Upon hearing this, Lin Kaiyun stood up abruptly, he was indeed a little hasty, and his movements were a little big, but the other monsters were also looking at Old Immortal Huangliu one after another, so it seemed that Lin Kaiyun's movements were not too much. unexpected.

On the way here, Lin Kaiyun kept reminding Dai Qingfeng and Luo An not to go east easily, but he was a little impatient at the critical moment, but it was understandable, after all, Lin Kaiyun couldn't wait to take a look at this so-called Huangliu old fairy , Is it the weasel who persecuted him back then?

If it's really the same one, that would be great, so that he can solve a hidden danger hidden in the dark, and at the same time, fulfill his promise with that female ghost.

But after seeing the figure on the bamboo sedan chair, Lin Kaiyun's face turned cold, he was obviously very disappointed, because the one sitting on the bamboo sedan chair was not the yellow-skinned person who murdered him.

Like a human being, he sat on a bamboo sedan chair with eight little monsters. He was wearing a robe made of yellow cloth that he picked up from nowhere. His face was extremely shriveled, but his ears were fluffy and he fiddled around. Yes, obviously keeping an eye out for all the monsters who came to celebrate their birthdays.

From the ears and the tail Lin Kaiyun hidden under the yellow robe, it can be clearly judged that this old fairy Huang Liu is not the old yellow man.

It's not even a weasel at all, but like the eight little demons carrying the sedan chair, it's an old fox who has been cultivated to become a spirit, and this old fox has a pair of winking eyes, and most of the other characteristics seem to be male, really Some androgynous meaning.

After Lin Kaiyun saw the true face of Huangliu Old Immortal, he couldn't hide his disappointment, and sat down with a displeased face.

After coming to this valley, Lin Kaiyun preconceived that this Huangliu old fairy was basically the weasel back then. Originally, he wanted to solve the grudged weasel, so it would be best if he could find the sacred tree by the way.

As a result, it is now confirmed that this Huangliu old fairy is not the weasel at the beginning, so it can be said that he has tossed about, and if he can't find the sacred tree again, it will be completely in vain, and at the same time he took the initiative to send it to the door. Enter the cave where the monsters gather and wade through the muddy water.

Lin Kaiyun even thought of the result of losing his wife and losing his army, so it's no wonder he was happy.

And at this time, sitting on the sedan chair, Huangliu old fairy propped up his withered body, and said to all the monsters, "Thank you, everyone, for coming to the old man's birthday. It is not easy for us monsters to survive. Taking this opportunity to get together with everyone of the same kind, today is a festive day, the old man has also prepared some food and drink, I hope everyone can eat well!"

This old fairy Huang Liu didn't know where he learned it, but he can even speak the opening line. Of course, Lin Kaiyun can understand this, but Dai Qingfeng and Luo An who are on the side can't understand it at all. They can only hear some sharp and dry words. His voice, like a stone scratching glass, was extremely unpleasant, but Dai Qingfeng and Luo An didn't dare to cover their ears, for fear of attracting the attention of other monsters.

And after Old Fairy Huang Liu finished speaking, little demons came in with food one after another. At the same time, there were some monsters, dressed in clothes similar to ribbons, and wriggling, obviously dancing girls for all the monsters.

Of course, when Lin Kaiyun and the others looked at it with human eyes, they would only feel disgusted. The clothes on these dancers were dirty, and their appearance was far worse than these clothes. They all had yellow hair and sharp mouth monkey cheeks. The fox, with its big tail behind it, swung accordingly.

The vixen is naturally charming, but that only refers to the vixen in human form. These fox dancers have no human appearance at all, and they imitate the appearance of human beings to sway their heads and poses. It is really unacceptable to Lin Kaiyun's eyes.

And those monsters carrying food also delivered the food to Lin Kaiyun and others.

For a gathering of monsters, the food must be very special. What was placed in front of the three of them was not a meal at all, but a severed limb of an unknown species, as well as various kinds of fruit, including what they drank. what kind of liquid.

Lin Kaiyun has experienced the ghost land of female ghosts before, so he has seen the food of ghosts and ghosts, so he is naturally calm.

On the other hand, Dai Qingfeng and Luo An were not as relaxed as Lin Kaiyun. Although the expressions on their faces did not change, there were already some tiny beads of sweat on their cheeks.

If they can accept unknown liquids and strange-shaped fruits, the severed limbs of the species that cannot be seen clearly make the two of them feel cold in their hearts. place, I immediately felt terrified thinking about it, and cold sweat broke out unconsciously.

After Lin Kaiyun saw that Dai Qingfeng and Luo An were out of order, he bent down and reminded in a low voice,

"Don't think wildly, wipe off your sweat, we must be extremely cautious in this cave full of monsters!"

Dai Qingfeng and Luo An reacted quickly after hearing Lin Kaiyun's voice, quickly wiped off the cold sweat on their faces, gritted their teeth and nodded.

However, no matter how calm the three of Lin Kaiyun were and how they pretended to be, there was one thing that made the monsters around them realize that something was wrong.

Because the other monsters, after the food was served, were so excited that they ate and flew into the sea, and there were even some less intelligent ones who quarreled over the meat grabbing.

Compared with this general environment, the three of Lin Kaiyun remained motionless, and had no intention of eating at all. This state immediately aroused the curiosity of the monsters next to them.

Sitting on the stone next to Lin Kaiyun, the wild wolf monster wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, stared at Lin Kaiyun and the other three with his green eyes, and shouted a little unkindly, "Hey, you little monsters with low bloodlines, Why don't you eat it? Could it be that you dislike the food prepared by Huang Liu Laoxian?"

Chapter 244 Do you think I have a good temper?

Facing the wolf monster's questioning, although Dai Qingfeng and Luo An couldn't understand, they could still feel that the visitor was not kind. Their faces turned green after a few brushes. The abnormal livid didn't know what to do, so they turned their gazes to Lin Kaiyun.

Lin Kaiyun didn't have a good solution, but at this juncture, the more you think of a reason to avoid it, the easier it is for you to fall, and then he turned sideways and looked directly at the wild wolf monster without a trace of fear.

Lin Kaiyun pointed to the broken branches on the stone table and said in the language of monsters, "This is not fresh, I won't eat it!"

Most of the monsters have all kinds of quirks, and at the same time, they are basically rebellious. After all, even if they practice Taoism, the wildness in their bodies is difficult to eliminate.

So Lin Kaiyun's seemingly unfounded excuse fits perfectly with the logic of all monsters relying on their own hearts. Although this wild wolf monster is naturally sensitive to smell, it used to rely on the hunting instinct to feel that something was wrong with Lin Kaiyun and the others. But after hearing this explanation, his green eyes rolled, but he dispelled the doubts in his heart, and said to Lin Kaiyun with a big mouth grinning, "It's getting more and more difficult now, those sects that have closed the door It seems that there are faint signs of going down the mountain, and I guess you will get used to eating this stale food in the future!"

After finishing speaking, the wild wolf monster started eating sullenly again, which was called a wolf.

Dai Qingfeng and Luo An breathed a sigh of relief seeing that Lin Kaiyun settled the matter with the wolf monster who had no good intentions.

But before he was happy for a long time, there was a short monster with a sharp mouth and monkey cheeks at the same table as the wild wolf.

Lin Kaiyun is naturally very familiar with this monster, it is just a yellow skin.

Originally, this weasel monster didn't pay much attention to Lin Kaiyun and the others, but drank the juice of unknown origin.

However, after the wolf monster questioned him, the weasel monster looked at Lin Kaiyun ghostly.

Lin Kaiyun looked at him in the same way as before, and at the same time there was a fierce expression in his eyes, which seemed to be a warning.

But this method may only be useful to the wild wolf monster, and it also has no effect on the weasel monster, but it has aroused the suspicion of the weasel monster.

This weasel monster jumped off the stone directly, walked straight in front of Lin Kaiyun and the others, opened his sharp mouth, smelled the smell of Lin Kaiyun, and asked doubtfully, "The smell on your body is also a weasel, who are you?" From the top of the mountain? Why haven't I seen you?"

Lin Kaiyun silently recited the horse-riding spell in his heart, causing Huang Xiaofeng to directly attach himself to his body. After getting out of the horse, Lin Kaiyun's body would naturally have some characteristics of a weasel. For example, now Lin Kaiyun's pupils turned green like a weasel. The nails are pointed, and there are some weasel whiskers around the mouth.

Lin Kaiyun stared fiercely at the weasel monster with this weasel-like face,

"Which hill am I from? What qualifications do you have to ask? I was invited to attend the birthday of Huangliu Laoxian today. Who are you to come to me?"

Lin Kaiyun's vicious look really scared the weasel monster.

Naturally, the weasel monster also noticed the changes in Lin Kaiyun, and at the same time it was accompanied by some similar auras. After seeing this scene, the weasel monster naturally no longer had any doubts about Lin Kaiyun, and Lin Kaiyun's height and shape after his transformation was far higher than that of Lin Kaiyun. It was much bigger, so the weasel monster didn't dare to have any doubts about Lin Kaiyun.

However, this weasel monster was born with a temperament of looking for trouble. After not daring to provoke Lin Taiyun, he immediately turned his head to look at Luo An, and asked aggressively, "Why do you smell like urine?"

When Luo An saw the weasel monster, he seemed to be saying something to him, but he couldn't help it. He really couldn't understand the language of the monster, and at the same time, he didn't know how to behave so that he wouldn't reveal his secrets.

The weasel monster blinked its cunning eyes. Seeing that Luo An didn't respond for a long time, he didn't dare to look at him, as if he didn't hear his words at all, no, no, no, to be precise, he probably couldn't understand what he said.

After thinking of this, the weasel monster couldn't help but smirked, and asked again,

"Well, why didn't you answer? Don't you understand? Why do you smell like urine?"

Although the weasel didn't take human form, Luo An could clearly see the smirk, and this appearance obviously meant that he had seen through the chaos, which made Dai Qingfeng and Luo An's hearts skip a beat. Jumping wildly, the nerves are also tense.

When Lin Kaiyun saw this weasel monster, he showed this smile and knew that it was going to be bad. He originally thought that after he drank the weasel monster away by means, he would be able to stop it from harassing him, but he didn't expect this weasel monster to behave like this. Not following the rules, he even turned his head and began to question Luo An, who was at the same table as Lin Kaiyun.

Seeing that Luo An had exposed some flaws, Lin Kaiyun sighed, now he has no choice but to go all the way to the dark.

I saw that Lin Kaiyun stood up directly, his body was much taller than the weasel monster, and even the shadow alone enveloped the weasel monster inside.

The weasel monster discovered Lin Kaiyun's abnormal head-turning outline, and asked a question.

Lin Kaiyun suddenly stretched out his arm, and the elongated nails pierced fiercely into the weasel monster's neck, directly picked up the weasel monster, and then used inertia to slam the weasel monster down. On the ground, his head was smashed into pieces in an instant.

The weasel monster didn't even make any sound, and was smashed to death by Lin Kaiyun in such an instant.

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