Lin Kaiyun nodded and agreed,

"Don't worry, the master will leave it to me, and our uncle will never find out!"

"Hey, master, don't worry, there is absolutely no problem with a senior brother!"

"That's right, master, we will definitely complete the task under the leadership of the senior brother!"

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai also nodded in agreement quickly, and at the same time, their eyes were shining brightly. Now they can finally investigate and follow up that Shi Jian. As long as they catch the handle, they must make Shi Jian look good.

Lin Jiu glanced at Qiusheng and Wencai, and said with a smile,

"Based on the meaning of your words, you want to go with Kaiyun, right?"

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai looked at each other, and nodded their heads like chickens pecking at rice.

Lin Jiu saw that Qiusheng and Wencai agreed so happily, and knew that these two guys are troublemakers, so he said very sternly,

"Okay, I can make the decision. It's not impossible to go with Kaiyun, but you two must promise to me that you will obey Kaiyun's arrangement and be obedient throughout the whole process, or I will expel you from the division!"

Seeing Lin Jiu's seriousness, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai put away their playful smiles, and quickly promised,

"Don't worry, master, we will not cause trouble, we will do whatever the senior brother asks us to do!"

"That's right, master, big brother told us to go east, we will go east, let us go west, we will go west, let us sleep and we will lie down immediately!"

Lin Jiu nodded and said, "Okay, Kaiyun, then you can take Qiusheng and Wencai to help you, and then investigate Shi Jian, master and apprentice."

Lin Kaiyun nodded, and looked at Shi Jian and Shi Shaojian. As long as he was caught, Shi Jian would not be able to make it easy.

At the same time, Shi Jian was talking with Boss Qian about Feng Shui in the store, but he happened to see it from the corner of his eye. Shi Shaojian took away a strand of hair from Boss Qian's daughter Qian Mary.

Seeing this scene, Shi Jian was stunned subconsciously for a moment. As a father, he knew Shi Shaojian's temperament and habits very well. Before this, Shi Shaojian had done it countless times. Take advantage of the opportunity.

Originally, Shi Jian returned to Renjia Town this time because he wanted to plot against Lin Jiu, so before he came, he repeatedly warned Shi Shaojian to be safe this time and not to cause trouble. In this western restaurant, under the watchful eyes of everyone, he dared to steal the money and Mary's hair. If Lin Jiu and the others found out, would it still be worth it?

However, in order not to arouse Boss Qian’s suspicion, Shi Jian immediately put away his stupefied state, smiled, and said to Boss Qian with a profound expression, “Don’t worry, Boss Qian, although Pindao is best at exorcising demons and catching monsters.” Ghost, but looking at Feng Shui to change your fortune is a trivial matter for me, as long as I do some tricks, Boss Qian's western restaurant business will definitely flourish!"

After Shi Jian finished speaking, he stroked his beard and looked like a high-spirited gentleman. Shi Jian was very satisfied with what he said, saying that he was swearing to the money, and the boss promised that the business of this western restaurant would be booming.

In fact, Boss Qian is a businessman after all, and he also understands some Feng Shui trends, and he knows in his heart that this Feng Shui is indeed useful, but it is a slow and gradual improvement, and some even take a year or even many years to take effect. There is no such immediate effect as Shi Jian said.

But Boss Qian was also very happy to be coaxed by Shi Jian's words, and he was willing to accept good things from the bottom of his heart, so he didn't have much doubt about what Shi Jian said.

"Okay, I'm really lucky today! Fortunately, I met Daoist Shi Jian. After you said that, my hanging heart is at ease. If you want me to say Daoist Shi Jian, you might as well stay here Forget it, if there are more people with real skills like you, those liars who are trying to gain fame will obediently hide themselves!"

As a businessman, Boss Qian is a tactful person, with a smooth personality, talking nonsense when he sees people, talking nonsense when he sees people, and being very happy by the words of Daoist Shi Jian, so he also told Shi Jian Touted it.

And Shi Jian couldn't control his joy either psychologically or superficially after hearing Boss Qian's flattery. After all, Boss Qian's words satirized Lin Jiu, which was simply too appetizing for Shi Jian. So Shi Jian stroked his beard and said with a sad face, "Oh, Boss Qian, you said that even an outsider like you can see clearly, why is my Ninth Junior Brother so confused? He clearly has a great benefit. I have a bright future, and I am loved by people, but I have gone astray, and there is a smell of copper everywhere. Now I don’t look like a person who practiced Taoism. Hearing that I was risking being poked in the back just now, I also want to persuade me face to face. Persuade my junior brother, but he doesn't appreciate it, and there is really no way!"

Although it seemed that Boss Qian had already disapproved of Lin Jiu, Shi Jian felt that as long as he had a chance, he would never let Lin Jiu go.

Besides, although Boss Qian seldom returns to Renjia Town, his ancestral home is here after all, and a relatively successful businessman like Boss Qian also has certain interests and influence.

And Boss Qian must be able to motivate some people, and at the same time cast doubt on Lin Jiu's reputation.

Sure enough, after hearing Shi Jian's sincere words, Boss Qian gave Shi Jiangao a few more mental glances.

On the other side, Lin Kaiyun and the others also finished their meal. Although they didn't hear what Shi Jian and Boss Qian were talking about, they would glance at Lin Kaiyun and Lin Jiu's table from time to time.

That means that the topic between Shi Jian and Boss Qian probably brought Lin Jiu with him. Now that this is the case, Ling Jiu gave up explaining to Boss Qian. After eating, he took the three apprentices and left. , the whole process did not say hello to Boss Qian and Shi Jian.

After walking a few steps with a dark face on the street, Lin Jiu said to Lin Kaiyun beside him,

"Kaiyun, take Qiusheng and Wencai to pay attention to Shi Jian's movements. As long as Shi Jian is caught this time, I will definitely not relent!"

"Don't worry, master, I will definitely catch them!"

Chapter 304 Black and White Matching, Boys and Girls Matching

In Yizhuang, Lin Kaiyun quietly lay on the recliner with his eyes closed.

"Senior brother, senior brother, Shi Shaojian, sure enough, he appeared near Boss Qian's house!"

After a while, Wen Cai's voice sounded, and he also hurried in from the door, standing in front of Lin Kaiyun, panting.

Lin Kaiyun's eyes lit up instantly after hearing this, and he started to do it all at once, and said with a smile,

"Okay, let's go now, this Shi Shaojian, if he wants to show his true colors, we will use Shi Shaojian to force Shi Jian to submit!"

Wen Cai also asked enthusiastically, "Then senior brother, what should we do now?"

"Qiu Sheng, are you still following?"

"That's right, senior brother, Qiu Sheng is still following, that Shi Jian is leaving the city, I'm afraid that something might be wrong, so I'll hurry back and let you know!"

"it is good!"

Lin Kaiyun nodded, stood up directly, and walked towards the door, "Shi Shaojian, this time, I can't run away. When the time comes, let me see, we are so great, Shi Jian, what else can we choose!!! "

With the signal that Qiusheng left along the way, Lin Kaiyun and his literary talents quickly caught up.

Qiu Sheng, who was hiding in the bushes, saw Lin Kaiyun approaching, pointed at Shi Shaojian's back, and whispered,

"Eldest brother, look at Shi Shaojian, that guy is wearing night clothes and a mask. If I hadn't followed him all the time, I wouldn't have recognized him!"

Lin Kaiyun looked at the well-dressed Shi Shaojian and said with a wry smile,

"Good guy, I even changed my clothes. I'm afraid that others won't know that he has something wrong in his heart!!!"

Shi Shaojian in front of him was full of the graceful figure of Qian Marie, and he didn't even realize that someone was following him. After all, he had often done this kind of Shi Jian, and at his speed, ordinary people couldn't follow him at all, even if they watched When we got to him, we couldn't recognize him because of the tightness of the bag.

After a while, this Shi Shaojian walked two miles outside the town, and stopped. He was walking on a muddy path, and there were forests all around, so basically no one passed by, so Shi Shaojian chose such a path. Remote areas.

Shi Shaojian kicked away a stone in front of him with his feet, turned around and looked around, and saw a raised stone on the ground, he took off his mask, walked to the stone with a smile, raised his hand The breeze rolled up, blowing away the dust on the stones, nodded, and muttered all over the floor,

"Lucky, there is another natural stone in this remote place, which is suitable for meditation, saving me the trouble of finding something to cushion my butt."

Immediately afterwards, Shi Shaojian took out a white robe from his bosom, and spread it out on the rocks. On the white robe, runes were drawn all over with a cinnabar brush, and then

Then Shi Shaojian sat directly on the white robe, opened the cloth bag on his back, took out a square stove from inside, and pulled out a piece of red string from the corner of the stove.

One end of the red string was placed under Shi Jian's feet, and then he took out the gossip card and copper coins respectively.

These gadgets that Shi Shaojian took out all had spiritual fluctuations on them, although they were very weak, but they were not ordinary magic weapons, presumably these were conceived and raised by Shi Jian for Shi Shaojian.

Shi Shaojian looked at the things he had prepared, with a smirk on his lips, as if he could predict what would happen in a while.

Shi Shaojian reached out and took out a folded blessing from his bosom, and opened it carefully. Inside was a lock of Qian Mary's hair.

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