The middle-aged Taoist priest with a combed back looked at the rubble falling like raindrops, but he didn't dare to stay where he was and be used as a target, so he quickly dragged his apprentice and ran away.

However, this black-robed man who appeared suddenly was very fast, and the way of chasing him was also very weird. He jumped up and down like a zombie, and the speed was very fast, and he came directly to their heads. above.

And then the man in black who came next to them would immediately attack, like a wild beast, smashing down with his fists.

And this middle-aged Taoist priest with a big back combed his hair did not know by what means, every time when the attack was about to arrive, his eyelids would twitch, which also made the middle-aged Taoist priest bring his apprentice, every time he was able to attack Dodge the attack of the man in black.

However, after all, human physical strength is limited. After running away and dodging continuously, the middle-aged Taoist priest with the big back hair gradually ran out of physical strength, and he was panting heavily from exhaustion.

"Master, what should we do? That person looks like a zombie, and ordinary people are chasing after him again!"

As soon as the little Taoist priest saw the strange black robe, he approached again, and quickly shook the middle-aged Taoist priest's arm.

"Stop shaking!"

The middle-aged Taoist priest with the big back combed his knees and gasped heavily. After scolding his apprentice, he continued, "I really can't run anymore. The more we run like this, the more we will be physically exhausted. I'm afraid we will be exhausted by then." I can't stop this guy's attack!"

The little Taoist was a little anxious when he heard that, "Then what should we do?"

The middle-aged Taoist priest with the back of his head glanced at the man in black who was running towards them out of the corner of his eye, and quickly asked his apprentice,

"I can't run anymore, I can only find a way to get rid of this strange guy in black robe, or hold him back temporarily, by the way, do you have that thing with you?"

"What! Master, what are you looking for? I basically brought them!" The little Taoist also knew that he was in a hurry, and quickly took out his luggage, and directly unwrapped the package and handed it to his master.

"Yes, that's it!" The middle-aged Taoist priest with the big back combed his head and hurriedly rummaged through the package, looking for it, and soon saw a folded yellow talisman. With a smile on his face, he directly put the The yellow talisman was picked up.

The middle-aged Taoist priest with the big back combed his hair did not dare to delay, and directly opened the yellow copy, which contained a few yellowed hairs.

And the yellowed hairs are nothing but the neck hairs of the tiger, the king of beasts. The middle-aged Taoist priest with the big back grabbed these hairs in his hand, bit his fingertips, and Blood dripped on the tiger's fur and slammed onto his own forehead.

For a moment, the middle-aged Taoist priest with the big back hair shivered all over his body, and he looked like he was in great pain. He gritted his teeth and said to the little Taoist priest, "You find a way to get rid of this black-robed man. Attract the attention of the past, give me a little time, I will invite the tiger to the upper body now!"

Although the middle-aged Taoist priest with the big back hair also knows that his apprentice's cultivation base and state are relatively average. If he blindly attracts people in black robes, there may be certain dangers, but he has nothing to do. If they are not able to use Taoism, then the master and apprentice will probably die in the hands of this mysterious black-robed man today.

And the little Taoist also knew that it was a matter of life and death, so he bravely confronted the man in black robe who rushed over, and cursed loudly, "Come on, you idiot, you bastard, how can you do it in the middle of the night?" Wearing a black robe, you look like a shameless guy, and your hands are so dry that you look like a zombie!"

And this little Taoist not only cursed loudly, but also threw the talisman at the black-robed man with all his might, and even picked up stones and threw them at the mysterious black-robed man from time to time.

And the black-robed man who was chasing them was really angered by this little Taoist priest, so he changed direction and charged towards this little Taoist priest.

The little Taoist scolded Zheng Huan. Before he could see what was going on, the black-robed man rushed in front of him. Immediately afterwards, he felt as if his chest had been smashed by a mountain, and he spat out a mouthful of blood , the body flew out uncontrollably.

However, at the moment of flying out, the little Taoist priest was very close to the man in black robe, and saw the true face under the robe, so he swallowed the blood into his throat forcibly, and shouted loudly to his master Said, "Master, you have to be careful, this guy is not a human, he is a zombie!"

That's right, this so-called black-robed man is exactly the black-robed zombie. After intercepting and killing those who helped Lin Jiu return, the black-robed zombie found the middle-aged Taoist priest with the back hair by following the smell .

In fact, this middle-aged Taoist priest with a big back combed his hair did not return, but just arrived near this Renjia Town.

But now is not the time to complain. After all, life-saving is the most important thing. In the process of being involved in the trail, the middle-aged Taoist priest with a big back also barely completed it.


A roar like a tiger roared out from the voice of the middle-aged Taoist priest with the big back. This voice is not like a human voice at all. The real roar of a tiger.

It's not just the sound, but at this moment, the middle-aged Taoist priest with the big back hair exudes a layer of light yellow energy on the outer circle. This energy slowly gathers and condenses into the appearance of a tiger descending the mountain.

Ow! ! !

The middle-aged Taoist priest with the slicked-back hair lay directly on the ground, landed on all fours, howled violently, and rushed towards the black-robed zombie like a hungry tiger.

At the same time, his hands were wrapped by the light yellow energy outside, just like a real tiger's claws, and at the same time, he opened his bloody mouth, and became fierce for a while.

boom! ! !

The lifelike tiger claws slapped the black-robed zombie directly, as if it was slapped on a steel plate, making a loud muffled sound.

But although the noise was loud, the black-robed zombie didn't seem to have suffered any damage, and didn't even move.

And just when the middle-aged Taoist priest, who had condensed into a tiger shape, wanted to turn his legs into a tiger tail and attack the black-haired zombie again, the corpse aura of the black-robed zombie suddenly exploded, and the black robe also Blown by the corpse's breath, it unfolded against the wind, like a bat, very terrifying.

And at this time, the middle-aged Taoist priest with the big back was able to see the entire face of the zombie, and exclaimed in an instant, "Damn it, how could this be a golden armored corpse? A golden armored corpse with such a fast speed ?what is going on?"

After seeing that the black-robed zombie was actually a golden-armored corpse, the middle-aged Taoist priest with the big back finally understood why his attack didn't work. It is not worth mentioning in front of strength.

And at this moment, the black-robed zombie finally moved, and the legs of the black-robed zombie lifted up very dexterously, and kicked directly at the middle-aged Taoist priest with the big back on the chin.

There was only a click, and the middle-aged Taoist priest with the big back combed his hair, his entire jaw was broken, and his whole body was uncontrollable, and he rolled out directly.

"Master, how are you, master? Are you all right?"

And the little Taoist priest, who had been injured by the black-robed zombie a long time ago, saw that his master was kicked and rolled out like a kite with a broken string. stand up.

"Don't come over, run!"

The middle-aged Taoist priest with the big back raised his head in pain, supported his broken chin, and said to the little Taoist priest with blood on his mouth, "Run, leave me alone, or you will die, it seems Today is the time for my death, I am not afraid of death, I just hate, I just hate that I haven't found a helper to deal with that demon!"

And just as the middle-aged Taoist priest with the back of his hair was saying his last words, a figure in an apricot-yellow Taoist robe ran straight here from nowhere.

And this middle-aged Taoist priest with a big back combed his head, when he saw a person wearing a Taoist robe, he was very happy at first, but then he saw that the person wearing an apricot-yellow Taoist robe was very young, so he felt bitter. I am doomed.

"Little fellow daoist, this zombie is very powerful, you are not his opponent, run away! Don't add any more sacrifices, if you can escape, go to Renjia Town to find someone named Lin Jiu!"

The middle-aged Taoist priest with the big back combed his shattered chin, and desperately spit out the blood that was about to flow from his mouth, and then shouted loudly at the young Taoist priest in the apricot-yellow Taoist robe.

Although due to time, this middle-aged Taoist priest with a big back had some bad impressions of the people in Maoshan, and Lin Jiu's reputation in the legends in the rivers and lakes is also somewhat unbelievable.

But at this time, around Renjia Town, there was such a powerful golden-armored corpse, so the middle-aged Taoist priest with a big back didn't care if Lin Jiu had a false name, he could only hope for a dead horse as a living horse doctor to him.

"Oh, Lin Jiu? Do you know my master too?"

The young man in the apricot-yellow Taoist robe turned his head and looked at the seriously injured middle-aged Taoist priest with a puzzled look on his face.

That's right, the Taoist priest who rushed over was Lin Kaiyun. Originally, Lin Kaiyun would not wear Taoist robes on informal occasions, but tonight she woke up suddenly because she was in a hurry to urinate, so she casually picked up the Taoist robes on the bedside and put them on. Then it came out.

And at a convenient time, I felt a familiar corpse aura, so I didn't change my clothes, and rushed over directly.

As soon as I got here, I saw two injured Taoist priests. Based on their ages, we can conclude that they should be two masters and apprentices. Of course, the most important thing is that Lin Kaiyun saw that the murderer was none other than the black-robed zombie. .

The middle-aged Taoist priest with a back-swept hair, his eyes lit up after hearing what Lin Kaiyun said, and regardless of his own pain, he said hastily,

"Lin Jiu, is it your master? That's great, you run now and inform your master, if possible, destroy this zombie as soon as possible, otherwise many people will definitely die!"

Although the middle-aged Taoist priest with the back of his head had a completely broken jaw and his mouth was full of blood, so his voice was not very clear, but Lin Kaiyun could still hear him clearly.

Lin Kaiyun sighed, he could see that the injury suffered by this middle-aged Taoist priest with a big back was not as simple as it appeared on the surface, not only the jaw was broken, but also the spine at the throat should have been shattered Yes, this is actually a fatal injury.

So Lin Kaiyun also knew that this middle-aged Taoist priest with a back-swept hair might not be around for a long time, and if he continued to talk like this and let go of his vitality, he might only die faster.

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