Lin Kaiyun wiped his hands, spit out a mouthful of saliva and cursed,

"First to question me, and then to question my partner? Do you really think I have a good temper?"

Of course, Lin Kaiyun's painting was written in the language of monsters. Even if he said it to other monsters, it can be regarded as an example of killing chickens and monkeys!

In fact, as Lin Kaiyun thought, fighting among monsters is commonplace, and even the wild wolf monster next to him cast admiring glances at Lin Kaiyun.

The surrounding monsters did not respond to Lin Kaiyun's direct attack to kill the weasel monster.

However, after all, this is the birthday of the old fairy Huang Liu, and the gathering of this monster was also organized by the old fairy Huang Liu, so Lin Kaiyun did it directly here, just not to give the old fairy Huang Liu any face.

Lin Kaiyun, who was glaring at the fox monster who carried the palanquin for Old Fairy Huang Liu before, shouted, "Why do you dare to do something on Old Fairy Huang Liu's birthday? Who gave you the guts?"

Chapter 245 Stop talking, I blew myself up

Before Lin Kaiyun took action, he had already made this plan, and he also knew that Huangliu Old Immortal would be dissatisfied, including the way of deliberately attacking with monsters when he did it before, which was all within Lin Kaiyun's imagination.

So in response to Huang Liu's attack, Lin Kaiyun had already thought of a countermeasure. Lin Kaiyun stood up unhurriedly, and said directly to Huang Liu, who was sitting in a high position, "Old fairy, your birthday! I am very much looking forward to it, and I have come here to participate not far away, but my fellow weasel has bad intentions, and I kept looking for similar things to plan this bad thing throughout my birthday, and I am too embarrassed to talk about it! "

Old Immortal Huang Liu seemed listless, looking at Lin Kaiyun in general, and let out a sharp voice,

"Talk, whether it sounds good or not, I won't blame you!"

Lin Kaiyun followed the excuse he had thought up before, and explained to Old Immortal Huang Liu,

"Old fairy, you should know that my body is a weasel, and at the same time, the evil weasel I killed was also a weasel. We are of the same kind, so I have no reason to kill it, but I really can't stand what this weasel did. Since coming to this cave, this weasel has been wandering around, looking for the same kind, and wants to join forces with the same kind to make trouble at this banquet, and then make you lose face, the old fairy, and say that the name Huangliu old fairy is only worthy of our weasel Come on, the fox is not qualified to be called yellow at all, and is trying to change you, the old fairy, into the old fairy Hu Liu!"

In fact, the weasel monster killed by Lin Kaiyun was really looking for the same kind to communicate with. Is there any conspiracy?Lin Kaiyun didn't know, since there is no proof of death anyway, he said that there is now, and the authenticity is justified, because the fox and weasel, the biggest names are the five big families of the fairy family, after all, they are backed by a big tree to enjoy the shade, so some foxes The monsters of the weasel and the weasel sometimes claim to be descendants of the five major families of the Xian family.

Among the five major families of the Xian family, the Huang family of the weasel and the Hu family of the fox have some similarities in their characteristics, so they have always been tit for tat overtly and secretly.

This also caused some weasel and fox monsters to always use this as an argument when they had disputes.

Therefore, the reason Lin Kaiyun made up is relatively close to the facts.

"Good kill!"

Old Immortal Huang Liu opened his drooping eyelids, stood up from his tiger-skin chair, looked around at all the medicines in the cave, and said, "The profound Taoism of this old man is entirely due to a yellow peach tree he encountered. Therefore, I am grateful, so I named my surname Huang. No one dares to make irresponsible remarks on this point. At the same time, I also saw that there are many foxes and weasels who came here today. I also want to say a few words to you. We They are monsters, not those immortal families who are out on horseback. We have nothing to do with them, and don't lick your face to rely on their reputation. The Huang family and the Hu family in Daxian's family, they will not associate with you, and the first thing they do will destroy you!"

Old Immortal Huang Liu's advice, which seemed to be an elder's, really made the weasel medicine and fox medicine at the scene agree very much.

"The old fairy is right, we are drugs, and have nothing to do with those big fairies of the fairy family!"

"Yes, the old fairy is a role model. The old fairy has proved that even though our foxes and weasels are not so strong in blood, we can still have profound morals!"

All of a sudden, the weasels and foxes below expressed their opinions one after another, as if they were overwhelmed by the strength and character of the old fairy.

Originally, Lin Kaiyun would not listen too carefully to these business braggings. Basically, his left ear listened to his right ear, but there was one sentence that Lin Kaiyun still remembered in his heart.

That is, it is reasonable to say that weasels and foxes are basically not high in bloodlines and talents in medicine, so their strength is generally limited, and Huang Liu, as a fox, can cultivate so profoundly, that he is actually a genius and a treasure to help him, And before Huangliu Laoxian said, it was because of the help of a yellow peach tree.

"By the way, isn't that yellow peach tree the so-called sacred tree?"

Lin Kaiyun began to speculate wildly again. After all, Dai Qingfeng or the map only mentioned the sacred tree, but did not say what kind of sacred tree it is, so even if it is a peach tree, it is completely normal.

Lin Kaiyun thought that this matter was over, and sat back on the rock. At the same time, his mind was already wandering, thinking about the sacred tree and the yellow peach tree!

However, at this moment Huangliu Old Immortal did not sit down, but instead looked at Lin Kaiyun and the others. The face of a kind old man before had changed, becoming a bit cunning and ferocious.

Elder Huang Liu looked at Lin Kaiyun and asked slowly, "Brother Xiaoao of the weasel, I want to know why you, as the eldest fairy of the Huang family, came to my birthday?"

"The great fairy of the Huang family? Who is it?"

Lin Kaiyun was stunned for a moment when he heard Huang Liu's old fairy's words, and then he reacted, and asked very naturally, "Old fairy, have you misunderstood, I am not some big fairy of the Huang family!"

After Lin Kaiyun's denial, Huang Liu Laoxian'er did not get angry, but preached like recalling,

"I have met Da Xian'er from the Huang family before. To be precise, he used to be the sixth grandfather of the Huang family from the five major families of the Xian family. We share the same goals and are good friends. Speaking of which, our names are somewhat similar. It's called Old Immortal Huang Liu, and my good friend is Grand Master Huang Liu, it seems that we haven't seen each other for more than two years, by the way, he also taught me how to identify a big fairy, so I can't hide your breath from me! "

After hearing Huang Liu's words, Lin Kaiyun couldn't help laughing bitterly. He didn't expect that Huang Liu also knew the weasel who murdered him. What a fate!It's also very good, so it's not a waste of time.

"Old fairy, I am indeed not the eldest fairy of the Huang family, but..."

Lin Kaiyun smiled at Huang Liu, the old fairy, then spread his hands, and said directly in human language, "Since this is the case, then I won't have to act anymore, it's so tiring!"

Dai Qingfeng and Luo An on the side couldn't understand the language of the medicine at all, and they couldn't speak it. They could only rely on guesswork, but suddenly they heard Lin Kaiyun speak in human language, making them think that they were not Something is wrong with my ears.

Dai Qingfeng didn't care about other things at this time. He stood up and moved to Lin Kaiyun's side, and reminded him in a low voice, "Brother Lin, are you talking smoothly? Why are you still speaking in our human language? Isn't this just exposing yourself?" ?"

"This old fox has already found out that something is wrong with me. Although he has now admitted that I am a big fairy of the Huang family, he has already attracted his attention. Sooner or later he will be spotted. Since he will be exposed sooner or later, why bother to act? "

Lin Kaiyun said something indifferently, of course he didn't mean it, he just did it on purpose.

Although this old fairy Huang Liu misunderstood, he has already set his sights on him, and it will be a matter of time before he is exposed, so it is better to admit it openly now, and by the way, he can also mess with this old fairy Huang Liu's mentality.

Sure enough, Huang Liu, who was originally calm and without the slightest change in emotion, changed his face instantly when he heard that Lin Kaiyun was actually a human being. He showed his claws angrily, and roared,

"Wow! This old man is really stupid. I didn't expect that you humans would dare to break into my territory? You really don't take me seriously. Since you are here, don't leave, just treat it as a Fresh dishes!"

Old Immortal Huang Liu, at this time Gujing Wubo's face became extremely ferocious. Although he recognized that Lin Kaiyun was not an ordinary medicine before, he only thought it was the great fairy of the Huang family.

Although the medicine and the five major families of the Xian family can be regarded as mortal enemies, they are basically a species, and the old fairy Huang Liu also has a very good friend of Da Xian'er, so he is not too angry.

But after seeing Lin Kaiyun revealing his identity as a human being, the Huangliu old fairy's blood pressure immediately went up. It felt deceived and insulted by Lin Kaiyun, how could it bear it?

And the other monsters in this cave also knew that Lin Kaiyun was a human being, and Huang Liu Laoxian said that he would add a fresh dish to them, so they all stared at Lin Kaiyun and the three of them instantly.

The wild wolf monster who talked to Lin Kaiyun just now put down the gnawed pieces of meat, wiped his mouth full of fangs, and said excitedly, "Great, I haven't eaten for a long time. I’ve eaten fresh human flesh, I didn’t expect you to deliver it to your door, it’s just amazing!”

This group of monsters stared at Lin Kaiyun and the other three covetously, as if they might charge up at any moment and tear them apart.

"Run now!"

Seeing this scene, Lin Kaiyun did not hesitate, shouted at Dai Qingfeng and Luo An, turned around and ran, and went straight to the outside of the cave.

Dai Qingfeng and Luo An couldn't tolerate much, and wanted to follow Lin Kaiyun and run wildly.

And the two cat medicines who were guarding the door to check the authenticity of all visiting medicines crawled on the ground, showing their sharp claws, trying to stop Lin Kaiyun and the other three from escaping.

At the same time, the drugs in the cave also caught up.

The situation of Lin Kaiyun and the others can be said to be intercepted in front and pursued in the rear.

However, Lin Kaiyun did not regret the act of revealing his identity just now. Anyway, sooner or later he will reveal his identity. If Huang Liu Laoxian sees through and plots against him, then it will be too late, so Lin Kaiyun decided to take the initiative and directly admit himself It is a human being, and it is precisely because of this that all the medicines including Huang Liu Laoxian were shocked for a moment, and Lin Kaiyun just took advantage of this rare opportunity to escape directly.

As for the two little wild cats blocked at the entrance of the cave, Lin Kaiyun didn't pay attention to them at all. He took out the Seven Star Longyuan Sword from his storage belt, and raised the knife in his hand to smash the heads of the two wild cat monsters. It was chopped off.

After there was no obstacle, Lin Kaiyun, Dai Qingfeng and Luo An fled out quickly. As for the monsters chasing after them, they had already been separated by a certain distance.

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