Shi Jian slapped the table fiercely, the two runes placed flat on the altar, and the bronze sword lying next to it jumped up instantly, and the two runes were inserted straight into the tip of the sword.

Shi Jian held the hilt of the sword in his hand and kept waving it.

Brush brush.

The green light danced back and forth in Shi Jian's hands, and the two talisman papers burst into flames, turning into a wisp of green smoke that floated in mid-air.

And this light face is like a coiled tongue, generally floating in mid-air, lingering for a long time, as if being guided by something.

Following Shi Jian's gesture, the wisp of green smoke condensed together and flew in the direction of Mr. Coffin.

Not long after, Mr. Coffin was tightly surrounded by this wisp of green smoke, and he was running quickly.

"go with!"

At Shi Jian's order, the coffin king who was surrounded by light smoke flew towards Shi Shaojian in an instant.

"The time has come, hurry up and run your mind!"

Shi Jian's eyes were as big as copper bells.Staring at the coffin fungus closely, I was really afraid that he might run away.

Throwing the bronze sword in his hand to the side, he clasped his hands together in front of his chest in an instant, with ten fingers tightly facing each other, one at a time.The very cumbersome rune-like mark appeared in front of my eyes in an instant.

"Introduce the power of heaven and earth to nourish the body"

After Shi Jian finished speaking, he clasped his hands together instantly, and the dust on the ground flew up.

At this time, he poured all his strength into his fingertips, pointed forward,

I saw the coffin fungus wrapped in green smoke going straight to Shi Shaojian's Tianling Gaier.

"go with!"

Chapter 333 If you want revenge, go to Lin Jiu

However, Shi Jian was ready for everything, he only owed the east wind, he kept urging all the mana in his body, and shouted that Shi Shaojian's body was not enough with his own law, and he needed the support of external spiritual energy.

As a result, at the last moment, Shi Jian found that no spiritual energy gathered, including the spirit gathering array he arranged, which did not play any role.

"What's going on? Impossible?"

Shi Jian was a little puzzled, and immediately stopped casting the spell and stood up, quickly opened the door, and looked at him at the vase in the corridor of the inn.

In fact, for Shi Jian, it is very easy to have more than one formation that gathers spiritual energy. Even if the current spiritual energy is not enough, it can still play a role.

The reason why Shi Jian didn't arrange this aura gathering spiritual energy in the room was because he was afraid of being discovered by Lin Jiu and others, so he arranged it in the vases on the left and right sides of the room.

When Shi Jian walked into the vase on the left, he found a hole in the small yellow flag inside, and at the bottom was a copper coin that had passed ten thousand hands.

With a gloomy expression, Shi Jian picked up the small flag and squeezed it, then muttered angrily, "Damn it, it must be Lin Jiu!"

From Shi Jian's point of view, except for him, there are ordinary people in this inn, and no one can discover and decipher his spirit-gathering formation.

In addition, Lin Jiu and other four masters and apprentices came to deliver the coffin mushrooms before, so in Shi Jian's opinion, Lin Jiu was [-]% responsible for this matter.

However, Shi Jian didn't think wrongly, destroying the formation.Although Lin Jiu didn't do it, but Lin Kaiyun did it, basically there is no difference.

And when Lin Kaiyun was leaving before, he nodded to Shi Jian like a joke, just to make fun of Shi Jian!

The more Shi Jian thought about it, the more angry he became, but he didn't have any evidence. He couldn't go to Yizhuang to question Lin Jiu now, otherwise Lin Jiu wouldn't admit it.

Thinking of the half-dead stone whistle in the room, Shi Jian directly broke off the small flag in his hand and put it in his pocket, his eyes turned coldly, and he said to himself,

"Okay, since you have destroyed my spirit-gathering formation, you hope that I can use other methods to revive Shi Shaojian. If that's the case, I will do as you wish!"

After muttering, Shi Shaojian flicked his sleeves and jumped out of the corridor window.

Now it was daylight, this inn was outside Renjia Town, next to an official road, so some people who went out to gather herbs had already started on the road, this time was just convenient for Shi Jian to do it, he needed to find a few suitable people requesting person.

Soon after, in less than an hour, Shi Jian slipped in from the corridor window again, and at the same time, Shi Jian was holding two cloth bags in his hands.

The things contained in this cloth bag seem to be quite heavy, but with Shi Jian's ability, it is still easy to carry them.

Shi Jian looked at it vigilantly, no one on the second floor woke up, so he went back to his room directly.

Back in the room, Shi Jian placed the four cloth bags lightly on the ground so as not to make any noise, and then opened the top beam.

I saw that these four cloth bags contained four people, to be precise, four women, their hands and feet were tied up with hemp rope, and their mouths were stuffed with towels.

Although these people were all knocked out by Shi Jian when they were arrested, they have all come to their senses at this moment. The four women saw Shi Jian struggling desperately and wanted to call for help desperately, but they didn't. No sound could be made for any effect, and he could only stare at Shi Jian with terrified eyes.

And Shi Jian seemed to be looking at prey, swept the four women, and said without any emotion, "I don't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately, but for my Shaojian, I can only let you sacrifice."

After hearing Shi Jian's murderous words, the four women struggled even more fearfully.

Seeing the struggle of these four women, Shi Jian was abnormal, smiled and said,

"Okay, you can't break free, the more intense the resistance will only make you more painful, and the four of you must be residents of Renjia Town, right? Remember that if you turn into a ghost after death, you will go to Renjia Town It is because of him that Lin Jiu of Yizhuang took revenge, you guys are going to die!"

After that, Shi Jian didn't care about these women who were struggling in fear, and walked directly in front of Shi Shaojian. Seeing Shi Shaojian's delirious appearance, he said with a straight face, "Shaojian, don't worry, I have found four Yinnianyin women." , people born in the moon, wait a moment, you only need to suck their blood, and you can be resurrected!"

After finishing speaking, Shi Jian directly picked up the writing brush on the table, dipped it in the bowl of Zhu Sha, turned around, and drew amulets on the faces of the four women with ferocious faces.

The four women shook their heads desperately, but because their hands and feet were imprisoned by Shi Jian, they couldn't dodge at all. In the end, their faces were covered with spells by Shi Jian.

"The universe is boundless, the heaven and the earth use the law!"

Shi Jian squeezed it in his hands and realized that for a moment, the four women stopped struggling immediately, and the whole person became stiff, expressionless, and the pupil between the two eyes collapsed, as if they lost their souls generally.

At this point, Shi Jian didn't intend to be alone, so he quickly drew a spell. Shi Shaojian, who was lying down, also drew a spell with a brush in the same deepness in the practice room.

But as Shi Jian's formulas and magic power urged Shi Jian to act on his own, he raised his feet and walked forward bit by bit, but this Shi Shaojian's appearance is not resurrected, especially when he walks unsteadily. Yes, Fili looks like a zombie.

"Shaojian, listen to my order, suck the blood of these four yin-fate people, and then cooperate with the coffin fungus, the most yin thing, and you can be reincarnated and resurrected!"

When Shi Jian saw Shi Shaojian walking in front of these women again, he directly took out a piece of talisman paper from his arms, put it on his finger, and suddenly a flame burst out from you, and then Shi Jian set it on fire. The flame talisman was thrown on Fashion House's back.

The flame was extinguished quickly, but the spell on Shi Shaojian's back flickered, and Shi Shaojian seemed to regain his sanity temporarily, as if he understood Shi Jian's words, so he raised his arm and grabbed the sluggish woman in front of him, It was as fierce as biting off the neck.

Goo, goo, goo!

Shi Shaojian desperately sucked up the blood, like a water pump, the body of the woman in front of him soon withered and lost all vitality.

But even so, the woman didn't show any resistance, and even showed no pain on her face.

But at this time, Shi Shaojian's body has recovered somewhat because he inhaled the blood of this yin-year-old man, and even his complexion is no longer as pale as before.

After this change, Shi Shaojian turned his head sharply, staring at the other people with yin and yin fate in his eyes very sharply, and even licked his lips greedily.

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