qingfeng and Luo An also pricked up their ears and listened carefully.

After a while, a gust of wind blew through the sound, which became more obvious. Dai Qingfeng only nodded fiercely, with a slightly puzzled expression on his face, and said to Lin Kaiyun,

"Brother Lin, it seems that there is a sound, but why is this sound so strange, it seems to be joy and mourning!"

"It seems right, the voice is coming from over there, let's go and see!"

Lin Kaiyun nodded, followed the sound and looked into the depths of the valley, then raised his legs and walked directly to the sound.

This time Dai Qingfeng didn't make any eye contact with Luo An, and directly raised his legs to follow Lin Kaiyun.

Luo An, who was breathing in the fresh air, turned around and found that Lin Kaiyun and Dai Qingfeng had left.

Scratching his head in a daze, Luo An had no choice but to get up and follow. In the case of a dead end in the cave, Luo An didn't flinch, and now that he was outside, Luo An was even less afraid.

Lin Kaiyun led the way, with his hands behind his back naturally, but in the eyes of Dai Qingfeng and Luo An, there was a certain momentum of going forward.

Following the sound for a while, Lin Kaiyun found that there were some red and green ribbons hanging in the valley, but these ribbons were very worn out, with big holes or small eyes, which looked like they were picked up everywhere.

At the same time, there are still some unlit lanterns hanging, red and white, with different characters written on them, even Li Fu, Xu Fu, Mourning, Happy and so on.

This scene strengthened Lin Kaiyun's thinking. These ribbons and lanterns were obviously picked up by searching around.

When he heard the music before, Lin Kaiyun thought that someone might be practicing musical instruments in the mountains.

But now Lin Kaiyun immediately discarded this idea. No one would hang ribbons and lanterns like this, so he could only create those monsters with dead bones.

However, even this did not dissuade Lin Kaiyun from wanting to find out what happened, he still walked in the direction of the ribbon lantern.

Dai Qingfeng and Luo An also discovered this scene, whispering in the back, wondering what they were discussing, but Lin Kaiyun didn't care.

In fact, even if Dai Qingfeng and Luo An choose to leave now, Lin Kaiyun will not stop them. Anyway, the two of them can't help much. Besides, for Lin Kaiyun, the journey to find the sacred tree is over. His guess just now It was just a casual remark, and Lin Kaiyun himself didn't take it seriously.

But I don't know how Dai Qingfeng and Luo An chatted. The two of them knew that the person hanging the ribbon and lantern might not be a human being, so they still decided to follow Lin Kaiyun.

In this way, the three of them walked for more than ten miles along the hanging valley.

"It's strange, there are ribbons and lanterns hanging all over the ten miles? What is this monster going to do? It's so grand!"

Lin Kaiyun turned his head sideways and looked at the uninterrupted ribbons and lanterns on both sides, and began to mutter to himself in doubt.

"and many more!"

Lin Kaiyun, who was muttering, suddenly thought of something. After connecting with the picture in front of him, Lin Kaiyun suddenly realized something!

"Before, Chu Renmei told me about a powerful monster of the old fairy Huang Liu, who seemed to be having a birthday. Now if this scene is said to be a birthday, there is no contradiction!"

Lin Kaiyun clapped his hands, he suddenly felt that he might have found the place where Huang Liu Laoxian held his birthday by mistake.

You must know that the purpose of Lin Kaiyun's coming out this time is to find this Huangliu old fairy and see if he is the weasel who murdered him back then.

As a result, during the search process, I ran into Dai Qingfeng, who happened to be attracted by the ancient Manchu script on the map, and changed the route temporarily to find that sacred tree.

In the end, the sacred tree was not found, and he didn't expect to find the cave of Huangliu Laoxian in a daze. What a turn of events.

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