With a bang, several talisman papers burst into flames, forcing all the approaching zombies back.

Lin Jiu tilted his head and said, "Qiusheng Wencai, you two hurry up now, I will be in the back!"

And Lin Kaiyun was also a little anxious when Qiusheng and Wencai called for help just now, but now seeing that his master Lin Jiu has already felt positive, and has driven back the chasing zombies, he is also relieved.

But now Lin Kaiyun has no worries, and only one purpose, which is to deal with the yellow-eyed zombie in front of him. Beside the Zombie, on the khaki protective cover.

With this force, Lin Kaiyun directly jumped up and appeared in the group of ordinary zombies who were forced back by the flames.

No way, although these ordinary zombies are afraid of fire by nature and are temporarily forced back by the flames, as long as they recover, they will continue to chase Qiu Sheng and Wencai who have coffin fungus, so Lin Kaiyun must now attract the attention of these ordinary zombies, And eliminate them to avoid future troubles.

Lin Kaiyun held the Seven Star Longyuan Sword in his hand and slapped the two nearby zombies to the ground. At the same time, he deliberately opened his mouth wide, gasping for breath.

After all, although these ordinary zombies are under the control of this yellow-eyed zombie, they have not changed in essence, so they will still be attracted by the breath of living people, and all of them are like the center, blooming towards Lin Kaiyun for a while.

Looking at these ferocious ordinary zombies, Lin Kaiyun showed no fear at all, and a contemptuous smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Most of these ordinary zombies are only at the second and third levels. Although there are a lot of them, it is still difficult to pose any threat to Lin Kaiyun.

Lin Kaiyun snorted coldly, raised his arm, and the terrifying power of thunder and lightning gathered on his arm and shot out along Lin Kaiyun's hands.

That terrifying light and terrifying sound, like the death scythe of God of Death, whizzed and slashed at the ordinary zombies around.

This tyrannical thunder and lightning, wherever it went, all the zombies were penetrated by the lightning, and their bodies instantly became scorched. In an instant, the six or seven zombies surrounding Lin Kaiyun all fell to the ground with a muffled sound. on the ground.

And the yellow-eyed zombie felt extremely angry after seeing Lin Kaiyun's actions.

The young Taoist even feigned a shot and attacked his ordinary zombie subordinates. This arrogant gesture simply ignored him.

This made the yellow-eyed zombie feel extremely angry. In the heart of the wilderness zombie, he himself is the supreme being and the best species in the world. He cannot accept this feeling of being ignored.

Moreover, this young Taoist priest was so ruthless that he directly wiped out one-third of his ordinary zombies.

You must know that the reason why this yellow-eyed zombie was able to sleep here safe and sound is that this group of ordinary zombies has a lot of credit, and he is also the one who took great effort to catch these twenty-odd ordinary zombies bit by bit.

As a result, after a face-to-face meeting, part of it was killed by Lin Kaiyun. Coupled with Lin Kaiyun's peaceful appearance before, this yellow-eyed zombie could no longer be decent.

The yellow-eyed zombie clenched its fists and cursed at Lin Kaiyun,

"You human Taoist priest is so despicable. You were going to fight me just now, but now you are bullying those ordinary zombies. Is it really embarrassing?"

Lin Kaiyun was concentrating on cleaning up these ordinary zombies, but he was stunned for a moment after hearing the words of the yellow-eyed zombie.

Lin Kaiyun kicked away the ordinary zombie who was about to attack him behind him, then raised his head to look at the yellow-eyed zombie who was still on top of the earth dragon, couldn't help laughing, shook his head and said, "You guy is Didn’t you sleep for too long and your brain went wrong? I want to destroy you, so what rules do I have to follow?”

"Lowly human, go to die?"

The wilderness zombie roared angrily, and jumped down like a beast, its fists, wrapped in a strong wind, smashed down on Lin Kaiyun.

Seeing this yellow-eyed zombie, Lin Kaiyun attacked him furiously, and suddenly wanted to tease this guy.

Therefore, Lin Kaiyun cleverly avoided the fists of the yellow-eyed zombies, and continued to attack those ordinary zombies.

The Seven Star Longyuan Sword in Lin Kaiyun's hand was coiled with countless electric lights, frantically harvesting the ordinary zombies around, and in the blink of an eye, four or five more zombies fell under Lin Kaiyun's sword.

"Damn Taoist, you have completely angered me, I want to kill you!"

Although the yellow-eyed zombie had slept for too long, his brain was unresponsive, and his thinking was always high, it didn't mean he was a fool, Lin Kaiyun was clearly playing him.

After the Huangyan Zombie roared, it rushed towards Lin Kaiyun even more angrily, and this roar was not an ordinary shout, but also carried a trace of shocking power.

Lin Kaiyun, who was attacking and killing ordinary zombies, felt as if dozens of gongs were beating in his ears at the same time, and the hairs and muscles on his arms were trembling uncontrollably.

"What is this?"

Lin Kaiyun looked at the yellow-eyed zombie with a dignified expression. He could clearly feel the vibrating energy carried by the roar of the yellow-eyed zombie. It did not cause any damage to his body, but shook his internal organs.

If he hadn't cast the Golden Light Curse in time, the viscera would have been shattered.

And Lin Jiu, who was retreating down the mountain with Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, also paused at this time, frowned, and looked up the mountain with a worried face.

Lin Jiu also felt that the zombie's roar was very powerful, and he couldn't help worrying about Lin Kaiyun's situation for a while.

Qiusheng also felt it. The roar was very scary. Standing beside Lin Jiu, he raised his arm and pointed to what was said above,

"Master, the shouts of this yellow-eyed zombie are so scary, look, the hairs on my body are all blown up!"

Qiu Sheng had just handed over the coffin fungus in his mouth to Wen Cai, and running all the way down the mountain, the blood in his body circulated, and his body became much warmer.

But at this time, when the roar came over, he felt a sharp chill again. This feeling was not cold, but frightening, as if you were sitting in a chair and concentrating on reading the newspaper, and suddenly there was a person Behind you, yelled into your face.

And Wencai was even worse at this time. After all, he still had coffin fungus in his mouth, and this roar had some frightening effect on him, so he was completely stupid at this time.

After thinking for a while, Lin Jiu waved his hand, lowered his head and said in a deep voice, "I observed, Kai Yun, there is no tendency to run down, and there is no signal for help, so there must be no problem. The few of us don’t have to worry about it, let’s continue down the mountain!”

After Lin Jiu finished speaking, he turned around with his hands behind his back, and was about to walk down the mountain, but Qiu Sheng was still a little worried, so he said,

"But, is there really no problem, master? Could it be that the yellow-eyed zombie is too powerful, so that senior brother has no time to ask for help!"

Wen Cai couldn't speak because of the coffin bacteria in his mouth, so he faltered and nodded, obviously meaning the same as Qiu Sheng.

But Lin Jiu didn't stop his steps, shook his head and said, "Don't worry, you two can't feel it, it's because your cultivation base is too shallow, Kaiyun doesn't have any problems now, look at the flickering The Thunder Light is created by Kai Yun!"

Qiusheng and Wencai subconsciously looked towards the direction of the mountain. Sure enough, although the zombies shouted very scary in the sky, the thunder and lightning full of yang energy were constantly flickering. Since the master Lin Jiu said so, then, Even if their big brother turned on the voice, there must be no problem.

So Qiusheng continued to support Wencai and walked down the mountain.

And at this moment, a few ordinary zombies quickly jumped and chased after them.

"Master, Master, the zombies are coming!"

"Hurry up and hide, both of you!" Lin Jiu pushed Qiusheng and Wencai aside, and greeted the zombies with his mahogany sword.

Although Lin Jiu used up some mana to cover the moon before, it is still no problem to deal with these zombies. With a sweep of the horizontal sword, the chests of these zombies were burned. Afterwards, Lin Jiu quickly moved from his arms He took out a few official documents and pasted them on the heads of these ordinary zombies.

"Master, this is all right!!!"

As soon as Qiu Sheng saw these zombies being affixed with a spell by his master Lin Jiu, he bravely came up and looked around.

"Okay, don't read any more, let's go!"

Lin Jiu carried the copper coin sword behind his back, pulled Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, and walked down the mountain quickly.

However, plans are always faster than changes. The asynchronous gust of wind swept down from the horseback mountain and along the hillside, just blowing off the formal suits on the foreheads of those ordinary zombies. What's worse, because the yellow-eyed zombie blocked it. Lin Kaiyun was killed, causing several ordinary zombies to jump down and chase Lin Jiu and others.

Qiu Sheng looked at the increasing number of ordinary zombies behind him, and shouted in surprise,

"Master, what should we do? The frozen zombies are alive again, and there are a few more!"

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