Facing Lin Kaiyun's growing power, the yellow-eyed zombie didn't panic at all. He grinned his fangs and said,

"Yes, yes, your strength is good, but you still have to die. Before I die, I can tell you that I am not a zombie, I am a descendant of God, I am a god race!!!"

Chapter 326 Slap You Big Mouth

Hearing the words of this yellow-eyed zombie, Lin Kaiyun, holding back his big move, almost failed.

Is this yellow-eyed zombie dumb?Return to Protoss?

Lin Kaiyun dragged the red-hot seven-star Longyuan sword on the ground, steam was emitting from his body, he couldn't help it, and asked with a smile, "I said, is your brain sick? You are just a zombie. The most special point, how did you think you are a protoss?"

"You inferior human race, dare to question my identity, I will kill you with one blow!"

When the yellow-eyed zombie saw Lin Kaiyun laughing at his protoss status that he had always been proud of, he was immediately out of breath, gasping for breath, and rubbing his four fangs non-stop.

At the same time, the yellow-eyed zombie also began to accumulate strength, preparing to fight Lin Kaiyun in a showdown. Around him, corpse aura filled the air, and under the moonlight, it seemed to be flowing continuously. Regardless of wrapping the body of the yellow-eyed zombie, nourishing the body of the yellow-eyed zombie, and adding the effect of moonlight, it seems to be a robot coated with a layer of silver film.

At the same time, under the guidance of the yellow-eyed zombie's special skills, there was always a moonlight shining on the yellow-eyed zombie, continuously providing energy.

"Moon? Hahaha, even if you can absorb moonlight continuously, so what?"

"Die, damn human bug!"

Lin Kaiyun and the yellow-eyed zombie roared separately, and with the power to kill everything, they launched a decisive attack.

Lin Kaiyun jumped up and raised the Seven Star Longyuan Sword high, like a long sword from a volcano, with billowing magma, it drew a full moon in the sky.

As for the yellow-eyed zombie, the corpse aura on his body was accompanied by an earth-yellow ability. Similarly, this yellow-eyed zombie took off the two fangs below him while running, and held it in his hand, and the fierce aura scattered in it and go.

Lin Kaiyun, it's not the time when he just mastered the Bending Heaven and Earth Slash, so when performing the Bending Mountain and Earth Slash, Lin Kaiyun has been able to continue other exercises in it.

For example, now, every time Lin Kaiyun takes a step, he shoots out a gossip formation, and all the gossip formations do not dissipate, superimposed on everything, unexpectedly, forming a Taoist Taiji look.

Taiji divides yin and yang, and yin and yang are balanced, which is the power of the avenue. Lin Kaiyun's collapse of mountains and earth is the flame technique of Zhiyang, which is extremely domineering.

However, although Lin Kaiyun is very confident about Zhiyang's domineering technique, he is not sure that he can kill this yellow-eyed zombie.

After all, the yellow-eyed zombie has been absorbing the breath of the moon before, and the moon is yin, and the zombie is also a yin and evil thing. It stands to reason that whether it is the thunder method of the sun, or the domineering mountain collapse, it can restrain him very much. .

However, everything has two sides. On the contrary, this yin and evil thing can also restrain the yang technique. As long as the energy contained in it exceeds the collapse of the mountain, then Lin Kaiyun feels that he may suffer a big loss. By the way, this yellow-eyed zombie belongs to the zombies in the zombie contract. Who knows if there is any hole card.

However, doing their best and obeying the destiny, the two of them are now at the bottom of their boats, and they have used their own strength, either winning or losing.

In the gossip diagram, the derived Taiji pattern keeps rotating, exuding an inexplicable and unknown power.

However, this yellow-eyed zombie, no matter what, he can't tell the difference between this Bagua diagram and Tai Chi, and he can't tell the difference.

Both Lin Kaiyun and the yellow-eyed zombie did not hesitate, and resorted to their most powerful moves to counterattack.

The yellow-eyed zombie, holding two fangs in its hand, was clamped together like a barb, and stabbed towards Lin Kaiyun. It was full of corpse aura, which split and corroded the surrounding air, even the space. There was a distorted look.

The yellow-eyed zombie, with a fierce look in his eyes, roared carelessly, "Hahaha, go to hell! You despicable human bug!"

From the perspective of the yellow-eyed zombie, Lin Kaiyun couldn't dodge his own attack at all, and he also didn't believe that this young human Taoist priest with a powerful body like it could survive this serious injury.

"Let you see the power of domineering!"

"Break the mountain!"

Lin Kaiyun, watching the yellow-eyed zombie's sharp attack, showed no fear on his face, nor did he appear to dodge in the slightest. After all, at this moment, if he retreats, he will be at a disadvantage. Therefore, Lin Kaiyun is more determined now than ever.

With the berserk magma, Lin Kaiyun smashed it down without hesitation. Immediately, the red-hot seven-star Longyuan sword and the fangs of the yellow-eyed zombie collided together.

click! ! !

It didn't make a strong sound, but it was like two ordinary iron objects colliding, very ordinary.

However, the sound was not loud, but the energy was unambiguous at all, and a very strong shock wave spread out.

The light of that energy illuminated the entire Horseback Mountain, and everything around it was crushed to pieces.

However, Lin Kaiyun and the yellow-eyed zombie remained motionless under the collision of this huge energy.

And Lin Kaiyun's Seven Star Dragon Abyss Sword didn't cut it down, so the energy drawn from the ground didn't burst out immediately.

Feeling the heat of the soil under his feet, Lin Kaiyun knew that it might be a bit difficult for him to smash out the Mountain Cracking Slash perfectly.

However, now, Lin Kaiyun could only grit his teeth and fight on. After all, at this time, he must not relax.

And that yellow-eyed zombie was thinking the same thing at this time. He was confident that his attack could kill the young Taoist priest in front of him.

But now, his two fangs couldn't move an inch, and the heat in the weapon of the young human Taoist priest opposite made the yellow-eyed zombie very uncomfortable, so he had to use part of his body energy to resist.

And in the stalemate, the shock wave produced by the collision was still spreading far away, and instantly swept the entire mountain top, among which, the raised stones and Xiaoshan top were all razed to the ground.

At the same time, those ordinary zombies in the coffin were also annihilated under this energy wave.

And Lin Jiu and Qiu Sheng Wencai, who were about to run down the mountain, also felt this energy at this time.

"Wow, Master, isn't the fighting up there very intense!!!"

Qiu Sheng couldn't help but stop, raised his head, and looked at the light on the mountain, even he could feel the tremor of the ground under his feet.


Wen Cai covered his mouth, he was speechless, but that didn't prevent him from being surprised in the slightest.

Lin Jiu, who was standing on the side, was also surprised. He could feel that the energy on the horseback mountain was far beyond his imagination, and even made him a little scared.

"Master, big..."

Qiu Sheng was about to say it just now, but when he turned his head, he saw Wen Cai's mouth, and the cool coffin fungus got into Qiu Sheng's mouth directly.

Immediately, Qiu Sheng felt a chill and couldn't speak.

But Wencai slowed down. When the coffin bacteria left his mouth, he felt very comfortable. Normally, Wencai had to slow down for a while before he could speak, but now Wencai was very curious and couldn't help it. stopped, and asked tremblingly,

"Master, it looks like that yellow-eyed zombie is very powerful!!! Is senior brother in danger?"

After hearing Wen Cai's words, Lin Jiu was taken aback for a moment. To be honest, he was also very worried, but Lin Jiu still had great confidence in his great apprentice.

Therefore, Lin Jiu shook his head, and said flatly, "Your elder brother will be fine. Although there is a lot of movement above, if there is danger, Kaiyun will definitely be able to leave safely."

And this movement did not show signs of stagnation. Lin Kaiyun and the yellow-eyed zombie were like two masters of the rivers and lakes. They didn't say a word, but they were just a steady stream of urging energy, hoping to destroy each other.

This continuous shock wave has already loosened the soil under Lin Kaiyun and the yellow-eyed zombie, and Lin Kaiyun and the yellow-eyed zombie stood in the air as if they had wings under their feet.

At the same time, under the horse's back mountain, the villages and towns within a radius of [-] miles all felt that something was wrong. Even some people who beat the watch thought that an earthquake was coming, so they beat their gongs desperately.

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