"What did you say? Why are you so rude?"

The middle-aged Taoist priest with the back hair smiled wryly and shook his head, stopped his apprentice directly, turned and left, "Stop talking, let's go!"

Chapter 296 Because I Can't Beat It

In Renjiazhen, Yizhuang, Lin Kaiyun slowly opened his eyes on the bed, stretched his waist and sat up. In fact, it was just past two o'clock in the morning, Shi Jian hadn't woken up yet, and Lin Kaiyun was also sick I didn't sleep well, but the reason why I opened my eyes now is because I was woken up by peeing.

There is no way, Lin Kaiyun is also a layman, people have three urgencies, urgent needs.When faced with this situation, Lin Kaiyunye had no choice but to get up and go to the toilet.

After Lin Kaiyun got up, he opened the door and walked to the toilet in the yard with his dim eyes.

When Lin Kaiyun was at his convenience, he suddenly raised his head, looked towards the northwest direction, and muttered suspiciously, "Weird, is there still someone fighting at this late hour? Wait, why does this corpse feel so familiar! "

Lin Kaiyun, who was on the toilet, felt that there was a fluctuation of power not far outside Renjia Town. Someone should be fighting, but he was not too surprised. After all, in this world, let alone someone fighting, even if it is Even Lin Kaiyun would not be surprised that two dogs were fighting.

But then Lin Kaiyun felt that there was a corpse aura that he was very familiar with. Lin Kaiyun frowned and repeatedly identified this corpse aura.

"I remembered, this corpse seems to be that black-robed zombie!"

Lin Kaiyun's mind suddenly flashed, and he remembered this familiar corpse, which was the black cannon zombie who had been helping to catch ghosts.

"What's the situation? Could it be that the corpse exorcist who controls the zombies is doing something? Or is there some righteous person who thought it was a wild zombie, so he started to fight!"

Lin Kaiyun thought about countless possibilities, and finally decided not to go back to sleep. Anyway, he has already woken up, so let's go and have a look!

It's not that Lin Kaiyun is not sleepy anymore, nor is he bored, but Lin Kaiyun is right about that.The exorcist who controls the black-robed zombies behind him is very interested.

Before that, Lin Kaiyun thought about it more than once, why the zombie exorcist didn't show up, but at that time, because he was busy making the ghost and solving the trouble caused by Wen Cai, Lin Kaiyun didn't pay much attention to it, but now Since there is an opportunity to take a look at Lin Kaiyun, naturally he will not miss it.

At the same time, in the northwest of Renjia Town, a middle-aged Taoist priest with a big back is leading his disciples to confront some ghosts in front of him, and these ghosts have no killing intent. The leader ghost, It is even more surprisingly beautiful, it is the female ghost Xiaoli who escaped Lin Jiu and the others.

"This beautiful female ghost lady, it was all a misunderstanding just now, anyway, we have decided not to catch you anymore, why don't you let it go, and you don't pester us, okay?"

This middle-aged Taoist priest with a big back hair was the one who parted with Shi Jian before, and happened to meet some ghosts after parting with Shi Jian.

And in line with the morality of slaying demons and demons, the middle-aged Taoist priest with the big back decided to arrest these ghosts first. Although these ghosts seem to have never hurt anyone and have no resentment, as a Taoist priest, he can't Let the ghosts just hang around outside like this, and although these ghosts are all good now, if they are frightened or something, and the others become hungry ghosts, then it will be difficult to deal with them.

However, this matter did not develop as expected by the middle-aged Taoist priest with the big back hair. Among the group of ghosts, there was an extremely powerful ghost, and that was the pretty female ghost Xiaoli.

Not only did this female ghost, Xiao Li, not allow the middle-aged Taoist priest with a big back to catch any ghosts, she even gave them a good beating.

So now this middle-aged Taoist priest with a big back can only helplessly beg for peace like this female ghost Xiaoli.

At this time, the young Taoist priest standing behind the middle-aged Taoist priest with a big back asked his master in puzzlement, "Master, these are all ghosts. How can we Taoist priests seek peace with ghosts?"

And this middle-aged Taoist priest with a big back, after hearing what his apprentice said, he glanced at him, didn't answer directly, but changed the subject and said, "Boy, do you remember that my teacher told you?" , What is the purpose of our coming out this time?"

The little Taoist was a little puzzled, the master asked why, but he answered truthfully,

"Remember, you said before, our purpose this time is to find Maoshan's Yinjiu or other experts to help eradicate the demons!"

The middle-aged Taoist priest with the big back nodded and continued to ask,

"That's right, but why did we decide not to go to Lin Jiu again?"

The little Taoist priest didn't know about this question, because he was a middle-aged Taoist priest with a back comb, and he hadn't told him about it, so he shook his head, "I don't know, and you didn't say anything!"

Seeing the little Taoist shaking his head and combing his back, the middle-aged Taoist took a breath, and said slowly, "Originally, we wanted to find an expert to eliminate the demons together, but we didn't want to find a demon to come back. You still want to come back?" Remember the Shi Jian we met just now? I remembered that he is indeed a middle-aged senior brother of the Maoshan lineage, and he seems to have a reputation in the world, but just now his character is irritable, capricious, and often When it comes to ghosts, it is unacceptable to directly beat those innocent ghosts to ashes, but now it seems that what is rumored in the rivers and lakes is not necessarily true. If so, I'm afraid Lin Jiu will not be much better!"

The little Taoist nodded, he understood what his master meant, just like the Shi Jian he met before, he didn't look like a Taoist at all, but that's not what he asked, then the little Taoist turned his head sideways with a puzzled expression on his face He asked, "Master, I understand what you told me, but what I'm asking is, shouldn't the two of us seek peace with these ghosts?"

"I don't want to admit cowardice to these either!"

The middle-aged Taoist priest with the back hair, looked up at the stars in the sky, and muttered casually, "I don't want to admit it, but I can't beat these ghosts!!!"

This middle-aged Taoist priest with a big back comb does not practice the same Taoism as Maoshan. He has a habit, that is, even when facing monsters and ghosts, he will never harm his life, a seal that can seal , what can be grasped.

This has led to the fact that the middle-aged Taoist priest with the big back is very passive in the process of slaying demons and demons, and in the process of competing with others. Just like now, he really wants to win If she showed her true skills and went on a killing spree, she might not be the opponent of this female ghost Xiaoli, but that would probably hurt other ghosts, so this middle-aged Taoist priest with a back-swept hair would not choose to do so.

Chapter 297 The Time of Death


The female ghost Xiaoli pinched her waist and snorted at the middle-aged Taoist priest with the big back, but said angrily, "Why do you want to make peace? We are all passing by, yes You insisted on arresting us unreasonably, but now you are here begging for mercy, what a beautiful idea!!!”

Seeing that the female ghost Xiaoli didn't want to let her go, the middle-aged Taoist priest with the big back quickly said to his apprentice, "The two of us leave him alone, after all, we still have important things on us. Woolen cloth!"

"Where to go!!!"

And when the female ghost Xiaoli saw that the two stinky Taoist priests were about to escape, she jumped in front of them.

And the apprentice of the middle-aged Taoist priest quickly grabbed a stack of yellow talisman papers from his arms, and at the same time he strode vigilantly and asked, "Master, this female ghost doesn't want us to leave, why don't we hold back?" , directly kill him!!!"

The middle-aged Taoist priest with the big back hair gave him a blank look after hearing what his apprentice said, and said a little speechlessly, "The problem is that we are not his opponent, how can we kill him?"

When the little Taoist heard what his master said, he froze in place in a daze. He couldn't run or beat him, so could he just accept his fate obediently?

And at this moment, Xiaoli, the female ghost who stopped the two Taoist priests, suddenly looked into the distance vigilantly, and immediately turned around and left without any intention of stopping them, and the same goes for the same ghosts.

And this middle-aged Taoist priest and his apprentice with the big back combed their hair, just holding the talisman paper in their hands and looking at these fleeing ghosts with doubts on their faces.

The little Taoist asked in confusion, "Master, why do these ghosts look like they are running away?"

The middle-aged Taoist priest with the big back was also stunned for a moment, and said slowly, "It's really a bit like running away. Could it be that they are still afraid of me?"

The little Taoist nodded his head like a wave drum and said with certainty,

"It's very possible, master, you are still the best. Just now when the female ghost was fighting with you, she must have found out that you were lenient, so he scared him away!!!"

Under such praise from his apprentice, the middle-aged Taoist priest with the big back also believed it. Maybe it was his kindness and Taoism that made the female ghost realize it.

However, at this moment, a hoarse voice suddenly came from behind, "My friend, are you in any trouble? Do you want me to help you?"

And the moment the voice sounded, the eyelids of the middle-aged Taoist priest with the big back twitched unconsciously. This was clearly an ominous omen. Hid in the distance.

And at the moment they escaped, a Yangtze River slammed down with lightning speed, leaving a pit in the place where they stayed just now.

"Huh, I almost fell for it. Say, who the hell are you?"

The Taoist priest with the slicked back panted heavily, thankful that he reacted fast enough just now, otherwise he would definitely be smashed into meat paste by now.

And this gun was only the first wave of offensive, and the second wave of offensive came soon after. The man who appeared suddenly punched the ground directly, and then slapped his palm, the aroused gravel He Tuli shot towards the middle-aged Taoist master and apprentice with their heads upright like darts.

The little Taoist priest's eyes were very clever, seeing that the arms of the black-robed man who appeared suddenly seemed to be a little different, he hurriedly said to the middle-aged Taoist priest with the big back,

"Master, have you seen it? The black-robed man's arms are iron-blue, and they are all shriveled. It looks like a zombie?"

"Nonsense, I've seen it too, but I don't have time to worry about it now, this attack is overwhelming, why don't you run away!"

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