
Luo An spat out a mouthful of blood, his whole body flew upside down, hit the wall fiercely, and passed out completely.

Facing the siege and interception of Huang Liu Laoxian's monsters before, Luo'an even supported to the end, but he was knocked out in the face of the monkey-faced mountain ghost.

Could it be that the monkey-faced mountain ghost's attack power is very powerful?

Of course not, just because Luo An was seriously injured in the face of the siege of many monsters before, and he has not recovered. normal.

But since both Dai Qingfeng and Luo An have such a high level of awareness, Lin Kaiyun certainly won't just sit and watch these two young fellows die in front of him.

Lin Kaiyun held the Seven Star Longyuan Sword in his hand, took a step forward, and slashed, seeing the wind slipped out like a crescent moon, the monkey-faced mountain ghost riding Dai Qingfeng had a bloodstain on his forehead, and responded fell to the ground.

Dai Qingfeng struggled to get up, smiled gratefully at Lin Kaiyun, "Brother Lin, thank you, you saved my life again!"

For Dai Qingfeng's thanks, Lin Kaiyun hadn't waited to respond to the group of monkey-faced mountain ghosts and rushed up again, and it seemed that because some of his companions had died, the momentum was even more fierce.

However, in Lin Kaiyun's eyes, these illusory auras seemed to not exist at all, and did not have any influence on him.

I saw that Lin Kaiyun walked up with the Seven Star Dragon Yuan Sword in an instant, and before he could make a move, the sharp-eyed Lin Kaiyun saw a small stone under his feet, and then Lin Kaiyun picked up the toe and kicked the small stone out.

This small stone was like a bullet, solemnly on the face of the first monkey-faced mountain ghost, and then Lin Kaiyun chopped it down with a sword.

Cang clang!

The seven-star Longyuan sword struck the monkey's face, and there was a violent sound of metal collision on the mountain ghost's black iron forehead.

"Yeah, it's pretty hard!"

Lin Kaiyun said something casually, and at the same time put his left hand on the Seven Star Longyuan Sword, and pressed it down fiercely as if he was holding an epee.

The monkey-faced mountain ghost's hard forehead couldn't hold it anymore, it was smashed by Lin Kaiyun's powerful slash in an instant, and the plasma inside also splashed out.


The leader of the monkey-faced mountain ghost on the branch screamed angrily when he saw his subordinates being beheaded one after another.

The monkey-faced mountain ghosts surrounding Lin Kaiyun and the others also screamed, and at the same time spit out venom from their mouths!

Chapter 257 Do you want to commit suicide?

After receiving the order from the leader of the monkey-faced mountain ghost, all the monkey-faced mountain ghosts surrounding Lin Kaiyun and the three spit out their poison at Lin Kaiyun.

The venom was like a big net, and Lin Kaiyun rushed over. As for Dai Qingfeng and the unconscious Luo An, they seemed not to be under the target of these mountain ghosts. After all, in the eyes of these monkey-faced mountain ghosts, Only Lin Kaiyun is the only threat.

And Dai Qingfeng also found out that the group of monkey-faced mountain ghosts did not intend to attack him. He really wanted to go up and help Lin Kaiyun, but he was powerless in the face of these venoms, so he could only remind him, "Brother Lin, be careful. The side is also full of venom!"

In fact, even without Dai Qingfeng's reminder, Lin Kaiyun would have seen it. The venom is all over the front, left, and right sides except for the back. There is no way to hide.

However, who let these red-faced mountain ghosts meet Lin Kaiyun!

"Heaven and Earth Xuanzong, the root of all qi, extensively cultivated for thousands of kalpas, correcting my supernatural powers!"

"Golden Light Curse, start!"

Lin Kaiyun held up his palms, smiled and recited the formula.

In an instant, a golden flame rose from the center of the palm, and then the flame covered the whole body, forming a 360-degree barrier with no dead ends.

Lin Kaiyun stood naked in front of him like a celestial being, ignoring all the attacking venom.


All the venom spit out by the monkey-faced mountain ghost was sprayed on Lin Kaiyun's barrier, making a burning sound, and most of it evaporated in an instant, and the rest flowed down the barrier and onto the ground like rain. superior.

"Defense from the inside, attack the enemy from the outside!"

Lin Kaiyun gave a soft drink, stepped on the venom on the ground, and while these monkey-faced mountain ghosts were still spitting out the venom, he punched out fiercely.


Countless golden flames condensed on Lin Kaiyun's fist, were blasted out vigorously, and instantly turned into golden horses, piercing through all the monkey-faced mountain ghosts.

All the monkey-faced mountain ghosts seemed to be frozen, without any physical damage, but they all fell backwards uncontrollably.

However, after these monkey-faced mountain ghosts fell to the ground, their bodies still maintained the posture of spitting venom without any change.

Dai Qingfeng on the side was stunned. If it wasn't for the fact that the appearance of these monkey-faced mountain ghosts hadn't changed, he would have suspected that these monkey-faced mountain ghosts had been petrified.

Dai Qingfeng walked to Lin Kaiyun's side, lowered his head and deliberately avoided the venom flowing on the ground, and then asked suspiciously,

"Brother Lin, are these monkey-faced mountain ghosts dead? Why are they all frozen? Their movements haven't changed since they fell down?"

Lin Kaiyun nodded, and looked around at these monkey-faced mountain ghosts, checking to see if there were any fish that slipped through the net, or monkey-faced mountain ghosts pretending to be dead.

After confirming that these monkey-faced mountain ghosts were not real, Lin Kaiyun nodded after pretending, and said in a flat tone, "It's almost dead! I broke up all the blood in their bodies. Even if they can still breathe, they are almost dead. Not far away!"

Immediately afterwards, Lin Kaiyun walked forward a few steps with his hands behind his back, and kicked away casually when he passed by the already stiff monkey-faced mountain ghost. After that, Lin Kaiyun raised his head and looked at the leader of the monkey-faced mountain ghost on the tree trunk. Continue to shout provocatively, "Hey, you stupid big man, now all your shit is over, it's your turn, come down quickly!"


The leader of the monkey-faced mountain ghost kept jumping on the branches, and the trembling branches crackled. Obviously, it was Lin Kaiyun who killed the other red-faced mountain ghosts, and his provocative actions made him extremely angry.

Lin Kaiyun shook his head disdainfully, waved his hands at the leader of the monkey-faced mountain ghost, and shouted in a reprimanding tone,

"Stop shaking the tree, come down quickly! What are you waiting for? Do you want me to go up and clean you up?"

However, the leader of the monkey-faced mountain ghost did not jump off the branch even though his eyes were half-dead with anger and he looked like he was about to eat Lin Kaiyun.

Dai Qingfeng, who was on the side, was unmoved by the leader of the monkey-faced mountain ghost, and told Lin Kaiyun what he thought, "Brother Lin, the leader of the monkey-faced mountain ghost doesn't seem to be taking the initiative. I'm afraid he is trying to lure you to the top of the tree." underneath!"

Hearing this, Lin Kaiyun raised his head and took a look, and there was nothing abnormal about the shimmering fluorescent tree canopy except for those half red tongues.

"It doesn't matter, the leader of the mountain ghost is the only one left now, even if the canopy of the tree may be dangerous, I am not afraid anymore!"

Lin Kaiyun smiled, and spoke slowly. When the monkey-faced mountain ghost woke up, Lin Kaiyun immediately chose to retreat, because he was worried that he would be entangled by the group of mountain ghosts with command and cooperation. Dangerous, for Lin Kaiyun who likes to plan before making a decision, he is not willing to take this kind of unknown risk.

But now, it's different, only the leader of the monkey-faced mountain ghost is left, even if the canopy has other means of attack, Lin Kaiyun is confident.

Lin Kaiyun took out the Seven Star Longyuan Sword from the storage belt again. After all, no matter whether it was chopping down mountain ghosts or trees, the Seven Star Longyuan Sword was more agile than bare hands.

Lin Kaiyun held the Seven Star Longyuan Sword in his hand, walked towards the big tree, raised his head slightly, and looked at the leader of the monkey-faced mountain ghost hopping on the branches.

I saw that the leader of the monkey-faced mountain ghost did not choose to attack Lin Kaiyun after seeing Lin Kaiyun approaching step by step, but jumped up with his feet, and stretched out his claws to dig out something in the tree canopy.

Seeing this, Lin Kaiyun did not stop his pace, and continued to sneer, "Silly big man, what are you picking up? A weapon or an urn?"

Regarding Lin Kaiyun's verbal provocation this time, the leader of the monkey-faced mountain ghost did not roar angrily like before, but concentrated on searching for this thing in the canopy.

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