Lin Jiu also looked serious at this time. If he was the only one here with these ordinary zombies, he would not be afraid, but there are Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai by his side. You can escape with strength, but now the two of them have to hold the coffin bacteria in their mouths at all times, which makes Lin Jiu have to allocate a large part of his energy to protect the two of them.

This caused the dozen or so zombies to cause great trouble to Lin Jiu, because the zombies, even if they were not high-level, had amazing defensive power, and what Lin Jiu carried today was either a mahogany sword or a small copper coin sword. Lethal to zombies, but not fatal.

And Lei Falin IX, who is the most lethal to zombies, is not good at it, so there is no way to quickly eliminate these zombies for a while.

Just at this time, almost 5 minutes later, Wencai passed the coffin fungus into Qiusheng's mouth, and then wiped it non-stop. His body was a little frozen, and he shouted to Qiusheng tremblingly,

"What should we do? We have to think of a solution quickly, otherwise we will be killed by zombies sooner or later with the two of us trembling!"

At this time, Qiu Sheng had just put the coffin fungus in his mouth. Although he had repeated it several times tonight and he was getting used to it, he was still terribly cold, so he stretched out his hand tremblingly and pointed at his mouth, It means that he doesn't know Wencai either.

The catching up zombies didn't give them time to think, they turned to Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai one after another, and the two also rushed over.

Qiu Sheng, who was still able to fight back, could only flee in embarrassment with the coffin fungus in his mouth, while Wen Cai was even more miserable. Every time he avoided the claws of zombies, he was in danger, as if he might be caught at any time .

In this way, 5 minutes passed in a blink of an eye, and Qiu Sheng could no longer hold the coffin fungus in his mouth, so he needed to pass the coffin fungus back to Wen Cai's mouth immediately, but due to the zombies chasing him, Wen Cai was very far away from Qiu Sheng at this time Far.

There was no other way, Qiu Sheng couldn't bear it any longer, he felt that his mouth had lost all sensation, and his entire throat seemed to be shattered by freezing.

Just when Qiusheng was at a loss, Lin Jiu chased a zombie and came to Qiusheng's side.

Qiu Sheng glanced at Lin Jiu, resisted his frozen body, jumped in front of Lin Jiu, and stuck his lips to Lin Jiu.

Lin Jiu didn't expect that Qiu Sheng would be so bold as to pass the coffin fungus to him, and there was no reaction for a while, until the cold feeling came from his mouth, and Lin Jiu didn't react, wishing to slap Qiu Sheng to death.

In fact, Lin Jiu was also very repulsed by this mouth-to-mouth relationship. When he thought of being kissed by Qiu Sheng, he felt a chill in his heart.

And Qiusheng also noticed his master's displeasure, gasped for breath, let his body warm up for a while, then quickly backed away, and said to Lin Jiu gloatingly, "Master, don't be angry, I can't help it. Senior Brother said, this coffin fungus can’t stay in our mouths for 5 minutes, and I can’t bear it anymore, Wencai is too far away from me, at worst, you can just send it back to me later!”

Chapter 321 Let's see whose fist is hard

After hearing Qiusheng's words, Lin Jiu wished to slap him to death, but with the coffin fungus in his mouth, it was extremely cold, and his hands and feet also started to get cold. Once he opened his mouth, the coffin fungus would fly away, so this time it would be completely useless up.

So Lin Jiu endured it, but still gave Qiu Sheng a hard look.

But at this time, Wencai didn't realize that he was free from the coffin fungus, and was only concerned with dealing with the zombies exhaustedly, yelling incessantly,

"Qiu Sheng, Master, what should I do? I can't beat these zombies! My shoulders have been grabbed!"

Wen Cai raised his foot in embarrassment, kicked a zombie flying, and then a dog snatched food, and avoided the claws of another zombie. However, after falling to the ground, Wen Cai also lost the room to operate. At that time, Qiu Sheng rushed over in time, took the stone, and threw the zombie aside.

"Wen Cai, get up quickly, let's help the master, the coffin fungus is in the master's mouth now!"

Qiu Sheng quickly pulled up Wen Cai.

"What? The coffin fungus, in the master's mouth?"

After Wencai heard Qiusheng's words, he was taken aback for a moment, and then said gloatingly, "Oh!!! Qiusheng, that means, you and the master are also talking to each other!"

Qiu Sheng raised his finger and put it on his lips, signaling Wen Cai to keep his voice down, "Shh, keep it down, master is so angry, if master hears it, he must deal with the two of us!"

"Hee hee, I know, I know!" Wen Cai immediately understood and nodded with a smile.

At this time, Lin Jiu was dealing with these zombies in embarrassment. Now that the coffin bacteria were in his mouth, Lin Jiu was inconvenient to move. He was almost helpless to fight back after being beaten by the zombies. Grab and bite.

It just so happened that when Lin Jiu was avoiding the grasp of the zombies, he saw two apprentices, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai himself, whispering together. Suddenly, half dead with anger, he casually hit Wen Cai on the head with a copper coin.

"Oh, who is it!"

Wen Cai, rubbing his head, cursing just now, suddenly realized that, now, he is on the horseback halfway up the mountain, and he is also being chased by a group of zombies. The most important thing is that besides himself, Qiu Sheng is the person present. And master Lin Jiu.

And Qiu Sheng was next to him, so only his master Lin Jiu could beat him like this.

Wen Cai patted his chest and muttered, "It's dangerous, I almost cursed!"

Qiu Sheng glanced at Lin Jiu, and found that Lin Jiu's face was like black iron, and his face was extremely ugly, so he lowered his head and said, "Okay, hurry up and find a way to help Master! Otherwise, Master will get angry!"

Wencai said bitterly,

"Yes, yes, I'm looking for a helper, but, in this wilderness, who can I turn to!!! Do you want to find our Uncle Shi Jian?"

"Out in the wilderness?"

When Qiu Sheng heard this, he thought of Xiao Li, the female ghost, so he said, "We can find Xiao Li!!!"

"Yes, looking for Xiaoli!" Wen Cai clapped his hands excitedly!

"Then let's read it together!"

Qiu Sheng also clapped his hands.

I saw Qiusheng and Wencai clapping their hands excitedly, shouting like singing,

"Black and white match, boys and girls match!"

"Black and white match, boys and girls match..."

At this moment, a gust of wind blew, and a pleasant voice came,

"What are you two looking for from me!!!"

The female ghost Xiaoli really appeared, dressed in white, in this night, especially compared with the group of zombies, she looked like a fairy,

"Great, Xiaoli, you're finally here, hurry up, help our master, he's shouting coffin fungus now, and his body is inconvenient to move."

Qiusheng and Wencai looked happy after seeing the female ghost Xiaoli, but then they thought that their master was still suffering, so they said hastily.

After the female ghost Xiaoli heard it, she was surprised, "What zombie? What coffin fungus, you are talking about Lin Jiu, is there yin in his mouth?"

"That's right!"

The two nodded in unison.

"No problem, leave it to me!"

The female ghost Xiaoli nodded, her body flickered, disappeared in place, and appeared directly in front of Lin Jiu. She raised her light-white arms, and her ghostly aura fluctuated, blowing away the zombies around Lin Jiu.

Lin Jiu couldn't handle it at first, but fortunately, someone rescued him, but Lin Jiu didn't have time to see who it was, because he couldn't bear the cold of the coffin fungus, so he had to remove the coffin fungus. It was transferred out, so the face was directly pasted on it.

As for the female ghost Xiaoli, she easily knocked the zombies into the air, and was moving her skirt all over the floor. As a result, she felt that one of them appeared in front of her. Immediately afterwards, her lips seemed to be pasted by something.

In an instant, Lin Jiu and the female ghost Xiaoli opened their eyes wide and small, feeling very embarrassed!

In the distance, Qiusheng and Wencai were stunned, looking at Lin Jiu and the female ghost Xiaoli with idiots, mouth to mouth, "Wencai, Master and Xiaoli kissed, I read it right! "

"You read that right, I'm so envious!" Wen Cai had an envious expression on his face.

The same is true for Qiusheng, muttering:

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