However, for Lin Kaiyun and the others, this kind of scene is very terrifying, because it means that the three of them will face these dozen or so monkey-faced mountain ghosts that are covered in poison and are at the same time sinister and cunning.


All the monkey-faced ghosts let out chirping sounds, as if they sensed that Lin Kaiyun and the other three wanted to hurt the big tree they lived in. At this time, they were all extremely angry, waving their paws, and jumped onto the branches. dry on top.

The leader of the monkey-faced mountain ghost stood up at this time, looking down at Lin Kaiyun and the other three like humans, his eyes were full of disdain, as if he thought that the three Lin Kaiyun and the others were just ordinary thieves, the younger generation, and dismissed them.

Lin Kaiyun retreated quickly when the leader of the monkey-faced mountain ghost was awake, and escaped from the range of the canopy. After all, these monkey-faced mountain ghosts are extremely difficult to deal with after they are awake. It's like an away game. If those red tongues hanging from the treetops are revived again, it will not be as simple as being attacked from the back.

However, Lin Kaiyun, who was fleeing quickly, saw the monkey-faced leader's contemptuous eyes, and immediately felt very speechless.

If it is said that he is despised by others, Lin Kaiyun can barely bear it, but now he is being ridiculed by a mountain ghost.

"Heaven and Earth are boundless, Qiankun borrows the law!"


Lin Kaiyun took out a piece of talisman paper from his pocket, bit his fingertips, and quickly wrote some slightly scribbled runes, then rubbed it in the palm of his hand, and threw it out violently.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Kaiyun flipped his fingers, as if he was manipulating this piece of paper, and flew straight to the leader of the monkey-faced mountain ghost.

The leader of the monkey-faced mountain ghost saw Lin Kaiyun, and controlled a small piece of paper to fly over, but his eyes were still full of disdain, and he didn't think that this small piece of paper could cause him any harm.

The leader of the monkey-faced mountain ghost raised his paw and grabbed the flying talisman.


The moment the talisman paper was grasped by the monkey-faced leader, it turned into a pile of ashes, but followed by an extremely hot flame, which rolled out of the monkey-faced leader's claws like a volcanic eruption.


The monkey-faced leader jumped up in panic in an instant, and kept shaking his paws, trying to get rid of the tumbling flames, but the flames were so difficult that the sticky hair left and burned to the monkey-faced leader's shoulder .

Facing the menacing flames, the monkey-faced leader flicked the hair on his body like a dog in the water, exerting all his strength.

In an instant, the tumbling flame was scattered into countless small flames by the huge strength of the monkey face leader, flying around.

The monkey-faced leader only cared about getting rid of the flames on his body, but he didn't care about the direction of the flinging, and those scattered small flames didn't have eyes, and most of them flew towards the direction of the big tree. The huge flames fell directly on the tree crown.

Needless to say, the result of the leaves meeting the flames, it must have hit them immediately. As a result, these monkey-faced mountain ghosts made a mess in an instant. Regardless of the pain, they jumped directly onto the tree crown and slapped them with their paws. flames.

For these monkey-faced mountain ghosts, this big tree is their home, even a treasure, because as long as there is this big tree, these monkey-faced mountain ghosts will have a steady stream of food.

And they showed an attacking hostility towards Lin Kaiyun and the others before, because Lin Kaiyun and the others wanted to get close to this big tree.

In the end, Lin Kaiyun and the others didn't expect what they would do to this big tree!Their leaders set the crown of the tree on fire. Of course, these monkey-faced mountain ghosts did not have the courage to get angry or take action against their leaders, so they directed all their anger at Lin Kaiyun, glaring at Lin Kaiyun and the others.

Similarly, the leader of the Monkey Face Mountain Ghost was extremely angry at this time. He never put Lin Kaiyun and the others in his eyes. This human being attacked and played with it, and made it so embarrassed, especially the flame, which set the canopy on fire, which made the leader of the monkey face feel that his majesty was rapidly reduced in the group of mountain ghosts. The chief culprit of all this seems to be Lin Kaiyun.

At this time, the three of Lin Kaiyun had already escaped from the range of the tree canopy, and turned their heads in unison to look at the monkey-faced mountain ghost on the branches, frantically fighting the fire.

Luo An looked at the red-eyed monkey-faced mountain ghosts staring at Lin Kaiyun, then at the smiling Lin Kaiyun, and asked suspiciously,

"Master Lin, why do I feel that these monkeys are all looking at you now?"

"Of course, it is estimated that these mountain ghosts hate me to death at this time, and they want to eat my meat and chop my tendons!"

Lin Kaiyun nodded. He was very satisfied with the effect of this fire talisman. Originally, he just wanted to attack the leader of the monkey-faced mountain ghost and his arrogance. It was self-defeating to set the canopy on fire.

Although the flame was quickly extinguished by the group of monkey-faced mountain ghosts, the sensation and repercussions it caused had obviously exceeded Lin Kaiyun's expectations.

But isn't that just right?Let this monkey-faced mountain ghost leader dare to be arrogant in front of me.

After answering Luo'an, Lin Kaiyun waved to the leader of the monkey-faced mountain ghost with a smile on his face, regardless of whether the leader of the monkey-faced mountain ghost could understand or not, he shouted, "Hey, how about the stinky monkey? I Afraid that you were cold, I gave you some fire? It seems to work well! Don’t be too grateful to me, you are friends when you go out!"

Lin Kaiyun's provocative action instantly angered the leader of the monkey-faced mountain ghost.


The two monkey-faced mountain ghosts shouted, and the other monkey-faced mountain ghosts responded one after another. One by one, they jumped off the branches of the big tree and rushed towards Lin Kaiyun and the others.

Regarding the monkey-faced mountain ghost's attack, Lin Kaiyun was not surprised at all. Holding the Seven-Star Dragon Yuan Sword in his hand, he tilted his head and reminded Dai Qingfeng and Luo An, "You two, be careful, these monkey-faced mountain ghosts can be far away." , much harder than the red tongues before, and there are poisonous fangs all over the body, and the claws are also very sharp!"

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's reminder, Dai Qingfeng and Luo An looked at the monkey-faced mountain ghost with vigilance as if they were facing an enemy, and even trembled uncontrollably.

In fact, even if Lin Kaiyun didn't remind him, Dai Qingfeng and Luo An could still feel the horror of the monkey-faced mountain ghost. The blade-like fangs were very clear under the fluorescent light of the canopy, as if they were cold iron condensed with frost. In general, it makes people cold to the bone.

As for the fact that the monkey-faced mountain ghost was covered in poison, the two of them knew very well that the scene of the monkey-faced mountain ghost eating was still deeply engraved in their minds.

But even if Dai Qingfeng and Luo An were still afraid of becoming like this, the two of them never took a step back and stood by Lin Kaiyun's side, waiting for Lin Kaiyun's orders.

Lin Kaiyun saw Dai Qingfeng and Luo An from the corner of his eye, and they didn't back down, they smiled slightly, then pushed hard with their heels, flicked their body, and rushed towards the monkey-faced mountain ghosts.

In fact, the three of Lin Kaiyun knew that these monkey-faced mountain ghosts had to be dealt with. They retreated temporarily to leave the canopy, but now they were outside the canopy. Running away was obviously not in Lin Kaiyun's character.

At this moment, the leader of the monkey-faced mountain ghost on the tree trunk roared immediately when he saw Lin Kaiyun and the three of them decisively rushing towards the group of monkey-faced mountain ghosts that were jumping down.

I saw that those monkey-faced mountain ghosts who didn't have any discipline at first dispersed in an instant, and formed a siege, surrounding Lin Kaiyun and the three of them.

"I didn't expect this group of beasts to know how to cooperate, we also lean back, don't let these beasts get their butts out!"

Seeing these monkey faces, Lin Kaiyun felt a little surprised that the mountain ghost surrounded them tactically, but then he immediately responded and adjusted.

Lin Kaiyun backed up and walked towards the stone wall behind him. Dai Qingfeng and Luo An instantly understood Lin Kaiyun's meaning, and used the same backward posture to stick their bodies against the wall, thus avoiding the crowd of monkey-faced mountain ghosts , Go around behind them to attack.

However, under the command of the leader on the tree trunk, this group of monkey-faced mountain ghosts gradually shortened the encirclement. Although they couldn't encircle Lin Kaiyun and the three of them, they still wanted to surround the three of Lin Kaiyun.

"Brother Lin, let's fight! The two of us will cover for you, just like the old fairy Huangliu before!"

Dai Qingfeng's eyes were very decisive, and after nodding to Lin Kaiyun, he rushed forward with the zombie's arm raised.

Seeing this, Luo An on the side didn't care whether he was useful or not, so he also went up to him with a big knife.

Although Dai Qingfeng is not a person in the world, and was even an ordinary person before, but the experience along the way is far better than the first 20 years of his life, especially the experience of fighting, which made him grow up quickly stand up.

So in the face of such a situation of being surrounded, Dai Qingfeng naturally thought of his previous experience of fighting Huang Liu Laoxian. He knew in his heart that he and Luo An must protect Lin Kaiyun at this time.

Let Lin Kaiyun quickly break out of the encirclement and get rid of the leader of the monkey-faced mountain ghost on the branch.

Lin Kaiyun was very self-conscious when he saw Dai Qingfeng and Luo An, and he was a little surprised, but since both Qingfeng and Luo An went up, Lin Kaiyun couldn't hesitate to waste the time they attracted. firepower.

At the same time, the leader of the monkey-faced mountain ghost on the tree trunk screamed and ordered all the monkey-faced mountain ghosts to attack after seeing Lin Kaiyun's three people move.

These monkey-faced mountain ghosts really did not disappoint the attention of the three of Lin Kaiyun. They were sharp and fast when they launched attacks. The sharp claws made the attack power of these monkey-faced mountain ghosts far exceed that of ordinary mountain ghosts.

Because of this, Dai Qingfeng and Luo An, who were about to cover Lin Kaiyun, suffered a great loss as soon as they came into contact. Dai Qingfeng's zombie arm didn't hold up, and was directly ridden by a monkey-faced mountain ghost Fortunately, the defense of this zombie's arm is still strong, otherwise Dai Qingfeng would have died under the claws of this monkey-faced mountain ghost at this moment.

As for Luo An, it was even worse. The big knife that had been close to his body was caught in a gap in an instant, and then he was kicked on the chest by the monkey-faced mountain ghost.

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