Although Lin Jiu has the final say on the amount and total amount of this banknote, and he can print as much as he wants. It seems that there is no loss, but Lin Jiu needs to buy the paper, ink and other materials needed by the Ming Dynasty, so this Printing more and printing less has something to do with Yizhuang. If there are more prints, the cost will be more, and correspondingly other expenses will be reduced, such as food, so Qiu Sheng will be very surprised.

Lin Jiu smiled wryly and shook his head,

"It's normal, it's an era of war and chaos, the price of goods here has skyrocketed, and more people have died, and the price of goods in the underworld is also rising, so it's definitely not enough for you to print according to the previous quota!"

Every year during the Hungry Ghost Festival, Lin Jiu needs to spend a lot of money to print these ghost notes, and there is no subsidy for the floor shop, but this is also a good thing to accumulate Yin De, so Lin Jiu naturally does not have any complaints .

Lin Kaiyun took out a pen, ink, paper and inkstone from the house at this time, put it in the yard, and said to Lin Jiu,

"Master, the underworld shouldn't care whether the price rises or not, and it shouldn't care how much money we print, so all of this should be decided by you!"

When Wen Cai heard Lin Kaiyun's words, he quickly echoed,

"Really? Master, since the underworld didn't explain it, why are you printing more? Tell those ghosts to eat less and drink less, and it will be over!"

"There's so much nonsense, Wencai, Qiusheng, hurry up and prepare a sample. I'm writing a notice to inform the underworld. You can bring the sample and burn it together later!"

Lin Jiu walked to the table, picked up a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, and began to write.


"All right!"

Wencai and Qiusheng replied feebly, and slowly moved their steps towards the house.

At this time, Lin Kaiyun came directly to Qiusheng and Wencai, and whispered to the two of them, "Didn't you always want to know the real name of the master? Now you two come back quickly, just in time to see the master's real name." Sign the notice!"

When Qiusheng and Wencai heard Lin Kaiyun's words, their eyes lit up immediately. They both knew that the name of their master Lin Jiu was just a nickname, and besides that, they had their own real names.

However, Qiu Shengwencai didn't tell them how he questioned Lin Jiu before, and Lin Kaiyun didn't talk about it.

But now that they could know the name of the master Lin Jiu, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai immediately became motivated, speeded up, ran to the house in a hurry, took out the model and returned quickly.

"Master, here you are!"

Qiu Sheng quickly put the sample on the table, while stretching his neck, he kept looking at Lin Jiu's signature on the notice, and Wen Cai beside him did the same.

But how could Qiusheng and Wencai hide their careful thoughts from Lin Jiu?

When the two of them were about to look around, Lin Jiu blocked the signing place, "What are you two looking at? Why don't you hurry up and buy paper!"


Qiu Sheng winked at Wen Cai, and the two of them understood, pretended to turn around and leave, and then quickly turned around, this unexpected turn of the carbine happened to see the signature of the notice.

There are three typos written on it, Lin Fengjiao! ! !

"Hahaha, master, so your real name is Lin Fengjiao!"

"Hahaha, Gillian, Gillian, Master, you didn't write it on purpose, did you?"

Qiusheng and Wencai burst out laughing.

Lin Kaiyun took a small fan, walked to the side of the table with a smile on his face, looked at it pretendingly, and then said in surprise, "Oh, Master, so your name is so!"

Lin Jiu glared at Lin Kaiyun angrily, and cursed,

"Kaiyun, is it your fault? Don't you know my real name?"

Chapter 272 Has the plot started?

"Hey, master, this is not something to hide. After all, paper can't keep fire. Qiusheng and Wencai will know sooner or later. Since they know it sooner or later, it's okay to tell them."

Seeing Lin Jiu staring at him, Lin Kaiyun didn't hide anything, and said directly with a smile.

Lin Jiu snorted coldly, put his hands behind his back, and shouted, "Hmph, you will know if you know it, but let me tell you three, if others know my name, I will definitely not forgive you."


"Master, don't worry! We will definitely not say the name Gillian."

"That's right, that's right, whoever said who is a puppy."

The three of Lin Kaiyun nodded again and again, agreeing with one voice.

"That's about the same, Kaiyun, you've been back for so long, and you've had enough rest, stop looking for excuses to be lazy, go, burn the notices and samples to the underworld."


Lin Kaiyun also knew that he almost made Master Lin Jiu angry today, so he didn't dare to be lazy, so he obediently picked up the notice and the ghost paper template on the table, walked to an open place in the yard, and lit a fire.

And Qiusheng and Wencai didn't dare to mention Lin Jiu's name, and were obsessively busy with their own affairs.

After more than half an hour, Lin Jiu came out of the house, holding a small cloth bag in his hand, and there was a clanging sound every time he took a step. Obviously, it contained oceans, but there were quite a few of them, at least 50 Yuan up.

"Hey, where's Wencai?"

Lin Jiu looked around in the courtyard, only Lin Kaiyun and Qiusheng, no trace of Wencai at all.

Lin Kaiyun didn't know where Wencai had gone, so he spread his hands and shook his head, while Qiusheng put down his broom and said,

"Master, didn't a troupe come to the town today! Wencai went to grab a seat to watch the play!"

"Watching a play?"

After Lin Jiu heard Qiusheng's words, he grabbed the money bag in his hand and cursed, "Don't you know what day it is today? I told you a long time ago that you can go to the theater at any time. It’s just that we can’t go to the theater on July [-]th, the Ghost Festival, because today’s theater is for ghosts!”


Lin Kaiyun started doing it suddenly, did he just go to the theater during the Zhongyuan Festival?Could it be that the plot of Zombie Supreme has started?

Although since Mr. Zombie started, Lin Kaiyun knew that many movie plots have appeared one after another, but the Ghost Festival and their Yizhuang have been like this for so many years. But for the first time.

And Lin Kaiyun also remembered in his heart, it seems that the beginning of the Zombie Supreme movie was Wencai's going to the theater.

Today, the [-]th day of July, the Ghost Festival, the Ghost Festival, the sun had just set, and many people in Renjia Town walked out of their houses to worship the ghosts.

At the crossroads on the main street, there are many burners, and by the small river beside the town, there are also many people who light up small lotus lamps, put them in the river, and let the small lamps float along the flowing water.

And after an hour, the people in Renjia Town, as if they had made an agreement, all returned to their homes back and forth, and the whole Renjia Town was very quiet all of a sudden.

Only three people were still walking on the road. They were Lin Jiu, Lin Kaiyun and Qiusheng. They were on their way to find Wencai so that Wencai would not make a big mess.

Qiu Sheng followed Lin Jiu and looked around, but he was extremely calm. Not to mention people, he didn't even see a ghost. This made Qiu Sheng a little disappointed, and said in a low-quality manner,

"Master, it's not early in the morning! Why are people in the town staying at home!"

In previous years, during the Hungry Ghost Festival, everyone usually went home after midnight, but now there are still two hours before midnight, so why is there no one there?

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