"Well, it's all you..."

"Everything is me, obviously it's you, without you Xiaoli will definitely go to the room to rest!"

Qiusheng and Wencai returned to the room unconvinced with each other's words.

Only Lin Kaiyun and the female ghost Xiaoli were left in the yard.

Female ghost, Xiaoli smiled at Lin Kaiyun, not knowing what to say.

Lin Kaiyun said,

"I'm going to rest in my room. You should be in the yard of Yizhuang. It's quite safe. It's best not to wander around in Renjia Town. Otherwise, if Shi Jian touches you, I'm sure he'll kill you with lightning. of!"

"Okay, I understand, I will rest under your master's wall!"

The female ghost Xiaoli nodded, and her body turned into a puff of green smoke, which floated directly under the window of Lin Jiu's room.

Lin Kaiyun smiled when he saw this scene, it seems that his master is quite attractive, even such a beautiful female ghost is interested in him.

The next day, Lin Jiu took Lin Kaiyun, Qiusheng Wencai and, of course, Shi Shaojian's body and soul, and walked directly to the inn where Shi Jian was staying.

As for the female ghost Xiaoli, she couldn't move during the day, so she simply stayed in the yard of Yizhuang.

When Lin Jiu and the others were about to arrive at the inn, they saw Shi Jian jumping directly from the window on the second floor, looked at Lin Jiu and the others with an unfriendly expression, and asked, "Lin Jiu, why are you here? Could it be that because Boss Qian asked me to calculate Feng Shui yesterday, he was not convinced?"

Seeing that Shi Jian was very unfriendly, Lin Jiu was not polite,

"Brother, you really need to change your narrow mindedness. It's just a matter of Feng Shui. I don't care. I'm here to give you something!"


After listening to Lin Jiu's words, Shi Jian directly bypassed Lin Jiu, and looked at the things that Qiu Sheng and Wentai carried.

With Shi Jian's eyes, it is not difficult to see that the two guys Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai are carrying the same person. As for whether it is a living person or a dead body, Shi Jian cannot be sure.

"Lin Jiu, what do you mean? Who is this?"

Shi Jian didn't pull away the white cloth first, but turned around and questioned Lin Jiu.

Lin Jiu didn't respond to Shi Jian's questioning. He nodded to Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai and said,

"Of course we sent you here for someone related to you. Qiu Shengwen just opened the white cloth and sent the person to your uncle for a look!"

"Okay, master!"

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai responded, and then carried Shi Shaojian's body to the front of the incident, and violently dropped it on the ground with a plop, then Wen Cai pulled a corner of the white cloth and tore it away, as if cutting a ribbon for someone else, his face The smile was very obvious, and he said, "Uncle, do you know this person, and does he have something to do with you?"


Shi Jian looked at the person under the white cloth and exclaimed, it was none other than his apprentice and illegitimate son Shi Shaojian.

Chapter 311 The Coffin Fungus

Seeing that Shi Shaojian was covered in blood, Shi Jian's heart tightened, as if his whole body had fallen into a hole in the ice.

You must know that Shi Jian has passed most of his life now, and he only has such an apprentice under his knees, and this person who claims to be his apprentice, Shi Shaojian is still his illegitimate son.

So Shi Jian has high hopes for fashion, and he protects it very well.

In the end, it never occurred to him that Shi Shaojian had only disappeared for one night, and he turned into this appearance, as if he had been bitten by wild beasts, and there was nothing good about him.

There is no serious injury to the neck and head. Shi Jian hastily pressed Shi Shaojian's neck, you check to see if Shi Shaojian is still alive?

bang bang bang! ! !

Under the guidance of Shi Jian's mana, there was a faint thumping sound in Shi Shaojian's body, and Shi Jian was relieved immediately. Fortunately, Shi Shaojian was still alive at least. Although his pulse was a little weak, it was better than death.

However, this can only be one of the few pieces of good news. After all, it is a rare body now, and it is already short of catties. 30.00% of the flesh on its body has been eaten by wild beasts.

And even though his heart is still beating and his breath is still there, he is probably no different from a living dead.

Shi Jian stood up, clenched his fists vigorously, turned his head to look at Lin Jiu and the others, with incomparable anger in his eyes, and shouted, "Lin Jiu, did you do it? The apprentice who murdered me dared to personally send the Come to me, I think you are really courting death!"

After hearing Shi Jian's words, Lin Jiu immediately frowned. Although he had expected it, Shi Jian was really saving face, and he wanted to pour dirty water on them without asking why.

Although this incident had something to do with his apprentices, even if it did, it was his apprentices who saved Shi Shaodian's life.

Lin Jiu didn't give Shi Jian a good face either, and said with a displeased face, "Brother Shi Jian, we kindly sent your apprentice back to you, but you didn't say thank you at all, and dare to slander us? You Is there any right and wrong in being a human being? Besides, do you know why your apprentice disappeared at night? Let me tell you, he used crooked ways to get his soul out of his body to bully Boss Qian’s daughter. Good is rewarded with good, Shi Shaojian had a bad intention. After his soul came out of his body, his body happened to be eaten by wild dogs. Evil guy!"

Lin Jiu didn't give Shi Jian any face this time, his tone was very cold, he snorted coldly, and continued, "The reason why Shi Shaojian is able to have today is that you, a master, must be inseparable from it, close to Zhu Zhechi, close to Mo Zhehei, your narrow and chaotic temperament caused Shi Shaojian to fall into such a world, you are to blame for this!"

Lin Jiu kept his hands behind his back the whole time, staring fixedly at Shi Shaojian. Although his expression was unhappy, his eyes were full of contempt.

After saying this, Lin Jiu didn't even look at Shi Jian, and turned to Lin Kaiyun, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai and said, "We've done everything we can, with a clear conscience, let's go!"

Seeing Lin Jiu's behavior, Shi Jian's face was extremely ugly. Shi Jian knew in his heart that what Lin Jiu said was probably true in Shi Ji's records. It is clear, and when he was in the western restaurant, Shi Jian also saw Shi Shaojian secretly stealing money, a strand of hair from the owner's daughter Qian Mary.

So when Shi Shaojian disappeared last night, Shi Jian probably guessed what Shi Shaojian was doing in his heart, but because of being too fond of him, Shi Jian ignored it. After all, Shi Shaojian always did this kind of thing in the past. Shi Jian also came forward to help Shi Shaojian clarify, and even put up a cover.

Although Shi Jian didn't want to admit it, Lin Jiu said that there might be no problem, and that is to blame yourself.

However, although Shi Jian can think of something, it doesn't mean that he will admit it. At least in Shi Jian's heart now, there is something wrong with his apprentice Shi Shaojian, but he will definitely not fall into this situation.

And the main reason for all this is Lin Jiu. If it wasn't for Lin Jiu deliberately looking for trouble when he wasn't a ghost last time, then Shi Jian wouldn't bring Shi Chaojie back to Renjia Town this time.

So Shi Jian's psychology once again blamed Lin Jiu for the fault of this matter.

Looking at Lin Jiu and the others who turned and left, Shi Shaojian's eyes sparkled with fire, and a plan sprouted in his heart, which could not only save Shi Shaojian, but also wipe out Lin Jiu and the others.

Shi Jian shouted,

"Lin Jiu, are you going to leave just like that?"

"Senior Brother Shi Jian, could it be that we are the ones who killed Shi Shaojian if you want to bite him to death right now? I'll tell you that if you catch a thief, you'll find the stolen goods. I saved Shi Shaojian's soul."

Lin Jiu stopped and turned to look at Shi Jian.

"Lin Jiu, let's open the skylight and speak frankly. What you said was just your family's opinion. You must know what happened in your heart better than me. No matter how hard you insist, the crime will not end here. I will not talk nonsense with you anymore. Now as long as I can save my apprentice Shi Shaojian, his life, this matter will be written off, otherwise I, Shi Jian, will make you pay the price even if I lose my life!"

Shi Jian squinted his eyes and looked at Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun. The two spoke word by word. After speaking, they stretched their hands to the left and right sides, and crackling lightning flashed in the palms of their hands.

In fact, Lin Jiu is a person who takes soft things but not tough ones. If it was about other things, if Shi Jian dared to threaten Lin Jiu with such obvious words, Lin Jiu would probably ignore him and turn around and leave.

But in fact, Lin Jiu agreed with what was said in the incident, although Lin Kaiyun and Qiu Shengwen had always assured that Shi Shaojian's body was bitten by wild dogs, and they even rescued Shi Shaojian.

But based on Lin Jiu's understanding of his three apprentices, the ability of Shi Jian's body to be gnawed into such a state by wild dogs definitely has something to do with them. At least Lin Jiu can be sure that Lin Kaiyun and Qiu Sheng Wencai are definitely not Shi Jian stopped him the first time the wild dog appeared, which indirectly caused Shi Shaojian's body to be destroyed like this.

Lin Jiu also agrees with what Shi Jian said that Shi Shaojian is the least selfish.

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