At this point in the operation, some sweat had already oozes from Lin Jiu's forehead. After all, although this method of summoning souls is not very difficult, it is still a very strenuous Taoism.


Lin Jiu yelled violently. Although his forehead was already covered with sweat, Lin Jiu didn't pay attention to it. He didn't even raise his hand to wipe Shi Jian, but Lin Kaiyun and others who stood by wanted to help him. The master wiped his sweat, but he didn't dare to rush over to disturb him.

Lin Jiu put down the bell in his hand, raised his hands, and all the phantoms in the ten broken eggs gathered together, and Shi Shaojian's appearance became more and more real.

It's just that even after the three souls and seven souls were gathered together, Shi Shaojian's soul still had no eyesight, just moved in confusion, without any change.

Lin Jiu also breathed a sigh of relief after seeing the reaction of Shi Shaojian's gathered souls. After all, his soul-calling technique was successful.


Lin Jiuda took a breath, raised his sleeves, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and then jumped off the table.

Seeing Lin Jiu coming down, Qiu Sheng boldly leaned over and asked,

"Master, did you succeed in summoning the soul? Why does Shi Shaojian, a bastard, seem to be a little bit wrong?"

Lin Jiu looked at the sluggish Shi Shaojian's soul, shook his head helplessly and said,

"It's normal if something is wrong. Shi Shaojian's soul has not replied for a long time, and his body is close to collapse. In addition, now I use the method of recalling the three souls and seven souls one by one to reassemble it. It is not so easy to recover. , At the same time, I also discovered Shi Shaojian's soul when I was summoning the soul, and I didn't suggest him to use this way of leaving the body, it was purely risky, so it's hard to say if there are any sequelae now!"

After Lin Kaiyun heard Lin Jiu's words, he nodded slightly. He had witnessed Shi Shaojie's soul leaving his body before, so he still had some understanding of Shi Shaojian's soul. Nine weak souls in the mouth.

In the end, this result must have been caused by Shi Shaojian's soul being tortured and ravaged by the female ghost Xiaoli.

Although Qiusheng and Wencai did not elaborate on how the female ghost Xiaoli awakened Shi Shaotian when they came back, but Lin Kaiyun saw Shi Shaojian's ghost coming back to find his body was very weak, so he knew that Shi Shaojian's soul must have been tortured in Boss Qian's home. He was punished by the female ghost Xiaoli.

Of course, Lin Kaiyun was just thinking about it in his heart. He didn't tell Lin Jiu the same Qiusheng and Wencai, and he chose to hide this matter. After all, they knew very well in their hearts. Lin Jiuhui found Xiaoli, the female ghost, not pleasing to the eye, and it would be hard to say even if Xiaoli was captured.

"Master, the three of us snatched Shi Shaojian's body back from the wild dog's mouth, and now you have brought back his soul. Our master and apprentice can be regarded as the savior of this bastard Shi Shaojian!"

Lin Kaiyun, facing Shi Shaojian's silly soul, smiled and said.

And this Shi Shaojian's soul seemed to have felt Lin Kaiyun's gaze, and his godless eyes returned to normal, and then he made a weak voice, "Who are you? I want to go home, I want to find the master!"

Wen Cai heard Shi Shaojian's soul make a sound, joined in the fun and circled around Shi Shaojian's soul, turned his head to Lin Kaiyun and asked,

"Hey, senior brother, look at this guy Shi Shaojian can talk, but he still looks stupid!"

Lin Kaiyun also looked around, and Shi Shaojian's soul found that he couldn't recognize them at all, so he laughed,

"I guess this is the side effect that the master said, and Shi Shaojian's soul is probably an idiot now!"

"Yes, this may be a side effect. After all, Shi Shaojian's soul was used when he came out of his body, so it must have damaged the soul. There is no way to guarantee that he will be perfect if he is called back now. As for the current behavior, it is very possible. It’s just a side effect, if it doesn’t recover after a while, it might be like this for the rest of my life!”

Lin Jiu nodded with his hands behind his back, and answered very positively, and his tone was not very heavy. In fact, Lin Jiu just hoped to save Shi Shaojian's life. As for whether he was stupid or dumb after saving him, he didn't care. .

Anyway, in Lin Jiu's heart, he has already done everything he can do, whether it is Mao Shan or Shi Jian's senior brother, Lin Jiu can be said to have a clear conscience.

And saving Shi Shaojian's soul is an explanation for Shi Jian, and an explanation for Lin Jiu's own heart, so Lin Jiuzhen doesn't care what state Shi Shaojian's soul is.

And Qiu Sheng, who was standing beside Lin Jiu, turned his eyes and stepped to the altar, picked up the bell that Lin Jiu cast the spell just now, and shook it at Shi Shaojian, "We are not your master, we are yours." Ancestor, quickly call ancestor!"

After hearing the sound of the bell, Shi Shaojian's soul trembled, then he looked at Qiu Sheng who was shaking the bell and murmured,

"Ancestor, I want to find my master!"

Wen Cai suddenly burst into laughter,

"Hahaha, that bastard Shi Shaotian has really become an idiot, did you hear that? He called us our ancestor!"

"Okay, you guys, this Shi Shaojian is very likely to become a fool, and you can take advantage of a fool's advantage!"

Seeing Qiusheng and Wencai's mischief, Lin Jiu quickly stopped them, snatched the bell from Qiusheng's hand, shook Shi Shaojian and said, "Okay, let's go to this bell to recuperate! I will send your soul and body to your master in one fell swoop!"

As soon as the voice fell, the bell suddenly turned in one direction in Lin Jiu's hand, opening its mouth towards Shi Shaojian, and suddenly there was a suction force inside, which was not strong, but it directly pulled Shi Shaojian's soul into the bell in.

Then Lin Jiu picked up a talisman paper on the table with two fingers, pasted it on the opening of the bell, and placed it on the table.

Immediately, Lin Jiu said to several people

"Okay, let's clean up here and rest, and send Shi Shaojian's soul and body to Shi Jian the next day!"

Lin Kaiyun glanced at the slightly shaking bell on the table, and then asked,

"Master, you put Shi Shaojian's soul into the bell, are you planning to merge his soul and body into one?"

Lin Jiu shook his head,

"Shi Shaojian's soul is like this, and at the same time he did that kind of evil thing. Of course, we don't need to combine his soul and body. It's a waste of effort. I think Shi Jian will bite him. Besides, I It's quite interesting to do this, but as for how to save Shi Shaojian, let Shi Jian figure out a way!"

Lin Kaiyun originally thought that because of his master Lin Jiu's friendship with Maoshan and his brotherhood, even though he was targeted by Shi Jian everywhere before, he had to choose this Shi Shaojian to save Shi Shaojian's face.

But looking at it now, his master Lin Jiu didn't want to save Shi Shaojian's life, but just didn't want Shi Shaojian to die.

Afterwards, Lin Jiu turned around and went back to the room to rest, and Lin Kaiyun and the others prepared to go back to their rooms to sleep after finishing packing the things in the yard.

After packing up all the things, the female ghost Xiaoli saw that the lights in Lin Jiu's room went out, and said in a very nympho,

"Wow, your master is so cool! He follows justice and abides by principles. He really deserves to be a good man!"

After Qiusheng and Wencai heard Xiaoli's evaluation of their master Lin You, they were a little dazed, and shook their heads in unison,

"Is our master so good? Why don't we know?"

"That's right, Xiaoli, you must have misunderstood because Shi Jian was too short in contact with our master!"

Lin Kaiyun packed all the magic tools used by Lin Jiu to cast spells in the middle hall, and when he came out, he heard Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai following the female ghost, and Xiao Li was discussing Lin Jiu, so he said,

"Okay, you two guys are discussing what the master said behind your back, be careful that the old man will come out and clean up you later!"

"Stop talking, stop talking!"

"Go, go, go to sleep!"

After hearing Lin Kaiyun's warning, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai closed their mouths at the same time and stopped discussing.

Then Wencai turned his head to look at the female ghost Xiaoli, rubbed his hands wretchedly and said, "Xiaoli, or you can rest in my room at night!"

"What's yours and mine? Besides, you live in the empty middle hall, Xiaoli, how scared you are in your room!"

Qiu Sheng hurriedly walked around to Wen Cai and said.

The female ghost Xiaoli giggled amused by Qiusheng and Wencai, then shook her head and said,

"I don't go to either of you two's room, I'm a ghost, have you forgotten? I don't need a room to rest!"

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