He put this hair directly on one end of the red rope, then took out three needles of incense, and inserted it directly into the square stove. I remembered the formula.

With a puff, the three incense sticks in the stove ignited spontaneously without any fire, and the three puffs of smoke that floated up merged into one, hovering above the square stove.

"Brother, is Shi Shaojian doing something? What the hell is he going to do?"

At this moment, Qiusheng and Wencai looked at Lin Kaiyun with puzzled faces. To be honest, the two of them were completely confused. They thought that after Shi Shaojian secretly took Qianli's hair, he would give Qianli to them just like them. Stop or use villains to control Qian Mary's actions.

But after following Shi Jian to this remote place, he found that Shi Jian seemed to be opening an altar to do something, and he took out a lot of things. In this battle, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai had never seen it before.

Lin Kaiyun glanced at the two guys Qiusheng and Wencai, slammed his mouth, hated that iron could not be made into steel, and said generally,

"You two guys, I told you to work harder, but you just don't listen. You can't even recognize the things you usually like to tease people the most. It's so embarrassing!"

Qiusheng scratched his head and explained with a smile,

"Hey, big brother, we really like to tease people, but we never fix these crooked things! We don't know each other, so it doesn't mean that we haven't learned to be bad!!!"

Wencai looked at it, and Qiusheng nodded and echoed with a glance, "Yes, yes, yes, big brother Qiusheng is right!"

Lin Kaiyun raised his brows, and said slightly angrily,

"Hehe, what do you two mean? Listening to the meaning of what you said, could it be said that if you can recognize the Taoism Shi Shaojian uses, you have learned it badly!"

Qiusheng and Wencai, afraid that Lin Kaiyun would get angry, subconsciously took half a step back, and hurriedly defended,

"No, no, no... that's not what we mean. That bastard Shi Shaojian must be using outsiders, but if you use it, senior brother, you must be chivalrous, right?"

Lin Kaiyun waved his hand, then stared at Shi Shaojian who was casting a spell and said,

"Okay, don't flatter me. Aren't you curious about Shi Shaojian's intentions when it's so complicated? Let me tell you, Shi Shaojian's Taoism is a way for the soul to leave the body, but it's not an ordinary way of leaving the body." Yangshen, so although the soul can leave the body, but there are many weaknesses!"

"The soul is out of the body, so what is he going to do with Qian Mary's hair?"

"Oh, I see, that bastard Shi Shaojian is not trying to use his soul to do something wrong to Boss Qian's daughter?"

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, Qiu Sheng was a little dazed at first, but then he immediately reacted and said as if he had suddenly realized.

After Lin Kaiyun heard Qiu Sheng's description, he couldn't help but chuckled.

"It's still an unruly thing, Qiusheng, you guys still use this kind of words?"

Qiu Sheng was made to blush by Lin Kaiyun's jokes, after all, they all knew what Shi Shaojian was going to do!

Even if he usually thinks he is a romantic playboy, he is not ashamed to open his mouth and shut up, and always mentions these things, so when he thought that what he said was indeed a bit elegant, obviously something wrong with this atmosphere, he said slowly,

"Brother, don't make fun of me!"

"Okay, let's get down to business, don't mess around here, open your eyes now, and take a look at Shi Shaojian's soul, so as not to miss those tricks!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Kaiyun directly cast the golden light on his eyelids and wiped it twice. Suddenly, the pupils shone with faint golden light.

Qiusheng and Wencai, who were squatting behind Lin Kaiyun, couldn't be as relaxed as Lin Kaiyun. Instead, they carefully took out two eucalyptus leaves from their arms, crushed them with their fingers and rubbed them on their eyelids.

After opening the eyes, not only can you see ghosts and souls clearly, but you can also improve your vision many times at night.

So at this moment, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai could see Shi Shaojian's movements more clearly.

I saw that Shi Shaojian was still exercising his own Taoism, with some tiny beads of sweat oozing from his forehead, but Shi Shaojian didn't feel tired at all, instead, there was a greedy smile on the corner of his mouth.

And at the same time that Shi Shaojian showed a treacherous smile, in Renjia Town, in Boss Qian's house, Boss Qian's daughter, Qian Mary, had finished washing and was sitting on the wooden table in her room wearing a large white bathrobe. In front of him, he held a cup of steaming coffee in his left hand, and a sterling silver pen in his right hand.

This pen was a gift from Boss Qian to Mary Qian, and it was said that there was a famous foreigner's signature on it. Of course, she didn't know who or what was written on it.

But Qian Mary thought that this pen was very precious, so she liked it very much.

However, although Marie Qian is a bit arrogant, she is just arrogant and has nothing to show for herself. Even if Boss Qian keeps sending him to study in the provincial capital, she doesn't have much ink in her stomach. The pen is just for my own vanity, not to write anything.

It's just that this time, before Qian Marie had time to scribble on the white paper with the pen, she felt suddenly sleepy.

Qian Mali picked up the coffee in her left hand suspiciously. She wondered why she still felt sleepy after drinking two cups of coffee.

Just as Qian Mali was thinking about it, she felt dizzy waves in her brain, and she couldn't allow him to do too many movements. Her eyelids were as heavy as if they were wrapped in stones, and then she actually lay on her stomach Fell asleep on the table.

And at the same time as Qian Mali fell asleep, Shi Shaojian, who was hiding in the remote woods, also managed to get out of his body. The three incense sticks on the incense burner in front of him were all burned out, and then a cloud of light came from the top of Shi Shaojian's head. floated out.

After leaving Shi Shaojian's body, the aura gradually condensed into shape, and its appearance was exactly the same as Shi Shaojian's. It was obvious that this was Shi Shaojian's soul.

"Damn it, that bastard Shi Shaojian really succeeded!"

"Nonsense, look at the obscene smile on his face, and he has prepared so many things, if he doesn't succeed, he will be an idiot!"

Qiusheng and Wencai looked angrily at Shi Shaojian, who was out of his body, and then Wencai asked Lin Kaiyun even more without anger,

"Then what should we do? Senior brother, since Shi Shaojian's soul is out of his body now, if we don't care about him now, will we succeed?"

Lin Kaiyun smiled and said,

"It doesn't matter if you succeed. Now that someone can go to Boss Qian's house to stop Shi Shaojian, wouldn't he be able to succeed?"

Qiu Sheng thought about it, Shi Shaojian's soul was leaving his body very fast, he really wanted to stop Shi Shaojian from coming out to save the beauty, but he couldn't do it!

So after thinking for a long time, Qiu Sheng felt that the only person who could stop Shi Shaojian here was probably Lin Kaiyun, so Qiu Sheng looked hopefully at Lin Kaiyun and asked,

"Look for someone to help. Now who can rush to Boss Qian's house before Shi Shaojian's soul? Senior brother, or you go there. Although the attitude of Boss Qian's daughter is not very friendly to us, we can't see each other like this." I can't help it!!!"

Lin Kaiyun shook his head and directly refused,

"I won't go, if I have to do everything myself, then why do you two have to follow?"

Seeing that Lin Kaiyun shook his head and refused, Wencai said anxiously,

"Then what should we do, big brother, even if Qiusheng and I run like crazy, we probably won't be able to reach Boss Qian's house before the practice room!"

Lin Kaiyun smiled, looked at Qiusheng and Wentai meaningfully, and said,

"I don't need to go! I didn't say I want the two of you to go. Can you find your friend?"


Qiusheng and Wencai looked at each other, and then they both got the answer from each other's eyes. The two of them finally knew who the friend in Lin Kaiyun's words was.

Qiu Sheng rolled his eyes, and asked Lin Kaiyun tentatively,

"Eldest brother, how do you know that Xiao Li was not caught by the master? And she has contact with us!!!"

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, I didn't tell Master about this, not only do I know that you still have contact with that female ghost Xiaoli, I also know that you should call him out anytime!"

Lin Kaiyun didn't even bother to look at these two guys, Qiusheng and Wencai. With their little tricks, do they still want to hide it from him?That's a real joke.

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