And Shi Jian, who was standing behind, saw Shi Shaojian's tiny movement, and most of the stones in his heart dropped.

This time it won't fail like before, at least from now on it seems that half of the success has been achieved, after all Shi Shaojian's movements don't need to be controlled by Shi Jian now.

Shi Shaojian pushed aside the woman who had already sucked up the yin and yin disease, and then greedily walked towards the second person who was destined for fate.

Although the way of walking is still precarious and swaying, it is much stronger than before.

This time it was the same, Shi Shaojian directly bit the man's throat.

Chapter 334 It's a Zombie Again

Shi Shaojian bit the throat of the second one, the man of Yin and Yin, and sucked it up very greedily. At the same time, his own throat wriggled up and down very frequently, and even hiccupped during the process of sucking blood.

And after the blood of the Yinming man was sucked in the second Yin year, Shi Shaojian's complexion became more ruddy.

In this way, during the actual operation, the uninterrupted continuous blood sucking sucked up all the four people who were in the dark and the dark.

And after sucking the blood, Shi Shaojian's body also underwent great changes, the dry skin on his body gradually became moist at this time, and at the same time, there was a huge surge of energy and blood in his body.

The power of weeping blood kept nourishing Shi Shaojian's body. At the same time, Shi Shaojian's spiritual consciousness also recovered. He turned around stiffly, opened his lips to Shi Jian, and said stumbledly, "Master, Me, me, what happened to me?"

Seeing Shi Shaojian, Shi Jian was overjoyed after speaking, and quickly said, "Don't talk, child, you now have the power of the coffin bacteria and the vigorous power of a year's blood, and now is the time to absorb it." , sit down quickly, I am helping you."

Although Shi Shaojian still can't speak well, his movements are very stiff, and he looks like a zombie, but Shi Jian knows that this is the last step. As long as this step is completed, then Shi Shaojian will become exactly like a human being. So he was resurrected.

However, this last step is very critical. It is necessary to step forward from time to time to absorb the power of the coffin bacteria in the body and the power of the Yin Year's Yin Life Qi and blood.

Afterwards, Shi Jian didn't wait for Shi Shaojian's reaction, he directly grabbed the fashion-pointed shoulders, spun her around with his wrist, turned his back to him, and continued to push her down in the practice room.

Immediately afterwards, Shi Jian pressed on Shi Shaojian's Tianling Cap, and the expanding magic power in his body was continuously input into Shi Shaojian's body.

And at the moment when Shi Jian's mana entered Shi Shaojian's body, Shi Shaojian's hollow, lifeless eyes quickly turned scarlet, and the fierceness brought about by blood sucking in his mind was suppressed a lot, even Shi Shaojian could feel himself His body seemed to have a temperature.

In this way, after half an hour of hard work, Shi Jian has almost absorbed all the strength of Jiangsu and Zhejiang bones, and Shi Shaojian himself has recovered his sanity and remembered everything. It is at your command, but as long as it is nourished by the blood of Yinming people after seven or seven days and 49 days of cloudy years, the body will become the same as usual.

But now Shi Shaojian still has a very serious side effect, that is, there is still a blood-sucking desire in his body, but he has not turned into a zombie, this blood-sucking desire can still be controlled.

Shi Jian was waiting for Shi Shaojian's physical changes, but he was not idle either. He glanced at the four people who had been sucked into human beings on the ground, raised his hand, and Mana grabbed the four cloth bags directly. , quickly put the wet and dry stuff into a cloth bag, and then Shi Jian jumped out of the window and dealt with it quietly. The four people did it.

And Shi Shaojian was still sitting on the floor of the room, slowly absorbing the mana that Shi Jian gave him, and the incomplete parts of his body also slowly regrown.

After more than half an hour, Shi Shaojian's body has become the same as before, without any wounds left, but his body does not have human yang energy, but is full of yin and evil forces. To be precise, Now Shi Shaojian has been trained by Shi Jian to become a corpse demon, which is different from zombies and monsters.

The next day, after dawn, Renjia Town became noisy, and it was no longer as peaceful as before. After a few hours of rest, Lin Jiu, Lin Kaiyun and others recovered most of their energy. I heard the security team outside, shouting desperately,

"If someone is killed, it's like a zombie. If you have nothing to do, try not to go out."

"Our captain Awei has already ordered everyone not to go out if they have nothing to do."

"There are also those curious people in the town, don't go to see the excitement. This time the incident is similar to the previous master. If you go to the excitement rashly, you will not be responsible for the accident."

After being notified by the security team, most of the residents of Renjia Town knew about it.

Originally, Awei, the captain of the security team, wanted to use this warning method to remind the residents of Renjia Town not to walk around at random, and not to run around to watch the excitement.

But apparently Awei's idea didn't come true, because some people have such a characteristic, the more you don't let him do something, the more itchy and curious he feels, so when he heard the security team say it was a zombie attack After that, instead of being afraid, I was very curious and wanted to watch the excitement.

In addition, there were more people standing on the street, and instead of obediently returning home, they started talking about it.

"Really? Are there zombies again?"

"It must be true, otherwise how dare this Awei let his subordinates shout around."

"But it's not necessarily a zombie. You didn't listen to what the security team said before. It's just a murder."

"That's right, but what's going on, we'll find out after we go and have a look."

"You still dare to go to see it, haven't you heard what people say? Don't go there, or it will be dangerous."

"What's the danger? We have Uncle Nine in Renjia Town, you forgot, and I heard from others that Boss Qian recently invited a Taoist priest, and I heard that he lives in an inn outside the town. How dare the zombies come out to move around? As long as we behave at night, we will be fine."

"That's right, let's go, hurry up and take a look, otherwise there will be no place for you later."

So these people who heard the reminder from the security team were either discussing on the street, or went to the place where the murder happened to watch the excitement.

The place where the body was first discovered was already full of people from the security team, and the security captain, A Wei, was standing aside with dignity, directing his men to pull down the cordon.

A security team member with a spear on his back ran directly in front of Ah Wei and reported. "I've searched for the captain. There are no other corpses around here, just these four."

"Well, yes, take me to check these four corpses."

Awei nodded, holding his belt with both hands, and walked towards the grass inside with square steps.

This is a piece of grass in the southwest of Renjia Town, with very tall wormwood growing on it. The most important thing is that there is a deep depression in the grass, and there is a pit in it, which is also full of grass. The bodies of the four women It was found in this grassy pit.

Normally, this place is very secretive. If it wasn't for a sheep herder, it wouldn't be discovered even if it happened to mow the grass and stockpile fodder.

Awei looked at the four corpses that had already been carried up, and took a closer look around them twice. These corpses were all women, and they seemed to be people who collected medicine in Renjia Town, but the four corpses were at this moment. They were all shrunk by a third of their bodies as if they had been steamed dry, and at the same time, they all had a fatal wound on their necks.

Based on Ah Wei's previous experience, it can be concluded that these four people were killed by zombies, but Ah Wei is also a little strange, after all, he has seen the servant of Grandpa Ren's family before, when he was killed by zombies. , two or four very deep blood holes will be left on the neck.

However, these people did not have a blood hole, but there was a very obvious tooth mark. Of course, this suspicious point only stayed in Awei's mind for a moment, then turned around and passed away immediately, and he didn't care.

However, among the security team, there are also some curious people. For example, the two people who followed Ah Wei to check the corpse asked curiously, "Captain, is this bitten by a zombie? Why is there no tooth mark?" But if it's really a zombie, will Renjia Town be in danger again?"

"Yes, Captain, I remember the last time when Master Ren turned into a zombie, Uncle Jiu burned him to death with fire. Now we need to prepare some torches to burn these four corpses first, otherwise they will turn into corpses. It's even more troublesome to become a zombie."

After Awei heard the words of his two servants, his face was very ugly, and his brows were tightly frowned. He is very annoying now. You must know that Awei had already done a lot when the master fell in love. Ugly, because of this, he was taught a lesson by Uncle Ninth's apprentice Lin Kaiyun, and he has just healed up until now, not long after the injury, the result has not yet waited, how long will he be free and easy?In the end, something happened again, and it looked like it was still a zombie.

However, after all, Awei has experienced a lot of things before, and he has grown through training. Although he was very disturbed when he saw these zombies at this time, he was not too scared, so he cleared his throat. These two followers of his, his subordinates ordered.

"Go and prepare some torches and firewood first, and then put them here, and see what to do with them when Uncle Nine arrives."

"Okay, Captain, I'm going to prepare the fire right now, and then I'll go find Uncle Jiu."

The security guard was about to run after finishing speaking, but was immediately stopped by Ah Wei. He asked with a puzzled face, "Have you not informed Uncle Jiu yet?"

The security guard froze for a moment, then explained with a smile, "Captain, you only told us to notify the residents of the town not to run around or watch the excitement, and you didn't tell us to notify Uncle Jiu."

Immediately, Awei's anger rose immediately, and he directly clenched his fists and hit the security guard's head twice, cursing, "Do I need to tell you this? Ah, the first time this kind of thing happened Shouldn’t Uncle Jiu be notified if there is one thing? What are you thinking? You know what to eat for a day.”

"Yes, yes, I'm going, I'm going."

Although Awei was miserably dealt with by Lin Kaiyun before, Awei became a security guard after all, and the captain has been in the security team for many years and is still very prestigious.

At the same time, Lin Jiu, Lin Kaiyun and others in Yizhuang had long heard the shouts on the street. Although they were in the corner of Renjia Town in Yizhuang, people who couldn't stand the numbered line ran over to inform them.

Lin Kaiyun, Lin Jiu and others who were walking towards the scene of the murder happened to meet the security team members who came to find them.

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