Lin Jiu had already noticed Shi Jian, and his face was a bit strange, but he still abided by his heart and insisted,

"Brother, I think it's better to check carefully to make sure everything is safe. Otherwise, if you really miss a zombie, it will cause harm to ordinary people in the future!"

"Huh, what a woman does!" Seeing Lin Jiu, Shi Jian's tone seemed to be preaching, and he became even more angry. After saying a word, he flicked his sleeves, turned and left.

Regarding Shi Jian's move, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, even if they were dissatisfied in their hearts, they did not dare to speak out.

But Lin Kaiyun was not polite. Looking at Shi Jian's angry back, he smiled and said, "Master, this uncle has always been a narrow-minded person. If you explain something to him, the more you explain, the angrier he will be!"

Lin Jiu hurriedly stopped Lin Kaiyun, "Kaiyun, don't talk nonsense!"

Aunt Cane on the side also smacked her mouth and echoed,

"How can it be called nonsense? I think Kai Yun is right, your senior brother is just too timid!"

It's not that he didn't dare to say too much about Cane Gu Lin Jiu, but that he knows her character well, the more you refute him, the more energetic he will be, maybe what else he will say at that time!

This episode, everyone just thought about it in their hearts, and it didn't cause too much trouble. Under the leadership of Lin Jiu, the remaining few Taoist priests in Maoshan also searched the town with all their heart.

Needless to say, some fish that slipped through the net were found, but these zombies were all old, weak, sick and disabled, not missing arms or legs.

But even these disabled zombies can still cause harm to ordinary people, so Lin Kaiyun and others were naturally rude and burned them directly.

After this matter was settled, Lin Kaiyun learned that Qingqing from Renjia Village had returned to the bamboo house with Taoist Simu.

Now that Qingqing has returned to his master, there is no need for Lin Kaiyun to return to Renjia Village. After exchanging a few words with Daoist Qianhe and Uncle Ma Madi, he followed Master Lin Jiu and returned to Renjia Town .

On the way, Aunt Cane also went back because of something.

After being away for more than a month, Lin Kaiyun finally returned to Renjia Town.

In this world, Renjia Town is very special to Lin Kaiyun, as if it is his home. After returning to Renjia Town, looking at the familiar shops and houses, Lin Kaiyun felt very familiar. It was pleasing to the eye, even the air Lin Kaiyun breathed felt sweet.

After returning to Renjia Town, Lin Kaiyun lived his previous life again. Although it was very ordinary, Lin Kaiyun enjoyed it very much.

And Qiusheng and Wencai continued to make jokes, and if they could find a reason to get rid of the cultivation tasks assigned by Lin Jiu, they would never let them go.

As for Ren Tingting, she went to the provincial capital, and it will take at least half a month before she can come back. Although she misses him a little after not seeing him for a long time, Lin Kaiyun also lives very comfortably in this kind of uninterrupted life.

And since Lin Kaiyun came back, there have been some monsters and ghosts in Renjia Town, big and small, and some zombies have also appeared.

However, these are not too difficult problems. Because Shi Jian had been tossing and tossing for a long time, Lin Kaiyun needed Shi Jian to adjust his mentality, so he was lazy and did not follow his master Lin Jiu to deal with these matters.

But one day after he went to deal with the zombie incident, Lin Kaiyun found that Lin Jiu had been frowning tightly after returning.

Lin Kaiyun lay on the reclining chair and asked curiously,

"Master, what's the matter? I heard from Wencai and Qiusheng that the zombie has already been wiped out, hasn't it?"

Lin Jiu sat on the stool, holding Kung Fu tea in his hand, and spoke slowly,

"It was wiped out, but it might not be by someone!"

Lin Kaiyun sat up and watched, and looked at Lin Jiu with doubts on his face,

"What do you mean? Can it be a human? I heard from Wencai that he saw a man beat a zombie to death with his own eyes!"

Lin Jiu took a sip of Kung Fu tea, put down the teacup in his hand, and said in a puzzled way,

"Wen Cai did see it, but I went to the scene to check it carefully. There was no smell of ink or chicken blood at all. On the contrary, there were two corpses of zombies, so I suspect that the person who killed the zombie may be someone else. It's a zombie, but instead of harming people and not sucking human blood, this zombie started fighting with its own kind, which is obviously unreasonable!"

"Zombies killed zombies?"

Lin Kaiyun muttered after hearing this, and then quickly said, "Master, could it be that someone controlling the zombies is controlling the zombies from a distance, so the scene looks like zombies beating zombies!"

"Well, it's also possible!"

Lin Jiu nodded, feeling that what Lin Kaiyun said is indeed possible. In this Jianghu, there are indeed some experts who can control zombies. Of course, this kind of situation is usually the zombies refined by oneself, such as now The defeated corpse faction.

As long as this corpse exorcism faction encounters some good seed zombies or some more suitable corpses, it will be trained to become a zombie.

People say that weapons are not good or bad, but the person who makes the weapon decides whether the weapon does good or kills.

However, this zombie is not a weapon after all. Although it is controlled by humans, it is still conscious after all, so there will always be some controlled zombies causing trouble.

The reason given by the exorcists at first was that the zombies broke free from control, so they sucked blood and harmed people.

In the end, I learned from insiders that the ultimate goal of exorcising corpses is to become a zombie comparable to zombies.

Naturally, refining such zombies is full of difficulties, and the conditions are becoming more and more stringent. However, as the zombies refined by the exorcists become more and more powerful, their control methods become weaker and weaker.

In other words, the more powerful the zombie, the easier it is to break free and eventually endanger the world.

Therefore, many people and sects in the Jianghu have asked the exorcist sect to stop refining powerful zombies.

But this is the belief and wish of the people who dare to show the faction, how can they be obedient, so people in the world gradually reached a consensus, that is, when they see the zombies refined by the exorcist faction, they will pretend not to know, and directly kill them kill.

Over time, conflicts arose, but they dared to fail. After all, they did not dare to be enemies with everyone. They chose to swallow their anger and transfer the refining zombies underground to hide them.

And the final result is that people in the rivers and lakes discovered that the Corpse Exorcist Sect is still training zombies. Fortunately, they will not contact the disciples of the Corpse Exorcism Sect, and will not hand over any activities related to corpses to the Corpse Exorcist Sect. The Corpse Sect gradually became lonely.

However, there seems to be no news of the demise of the Corpse Exorcist Sect, so from time to time, one or two exorcist exorcists who can refine zombies can be met.

Then Lin Jiu asked the witness Wencai, and the result was self-evident. Wencai didn't see anyone at all, and only said that an expert killed the zombie, but there was a high probability that the expert was the zombie being manipulated.

After this incident, the guy who was suspected of being an expert in exorcising corpses never appeared again, and Yizhuang also ushered in the most important day.

That means the Ghost Festival is coming.

The Ghost Festival is also commonly known as the Ghost Festival, and it is also called the Menglan Festival in some places.

According to legend, the fifteenth day of the seventh lunar month is also the day of the Ghost Festival. The gates of the underworld will be opened to release some ghosts to accept sacrifices from future generations.

Therefore, the yin energy is very heavy on this day. People who walk at night, if the yang energy is not strong enough, will basically suffer from some minor illnesses.

And every year during the Hungry Ghost Festival, Lin Kaiyun and Qiusheng Wencai, under the leadership of Lin Jiu, would burn paper money for some ghosts. People, basically Lin Jiu is responsible for the printing of Mingchao in this area.

And the day of the Ghost Festival is the day when a large amount of Mingchao was consumed before, so Lin Jiu had to print the Mingchao before the Ghost Festival.

Lin Kaiyun asked,

"Master, how much will be printed this year?"

Lin Jiu said with his hands behind his back,

"Kering, go prepare more paper and ink! This year we will print more, let's print [-] copies!"

Qiu Sheng looked shocked and shouted, "Master, why did it become [-] again? Isn't it always [-] in previous years?"

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