Compared to Lin Kaiyun's astonishment, the yellow-eyed zombie was also astonished. Although the yellow-eyed zombie has been in a deep sleep, it is very aware of its own strength. This time, the yellow-eyed zombie did not hide its clumsiness. Logically, This punch wrapped in supernatural powers could crack a hill.

"You Taoist priest, you are good, you have good strength, you have been recognized by me, how about it? Do you want me to bite you, so that you can get the same blood as mine and enjoy eternal life!"

The yellow-eyed zombie had a very ugly face and a gloomy voice, but his expression changed accordingly, and he said to Lin Kaiyun with a smile.

Lin Kaiyun was very surprised when he heard what the yellow-eyed zombie said. He didn't expect this yellow-eyed zombie to recruit him! ! !


Lin Kaiyun couldn't help laughing, and then said very confidently, "It seems that you are really sleepy. Of course, I think there is something wrong with your brain. Can you figure out the current situation? Do you want me to catch you?" Live? Then, study your blood?"


The yellow-eyed zombie snorted unhappily. He even lowered his posture to recruit the young Taoist priest. In the end, the Taoist priest was so shameless. The yellow-eyed zombie was so angry that he bumped into it and cursed at the same time. ,

"You idiot, you don't even know what my bloodline means? Possessing great power and extraordinary wisdom. Although it feeds on blood, it will not make those ugly ordinary zombies look like you. You ignorant guy, I have changed my mind now, you trash, you are not qualified to be my subordinate at all, I have to kill you to relieve the hatred in my heart!!!”

The fists of the two people did not touch each other. The khaki-yellow energy and lightning intertwined and collided, forming a vacuum area. From a distance, it looked like Lin Kaiyun and the yellow-eyed zombie were facing each other in the air.

In fact, only two people know that it is only because of the balance of energies that the two people's fists are constantly colliding with each other. If this balance is broken, there will probably be an extremely strong explosion. At that time, recently Both people will be affected.

But this yellow-eyed zombie planned to use his strong body to exchange injuries with Lin Kaiyun.

But Lin Kaiyun has a very weak sense of smell in battle. When he saw this yellow-eyed zombie roguely hitting the energy with his head, he expected an explosion, so he forcibly interrupted the lightning on his fist and retreated quickly!

Although Lin Kaiyun would cause harm to his body, it was better than being affected by the explosion.

Boom! ! !

The yellow-eyed zombie's headbutt completely broke the balance of energy. Even if Lin Kaiyun forcibly tore off the thunder and lightning, he still couldn't stop it, and the energy in the interweaving exploded.

In an instant, white light shot into the sky, like laser beams, scattered in all directions, and the sputtering energy of the explosion crushed all the surrounding coffins into powder.

"Heaven and Earth Xuanzong, the root of ten thousand qi, extensively cultivates ten thousand kalpas, and proves my supernatural power!"

"Golden Light Curse!"

Facing the impact of the rolling explosion, Lin Kaiyun shouted softly. Immediately, a layer of golden light appeared around him, which was especially dazzling in this night, as if a god descended from the earth, overshadowing the burst of white light. laser.

Defense is for better attack!

The moment Lin Kaiyun cast the Golden Light Curse, his figure moved. Because of the Golden Light Curse on his body, he came directly to the side of the yellow-eyed zombie like lightning and flint. The palm of his hand was filled with lightning, like a thunder that cut through all darkness. above the head of the yellow-eyed zombie.

I saw that the yellow-eyed zombie suddenly turned his head, his yellow pupils glaring at Lin Kaiyun.


"how come?"

Lin Kaiyun felt that he was absent-minded for a while, and even his soul became unstable, as if he could leave his body at any time!

"Tai Shang Xing, the strain will not stop!"

"Exorcise evil spirits, protect the body!"

"Clear wisdom and peace of mind!"

"The three souls are eternal, and the soul has no loss!"

In the midst of the crisis, Lin Kaiyun quickly silently recited the mantra of purifying the mind, requieming the soul.

While reciting the Mantra of Purifying Mind, Lin Kaiyun felt that his body was warm, and his soul was not running around, as if spring rain was hitting his body, peaceful and comfortable.

"Damn Taoist, go to death! Go to the void and repent!"

The roar of the yellow-eyed zombie completely restored Lin Kaiyun's consciousness. He found that his Lei Ren hadn't swung down on the yellow-eyed zombie's head. It seemed that only [-] seconds had passed. However, this pause , enough for the yellow-eyed zombies to fight back.

I saw that the yellow-eyed zombie slapped Lin Kaiyun's chest fiercely with claw-like hands and a fierce air.


The Golden Light Curse on Lin Kaiyun's body unexpectedly cracked and shattered, and Lin Kaiyun was thrown out by the hammer due to the power attached to it. He rolled twice on the ground before he stabilized.

"Cough cough!!!"

Lin Kaiyun stood up slowly, patted the dust on his body, wiped the corners of his mouth with his fingers, put it in front of him, and saw very obvious bloodstains, he was actually smashed by the yellow-eyed zombie's claws to shatter the Golden Light Curse?Also caused internal injuries! ! !

Lin Kaiyun looked at the proud yellow-eyed zombie and asked, "What are you? Ability? Illusion?"


Sure enough, after hearing Lin Kaiyun's question, the yellow-eyed zombie's inner vanity was greatly satisfied, and he laughed loudly, "How is it? Do you regret it? Let me tell you, this is my natural strength. You have to practice Taoism all your life to be powerful, how about it? Don’t you feel very frustrated!!!”

"It's so wonderful, it's so wonderful to let you, this guy, die in regret!"

Like a pervert, the yellow-eyed zombie licked his lips, waved his claws again, cut through the air, and attacked Lin Kaiyun.

"Spiritual rhyme is self-contained, and paper is formed!"

Lin Kaiyun took out a few white paper bamboo strips from his storage belt, hung the Langhao pen in his mouth, flipped his hands, and in an instant, two paper figurines were tied together, and Lin Kaiyun threw them out to resist the attack of the yellow-eyed zombie. attack.

Stab it!

Stab it!

The claws of the yellow-eyed zombie easily tore apart the paper figurine that Lin Kaiyun had made, and turned into scraps of paper flying in the air.

"Are you helpless? Use such meaningless things to stop me?"

The yellow-eyed zombie taunted Lin Kaiyun to his heart's content.

"Really? Then I'll let you see what makes sense."

Lin Kaiyun spoke very calmly, with a wicked smile on his mouth.


Of course, the yellow-eyed zombie would not believe that Lin Kaiyun had any backhands. When it tore the paper figurine just now, it had already noticed that it was just an ordinary paper figurine, with a little spirituality at most!

The yellow-eyed zombie will definitely not be intimidated by Lin Kaiyun's words. It took two steps instead of three and went straight to Lin Kaiyun.

However, seeing Lin Kaiyun still calm and composed, the yellow-eyed zombie always felt uneasy.

Is it?

The yellow-eyed zombie kicked its feet, braked suddenly, and turned its head to look over.

If there is anything strange, in the eyes of the yellow-eyed zombie, there are only confetti after the two paper figures are torn apart.

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