Although Lin Jiu and Shi Jian have been torn apart now, but Shi Jian is his senior brother after all, so he bowed his hands very politely. After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu glanced at Wen Cai and pointed at him. nodded.

Wen Cai, who had coffin bacteria in his mouth, immediately understood what Master meant, so Wen Cai looked at Shi Jian sitting on the bed with a bitter face.

This situation is already obvious. My master Lin Jiu wants to roll the coffin to Shi Jian by himself. As for how to give it to Shi Jian, there is no need to think about it. It must be right.

However, at the thought of talking to Shi Jian and his master, Wen Cai retched for a while. If he knew this, he should have passed the coffin fungus to Qiu Sheng's mouth in advance.

And Qiu Sheng is also very fortunate now, gloating over Wen Cai and saying, "Wen Cai, what are you waiting for? Don't give the coffin fungus to Uncle Shi Jian!"

Wen Cai gave Qiu Sheng a pitiful look, then turned his heart away, rushed to the bedside in two big strides, and stuck his mouth on Shi Jian's with a sharp bite.

The coffin fungus flew into Shi Jian's mouth in an instant, without even giving Shi Jian a chance to react.

This coffin fungus is the most yin and cold thing, even if it is Shi Jian with a very strong cultivation base, it is very uncomfortable to hold it in his mouth at this time. I can't help shivering.

But thinking that Lin Jiu was still here, Shi Jianqiang endured the cold so that he would not lose face.

However, in fact, Shi Jian was very confused at this time. He couldn't imagine how Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun, the master and apprentice, could come back from the horse's back mountain safely. No injuries.

This shows that Shi Jian's plan to kill people with a knife has completely failed.

However, at least Lin Jiu and the others really brought back the coffin fungus, which could be used to treat Shi Shaojian's injuries.

"Brother, the coffin fungus has been given to you, and our agreement has been fulfilled, so this matter will be cancelled!"

After Lin Jiu finished speaking, seeing that Shi Jian didn't respond, he was still sitting on the bed with a cold face, and then cupped his hands and continued, "Elder brother, we'll go back if there's nothing else, I hope you can take care of yourself!"

Chapter 332 The Old Guy Can Pretend

Now Lin Jiu doesn't have a good impression of his elder brother. Even if Lin Jiu is not good at communication, even if Lin Jiu's friendship with his fellow students is important to this matter, it can be seen that Shi Jian wants to kill with a knife.

Lin Jiuzai has nothing to do with such a wicked senior brother.

And Shi Jian, who had coffin fungus in his mouth, had a very ugly expression on his face after seeing Lin Jiu's appearance, but it was not the time to completely fall out with Lin Jiu, so after Lin Jiu finished speaking, Shi Jian also symbolized Sexually nodded.

"Kaiyun, Qiu Shengwen, let's go."

Seeing Shi Jian, Lin Jiu nodded and responded without talking nonsense. He said in a cold voice and then walked out the door with his hands behind his back.

And Lin Kaiyun followed Lin Jiu's pace and walked out, but before going out, Lin Kaiyun nodded meaningfully to Shi Jian.

However, Qiusheng and Wencai were not so fast. They even dawdled in the room for a few minutes before slowly walking out.

Lin Jiu gave Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai a look in confusion and didn't say much. It wasn't until they went down the second floor and walked out of the inn that Lin Jiu said something to Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai angrily.

"Why are you two so chattering, what do you want to do after staying in the house for so long?"

Qiusheng and Wencai looked at each other and said with a smile,

"Hey, master, what can we think of, it's definitely not to help him."

"That's right, our uncle visibly shivered the moment he put the coffin mouth in his mouth just now. He must have felt extremely cold, but it was just because of his face that he kept pretending, so Wencai and I just shuddered." I deliberately delayed for a while, wanting to see him make a fool of myself."

Lin Kaiyun asked with interest, "How is it? Did the two of you see him make a fool of himself?"

Wen Cai shook his head in disappointment. "No, that old guy is very good at pretending, and he has been persistent."

"Okay, stop messing around, you two, let's stop sticking around here, and go straight back to Yizhuang!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Jiu walked towards Yizhuang in Renjia Town with his hands behind his back, and this time not only Lin Kaiyun, but also Qiusheng and Wencai followed closely behind.

At the same time, in the inn on the other side of Renjia Town, after several people left, Shi Jian took out all the things needed to arrange the altar, and also kept the coffin mushrooms.

After completing such a series of things, it is time to start healing Shi Shaojian.

He moved Shi Shaojian's body, and slowly dragged him forward until he was right in front of Fa Tan.make its mutilated body.Placed neatly on the stone bench.

The only thing that looks very awkward is.The clothes on the body with the head tilted to one side were also stained black and red by the blood sacrifice. This made Shi Jian, his father, feel distressed, and at the same time, he felt sorry for Uncle Jiu.

A group of people hated it even more.

Shi Jian stared at the young man lying on the stone bench, his eyes couldn't help becoming heavy, and he got up and said silently,

"Shao Jian, I will return double the pain you are suffering now, and the pain you have endured.

From now on, you must cheer up and recover as before. Together, we will take back all the things we lost. "

When no one else was around, Shi Jian was still willing to call Shi Shaojian his son.

Although the person lying on the stone bench couldn't move his body, he was quite moved when he heard what his father said.

Shi Shaojian's two eyeballs were dangling in their sockets.

Seeing his son's reaction, Shi Jian couldn't help but feel happy in his heart, and couldn't help but feel happy on his heavy face just now.There is a sliver of comfort.

In Shi Jian's heart, even if his son lost all his organs in the end, all his injuries would recover now, and his final actions would be affected.

This is the price to be paid in the end, that is, the consequence of the lack of connection between the soul and the body. Even people with the most profound Taoism cannot completely restore it.

Although he understood this truth, he still wanted to.Make it less disturbing.

Shi Jian lowered his head, his heavy eyes looked at Shi Shaojian who was still moving his eyeballs,

"Father knows that you have suffered, and also knows that you can hear what I say. You don't have to do anything now, don't try to do what I say to run the new law for a week, and guide the remaining in your body as much as possible. Consciousness. I will inject the coffin bacteria into your body, and you just have to run with the coffin bacteria.

You have to believe in your thoughts, under the action of the vitality of the heaven and the earth, I will try my best to mellow the power of the vitality, so that it can achieve the ultimate effect on your body's repair.

You just have to do what I say, and I will not only make your body move freely, but also be lighter and stronger than the bird side. "

Shi Shaojian, who had heard his father's words, had already had a dead consciousness in his heart, but now he came back to life.

Whether it is the power of heaven and earth vitality or the power brought by the coffin king, they are all very powerful.

At this moment, Shi Jian stretched his arms and waved upwards the coffin fungus on the altar, breaking through the seal in an instant, and soaring into the air.

"The universe is boundless, the heaven and the earth use the law, souls come and go, souls go to yin, souls go to yang!"

"Three souls and seven spirits, listen to my orders, come back, come together!"

Following Shi Jian's incantation, a cloud of cold air rose into the sky with the Coffin Lord.

The thick green light exploded in mid-air in an instant, and then condensed in an instant like Shi Shaojian on a stone bench.rushing forward.

In an instant,

Lights on candlesticks.Suddenly it jumped violently, and the faint yellow light enveloped the entire room.

There is even a bit of a gloomy atmosphere in it.

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