Chapter 240 Encountering Demons and Ghosts on the Road

Thinking that this valley might be the place where Huang Liu Laoxian held his birthday, Lin Kaiyun stopped and turned to look at Dai Qingfeng and Luo An.

Dai Qingfeng and Luo An kept shaking their heads and looking around, feeling uneasy in their hearts, they didn't pay attention at all, Lin Kaiyun stopped and almost bumped into each other.

"Brother Lin, what's wrong with you? Did you find anything?"

Dai Qingfeng looked at Lin Kaiyun suspiciously and asked.

Lin Kaiyun didn't care about Dai Qingfeng and Luo An at all, and almost bumped into himself, he just briefly talked about the situation in this valley,

"There are indeed some discoveries. I can only tell you that this is a territory of extremely powerful monsters. These nondescript ribbons and lanterns should be hung to celebrate birthdays, so naturally there is no need for you to go there with me, and here It’s hard to say whether there will be a sacred tree, I’m just guessing!”

Lin Kaiyun mentioned the sacred tree again. Of course, he said that he didn't intend to lure Dai Qingfeng to accompany him in this way.

In fact, Lin Kaiyun even felt that without Dai Qingfeng and Luo An, he should be more relaxed, but this is an objective existence after all, so Lin Kaiyun, based on the affection he has come along, told Dai Qingfeng truthfully.

After Dai Qingfeng heard Lin Kaiyun's words, he bowed his hands gratefully to Lin Kaiyun, and then said with a smile,

"Brother Lin, to tell you the truth, the two of us are actually discussing along the way. No matter how stupid we are, we have found something wrong with this valley, but I'm still willing to give it a try, even if I really die. I don’t regret it, and I will remember your kindness, Brother Lin, along the way! Today, I will entrust my life to you!”

Luo An on the side also echoed,

"That's right, master Lin, the big tiger was also killed along the way, the ugly fish monster survived, and even the divine beasts in the sky were seen. I Luo'an really made this trip worthwhile, and I can even say This trip is the happiest task in my life, of course, if I can play some role instead of just doing odd jobs, then I may be even happier!"

Although Luo An really experienced a near-death experience along the way, of course, this was just his own wishful thinking, because with Lin Kaiyun's existence, it was actually a near miss.

But it was precisely because of this that Luo An experienced the excitement and blood swelling that he had never experienced in a peaceful life. Although he could only fight, he was always taught and frightened by Lin Kaiyun, but Luo An still felt it was worth it.

Lin Kaiyun smiled helplessly when he heard the loyal speech of these two guys. He had no intention of taking Dai Qingfeng and Luo An as followers.

And now Lin Kaiyun can't tell what kind of situation this Huangliu Laoxian's birthday is. After all, some things are better with fewer people than more people, and even if he needs manpower, he can naturally summon those big fairies. Far stronger than Dai Qingfeng and Luo An.

However, since Dai Qingfeng and Luo An wanted to follow Lin Kaiyun, they didn't want to object.

Because although he came here by mistake, logically, he must first figure out that he came here following the map in Dai Qingfeng's hand, and it is very likely that he did not come here by mistake.

Since it doesn’t matter whether it’s the sacred tree or the Huangliu old fairy, these two strange things are actually intertwined, then Lin Kaiyun has enough reasons to think that this sacred tree has something to do with the Huangliu old fairy, or Huang Liulao Could the immortal's lair be under the sacred tree?

If this is the case, then the existence of Dai Qingfeng is very necessary, because his zombie arm may be the key to the secret of the sacred tree and the mysterious person.

Although even Kai had such considerations, he still felt the need to remind Dai Qingfeng and Luo An.

Lin Kaiyun looked very serious, looked at Dai Qingfeng and Luo An, and said,

"It doesn't matter if the two of you want to go with me, but my ugly words come first. If the two of you act rashly and disrupt my plan, then don't blame me for killing me!"

Lin Kaiyun's tone made people feel irrefutable, and this cold feeling made Dai Qingfeng and Luo An believe that Lin Kaiyun would do what he said.

"Don't worry, Brother Lin, we will definitely not hold you back!"

After speaking, Dai Qingfeng and Luo An smiled and looked at each other. Since they followed Lin Kaiyun all the way, they dare not say it is accurate. They can understand Lin Kaiyun's character, but they also know that Lin Kaiyun is a man with a sharp mouth and a tofu heart in a certain sense.

Although what he said beforehand was very clear, but when he encountered a crisis, Lin Kaiyun didn't hesitate at all when he came to help.

Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun didn't say a word, shrugged, turned and walked towards the depths of the valley.

At this time, a thin layer of mist had already floated around several people, and as they went deeper into it, the fog became thicker and thicker.

Accompanied by the deep foggy forest, the three people's line of sight became shorter and shorter, as if they were still walking in the valley, or turned into a rugged path.

This kind of environmental change was quite acceptable to Lin Kaiyun and the others, and they didn't have any special thoughts, but they could feel that there were many "people" coming and going around them as they walked!

Because of the dense fog, even Lin Kaiyun couldn't see clearly, but the three of Lin Kaiyun who were close still took a closer look.

Where is this person!They are monsters with strange shapes.

Lin Kaiyun was not surprised, and even nodded in a very natural way. Dai Qingfeng and Luo An were naturally shocked, but after Lin Kaiyun's reminder in advance, they did not show any strangeness at this time.

Going forward, you will encounter more and more monsters and ghosts, such as long-haired mice, ghosts without heads, blood-sucking zombies from time to time, old ladies with human cat heads, and even ghosts. Has a fully human appearance.

Of course, after seeing so many monsters with strange shapes, Lin Kaiyun and the others didn't feel that they were human beings just like them!

In fact, it is not uncommon for these demons to take human form. Whether it is a legend or a reality, it is very normal.

But one thing is very interesting, these demons and ghosts usually don't take the depth of their strength as the standard for turning into a human form.

Whether it is a kind monster or an evil monster, it is completely different from those big fairies.

Daxian'er relied entirely on Taoism, then gradually cultivated into a human form, and finally won the title, and went out to do tasks, dreaming of being able to be among the immortals.

But monsters are the complete opposite.

Chapter 241 Is also a fierce man

The way a monster transforms into form is completely different from that of a great immortal who wants to cultivate into an immortal, and although monsters have a way of transforming into form, it is not based on strength.

There are quite a few monsters that can transform into human form in this world, all because of bloodlines. In fact, from the inside of monsters, it is not a proud thing to transform into a human form, so you will often see that the more powerful the monster, the less powerful it is. It is rare to turn into a human form, and it also despises those of the same kind who turn into a human form.

For monsters, those who can transform into human form are of very poor bloodlines. On the contrary, the purer and older the bloodline of a monster, the harder it is to transform into a human form. Therefore, there is indeed a chain of contempt within the monster.

And those big fairies of the fairy family are actually a kind of monster in the oldest time. Even the big fairy family, fox, mouse, hedgehog, snake, weasel, etc., can be said to be the most common and weakest bloodline among monsters. If you want to rely on cultivation to achieve any great good fortune, it is basically impossible, so you can only find another secluded place and embark on the road of begging for success.

Because begging for a title is bound to human beings, this fairy family attaches great importance to transforming into a human being.

There are strange monsters in this deep valley, and there are also some monsters that turned into humans, so Lin Kaiyun and others are not so abrupt.

These demons and ghosts are all in the same direction, presumably they are all participating in Huang Liu Laoxian's birthday, so Lin Kaiyun calmly followed these large troops to the depths.

Dai Qingfeng and Luo An, who were behind Lin Kaiyun, did not expect to see so many monsters, which was beyond their imagination, but they did not show any signs of weakness.

After walking like this for more than ten minutes, the valleys on both sides gradually narrowed, and Lin Kaiyun turned to the entrance of another mountain pass along the monster's army.

And outside the entrance, there are two cat-like monsters with beards around their mouths, welcoming all the monster guests.

Whenever a monster enters through the entrance, these two cat-like monsters will meow enchantingly and gracefully, which may mean a welcome.

It has to be said that this old fairy Huang Liu, from the ribbons and lanterns hanging in the valley before, including the welcome girls of these two cat monsters, has completely learned human thinking. Although it is a bit nondescript, the direction is roughly the same That's right.

However, that graceful and enchanting feline monster is not the beautiful cat girl in the imagination, but a wild cat standing upright, without any human appearance at all. Only the neck and arms have turned into human shapes, but they still have long hair. The hair is not soft and looks very awkward.

Lin Kaiyun didn't want to look at these two wild cat monsters very much, but it was still important to observe. He suppressed the discomfort in his heart and stared for a while.

After watching for a while, Lin Kaiyun discovered that every time a monster passed by and entered, the two wild cats meowed to welcome guests, not to welcome them, but to check the breath of the monster to congratulate the monster on its birthday.

After Lin Kaiyun discovered this, he was glad that he suppressed the discomfort of his eyes to observe these two awkward cat monsters, otherwise when they passed by, they were found to have no smell of monsters, and everything would be over.

Lin Kaiyun silently recited the curse in his heart, covered Huang Xiaofeng's smell on his body, and at the same time took out a small bottle from the storage medicine bag and handed it to Luo An, because Lin Kaiyun didn't notice the monsters around him. Speaking, but secretly gave a wink.

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