In this way, Lin Kaiyun and the yellow-eyed zombie, like two sculptures, their weapons seemed to be out of control, they collided together and could not be separated.

However, Lin Kaiyun was very calm, he didn't even move his hair, but that yellow-eyed zombie was very ferocious, wishing to bite Lin Kaiyun to death with his mouth.

"Xuanzong of Heaven and Earth, ten thousand qi are rooted in him, extensively cultivated for ten thousand kalpas, and prove my supernatural powers!"

"Golden Light Curse!"

Lin Kaiyun silently recited the Golden Light Mantra in his heart, and suddenly, a piece of golden light emerged from Lin Kaiyun's whole body.

However, this golden light curse did not cause any impact, nor would it change the situation in any way.

The yellow-eyed zombie, looking at the golden light curse around Lin Kaiyun, smiled disdainfully, "You trash bug, you think you can win with your body protection skills, hahaha, ridiculous!!!"

"Really? That one, no, the other one!!!"

Lin Kaiyun raised his eyebrows and smiled, and then directly called out the great fairy Huang Xiaofeng.

"Huang Xiaofeng, help me grab the hilt of the sword!!" Lin Kaiyun roared, at all, no matter whether the great fairy Huang Xiaofeng agreed or not, he immediately let go of one hand.

Huang Xiaofeng originally thought that coming out was some kind of errand job, but when he was summoned, he faced such a big problem.

You know, the current Seven Star Longyuan Sword is not what it used to be. The sword body and hilt are all burning red. If you bite it down, you will probably burn all your hair.

However, when Huang Xiaofeng saw Lin Kaiyun, he didn't intend to discuss it with him at all, he just let go of his hand, had no choice but to bite the bullet.

Stab it!

A burst of white smoke came out, and sure enough, the hairs at the corners of Huang Xiaofeng's mouth were scorched black, half of the tongue in his mouth was also burnt.

Huang Xiaofeng groaned and said, "Woooo, boss, hurry up! I'm getting ready!"

"Understood, just hold on for half a minute!" Lin Kaiyun said comfortingly, and then, holding the Jue with one hand, in an instant, countless blue talismans appeared behind Lin Kaiyun.

"Tiantian talisman!!!"

"How is it possible?" The yellow-eyed zombie was finally a little shocked at this moment, he never thought that Lin Kaiyun would have such a coquettish operation at this time.

Not only did he summon a small thing, grab the weapon, but even drew so many talismans in the void.

You must know that this yellow-eyed zombie had also come into contact with many Taoist priests before he fell asleep, and he had never seen this scene before.

However, even if he was very upset, there was nothing the yellow-eyed zombie could do. Although Lin Kaiyun let go of one hand, he didn't know what the little yellow-skinned thing he summoned was so strong. , Help Lin Kaiyun stabilize the weapon.

This gave the yellow-eyed zombie no chance to break the deadlock, and did not dare to let go. After all, Lin Kaiyun did not give up control of the weapon.

The yellow-eyed zombie has no doubt that as long as he backs down, the young Taoist priest in front of him will definitely take advantage of the victory and pursue him immediately.

At such a time, momentum is very important, once the young Taoist priest in front of him gains the upper hand, I am afraid that the yellow-eyed zombie will not be able to turn back.

Facing this dilemma, the yellow-eyed zombie almost scolded his mother angrily, and shouted directly, "Made, you despicable Taoist priest, didn't you agree that one move will determine the outcome?"

After cursing, the yellow-eyed zombie turned his head to look around, and found that there were no ordinary zombies under his command, and those ordinary zombies who were chasing Lin Jiu hadn't come back now, and they were probably all finished.

Damn it, if I knew it earlier, I would have kept a few men!The yellow-eyed zombie couldn't help complaining.

Of course, Lin Kaiyun didn't have time to laugh when he saw the yellow-eyed zombie's sad look. After all, time was running out, and with a movement of his finger, the talismans behind him flew towards the yellow-eyed zombie overwhelmingly.

For a moment, all the talismans, under the guidance of mana, attracted each other and exploded.

The continuous explosions all hit the yellow-eyed zombies, as if they were flying dragons riding on their faces.

These explosions, in normal times, might not cause any harm to the yellow-eyed zombies, but now they are fighting each other, and this sudden force is enough to affect the yellow-eyed zombies.

Sure enough, the yellow-eyed zombie couldn't help taking a step back, and Lin Kaiyun caught this point. He pushed away the great fairy Huang Xiaofeng, covered the Seven-Star Dragon Abyss Sword with both hands, and pressed down violently. On the ground, The billowing heat is getting closer and closer, as if it may be sprayed out later.

However, the yellow-eyed zombie stabilized himself. With a roar, he pushed the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword up a little bit, making the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword slightly away from the ground, and the rolling heat subsided a little.

"Yes! Life is hard enough!!!"

Lin Kaiyun continued to exert force, but the Seven Star Longyuan Sword in his hand couldn't move a single bit, and was firmly stuck by the fangs of the yellow-eyed zombie.

Although Lin Kaiyun is now confident that he has scored the top points, as long as he continues like this, he will be able to fully display the Bending Mountain and Dividing Slash. By then, this yellow-eyed zombie may be miserable if he does not die.

However, Lin Kaiyun really couldn't wait, and he didn't want to procrastinate any longer.

"Huang Xiaofeng, hold it for a while!" Lin Kaiyun glanced at Huang Xiaofeng, and said again.

And Huang Xiaofeng was using the wind to reduce the pain in his mouth, as a result, upon hearing Lin Kaiyun's order, a car was stunned.

Moreover, Lin Kaiyun was still the same as before, he let go of his hand in advance, even though Huang Xiaofeng was still reluctant in every possible way, but there was no way, in order not to be boiled by Lin Kaiyun in the future, he had to bite the bullet and do it.

Da Xian'er Huang Xiaofeng was crying and drooping his tail, forcing himself to grab the handle of the burning seven-star Longyuan sword in his mouth again.

Lin Kaiyun smashed once to free up one hand, pinching Lei Fa in his hand, and slapped the yellow-eyed zombie.


This time the yellow-eyed zombie had no way to dodge, and was slapped straight on the head by Lin Kaiyun.

Suddenly, the yellow-eyed zombie's head felt buzzing.

Lin Kaiyun's attack this time is not low in lethality, and at the same time, it is extremely insulting.

As for Lin Kaiyun, he obviously didn't want to let go of this opportunity, the lightning on his palm didn't dissipate, and he took pictures again and again.

clap clap clap!

Lin Kaiyun's Thunder Palm was like a slap at the moment, slapping continuously.

Lin Kaiyun didn't use the side of his palm, but slapped the yellow-eyed zombies directly, and at the same time cursed, "How is it? How are you doing these big fights?"

People say that to destroy a person is to destroy his heart first. Of course, in Lin Kaiyun's view, the same is true for destroying a zombie.

The original face of the yellow-eyed zombie was quite normal, but after transforming, it looked like a wild boar blocking its face.

Now the yellow-eyed zombie, hideous of his own ugly face, roared angrily,

"Damn bug, I'm going to kill you!"

It wasn't enough after shouting, the yellow-eyed zombie twisted the few places where he could move.

Chapter 327 Are You Not Human?

Lin Kaiyun saw that the yellow-eyed zombie twisted its mouth and bit Lin Kaiyun's hand.

Lin Kaiyun raised his palm, dodged it, and slapped it with his backhand, cursing with a smile, "Ah, I'm so used to you, you dare to bite me!!!"

After being slapped by Lin Kaiyun again, the yellow-eyed zombie became even more angry.

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