"This is a rune? How is it possible! When was it drawn?"

The yellow pupils of the yellow-eyed zombie shrank quickly and constricted, with a look of surprise on its face. It saw something written densely on the waste paper scraps.

"How? Does it make sense?"

Seeing that the yellow-eyed zombie found it, Lin Kaiyun made a joke, and then suddenly got angry, holding the magic bullet with both hands,

"Heaven and Earth Xuanzong, the root of all qi, extensively cultivated for billions of eons, and proved my supernatural powers. Inside and outside the three realms, only the Tao is the only one, with a golden light, covering me, guarding the world, and welcoming the five emperors. Ten thousand gods pay homage, and use thunder. Ghosts and demons Fearless, eccentric and oblivious, covering the real man. Hurry like a law!"

The Golden Light Curse that had been shattered around Lin Kaiyun condensed again, and in response to it, the paper scraps all over the sky also shone with this golden light, as if the golden stars all over the sky descended to earth.

This golden light continuously absorbs the qi, yin qi, aura, and air between the heaven and the earth, all of which are not let go.

run! ! !

The anxiety in the yellow-eyed zombie's heart became more and more intense. It could feel that if it was attacked head-on, he would definitely be injured.

But, it's too late.

"Just now you broke my Golden Light Curse, now, you have to resist, don't let me down!"

How could Lin Kaiyun miss a good game, let this yellow-eyed zombie have time to escape, shouted loudly,


Immediately, all the confetti shimmering with golden light multiplied the energy they absorbed just now, and countless golden lights pierced out, forming lines with dots, planes with lines, and space with planes, trapping the yellow-eyed zombie inside Among them, random stabs are interspersed.

The dazzling golden light made Lin Kaiyun almost unable to see clearly the situation of the yellow-eyed zombie, but he felt that this time, he would be injured even if he did not die.

Within a few breaths, the golden light gradually dissipated. However, Lin Kaiyun did not find any trace of this yellow-eyed zombie.

Was it stabbed to pieces?

Of course, Lin Kaiyun just thought about it, he knew that even if this yellow-eyed zombie was killed by this golden light, at least there would be a corpse.

Then there is only one possibility, that is, the ability of this yellow-eyed zombie has a method of invisibility or hiding.

"The strange door after the wind, open!"

Lin Kaiyun stepped on his feet, and a blue gossip formation that only he could see spread out.

I am the world, I am the king!

In this gossip formation, all things, time and space, are set by Lin Kaiyun, of course, investigation is not a problem.

"It turns out that you guy can be invisible!!!"

Lin Kaiyun immediately found the trace of the yellow-eyed zombie. This guy had already quietly walked around behind him.

Lin Kaiyun took out a corpse-suppressing talisman from his bosom, and pasted it backhandedly, "Determine it for me!"


A puff of white smoke came out, and the body of the yellow-eyed zombie appeared immediately.

The yellow-eyed zombie raised his hand and pushed away Lin Kaiyun's hand, not under the control of the talisman, and said in surprise, "How did you find me?"

"I'm sorry, the smell on your body is too bad, you can't stand it when you get close to me!"

Lin Kaiyun sneered, he was not afraid of the talisman when he saw this yellow-eyed zombie, and he didn't have too many surprises.

Moreover, although this yellow-eyed zombie will be invisible, Lin Kaiyun is not worried. First of all, he has the existence of this strange door after the wind. In one, Lin Kaiyun discovered that this yellow-eyed zombie is not fast when he is invisible, and he can even To describe it as slow, Lin Kaiyun doesn't know the reason.

"You nasty Taoist priest, I'm going to kill you!"

Of course, the yellow-eyed zombie didn't believe Lin Kaiyun's nonsense, after he said a harsh word, his body flickered twice, and he became invisible again.

And Lin Kaiyun saw all this, relying on the existence of Fenghou Qimen, Lin Kaiyun clearly detected every move of this yellow-eyed zombie.

In the beginning, this yellow-eyed zombie was very smart. After being invisible, he stood in place and did not move. If ordinary people meet someone who can be invisible, they will move vigilantly and look for traces. Usually, they would not think that they are still in the same place. land.

And this yellow-eyed zombie tried to use this mentality to confuse Lin Kaiyun, but it didn't expect that all of its little thoughts were in Lin Kaiyun's eyes.


Lin Kaiyun wanted to pretend he didn't know, but he couldn't help it anymore. This yellow-eyed zombie was sneaky like a thief, and wanted to sneak up on him and attack him.

However, the contrast between this appearance and the arrogant yellow-eyed zombie before was too strong, which made Lin Kaiyun couldn't help laughing.

And now, Lin Kaiyun is also very sure that this yellow-eyed zombie, in the invisible state, really cannot move fast, and even the speed can be said to be very slow.

"Duizi, incense sandalwood merit!"

Lin Kaiyun held Fajue and started the Eight Diagrams Formation, moving Dui to the feet of the yellow-eyed zombie.

In an instant, the ground under the feet of the yellow-eyed zombie suddenly changed, and the soft soil turned into incense ash, and from this incense ash, more than a dozen prismatic black incense sticks out.

"Can you really find me?"

The yellow-eyed zombie put his hands on his chest, barely blocking these prismatic black fragrances. Now, this yellow-eyed zombie is finally convinced that this young Taoist priest can really see through its invisibility.

Lin Kaiyun continued to sneer, "I said, it's your smell, it's really bad, so I found out!"

"Made, you bastard, you are too much, I will kill you!"

This is not the first time that the yellow-eyed zombie has spoken harshly. If thoughts can kill, it has already cut Lin Kaiyun to pieces.

However, this time, the yellow-eyed zombie also knows that the young Taoist priest in front of him is very strong. With his current state, if he does more, he will be tied with this Taoist priest. It is impossible to kill him, so , now, the yellow-eyed zombie has also recognized the reality and is ready to die.

"I want you to taste hell!"

The yellow-eyed zombie said something in a deep voice, and then grabbed his face with both hands. In an instant, the flesh and blood were bloody, and the yellow-eyed zombie tore off his entire face.

And then, the yellow-eyed zombie's body was filled with earth-yellow light, and his clothes bulged, as if something was about to burst out.

"Is this going to transform?"

Lin Kaiyun had a strange expression on his face. He did remember that the zombies in the zombie contract could transform.


The yellow-eyed zombie let out a miserable roar, and the satin clothes on his body burst instantly.

Chapter 323 The Bodhisattva Who Crosses the Soul


The silk and satin clothes on the yellow-eyed zombie were all torn apart, revealing black muscles, very much like the bodybuilding champion Lin Kaiyun had seen on TV in his previous life. Of course, this was just the beginning. It is still within the normal range, at most it makes Lin Kaiyun a little curious.

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