It proves that when the security team saw Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun, they seemed to have encountered a life-saving straw for an instant, so they hurried over and shouted, "Uncle Jiu, Master Xiao Lin is so kind to see you, the captain asked us to come and invite you!" You, four corpses were found in the grass over there, it seems that zombies did it!"

Mr. Lin Kaiyunqiang said, "What kind of blood is sucked in their throats, but there are no tooth marks."

"Yes, Mr. Xiaolin, you are right. Those corpses bitten by zombies have no tooth marks on their throats." The security guard nodded quickly.

Lin Jiu and Qiusheng Wencai, after hearing the conversation between Lin Taiyun and the security guard, the three of them looked at Lin Kaiyun with suspicion.

Lin Kaiyun glanced at them, and naturally knew what they wanted to ask, so he said directly to himself, "Master looks like this. When we were delivering coffin mushrooms to Master Shi Jian last night, I noticed that his room seemed to be decorated Something weird happened, so I guess maybe it has something to do with this!"

Lin Kaiyun didn't say it clearly, but Lin Jiu understood Lin Kaiyun's words, so he didn't ask any more questions, and continued, "Let's lead the way ahead!"

Then, under the leadership of this security team member, several people came to the grassland in the southwest direction.

Sure enough, after such a short period of time, there were already many people watching the grass. These people didn't seem to be afraid of this zombie at all, and they all tried their best to get up.

Seeing this, the security guard hurriedly greeted and shouted, "Come on, everyone, stop crowding here, let Uncle Jiu and Master Xiaolin come here!"

After hearing this, Ah Wei who was inside quickly ran out, and greeted Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun respectfully, "Uncle Jiu, Master Xiao Lin is great, you are finally here, come in and have a look Bar."

So, under the leadership of captain Awei, Lin Jiu, Lin Kaiyun, Qiusheng and Wencai directly entered the safety rope and saw the four corpses.

After Qiusheng and Wencai were brought into Lin Jiu's sect, they followed their masters and senior senior brothers to slay demons and eliminate demons, so we have seen many corpses like this, in fact, we have seen corpses worse than this But, after all, these are fresh human lives. Even if these two guys are heartless, they are full of worry at this time, so they asked quickly,

"It's so strange, it looks like it was sucked blood, but why is there no tooth mark?"

"Yes, look at the dried blood on the neck, but there is not even a tooth hole."

However, Lin Jiu did not respond to his two apprentices, but squatted down to examine the corpses. Lin Kaiyun also sat down and squatted down in the same way as Lin Jiu.

"Master, look behind these people there are still some brush marks that haven't been cleaned up thoroughly, it seems that someone drew a spell."

Lin Kaiyun checked and found that besides the smell of blood, these people had a very obvious smell of cinnabar, and at the same time, there were still some marks of cinnabar on their clothes.

Lin Jiu also nodded, frowned tightly, and said in a low voice, "That's right, these people are very special, to be precise, they are all born in a cloudy year, a cloudy time, and a cloudy moon. , coupled with the fact that their blood was drained, it was clearly man-made."

Lin Kaiyun nodded. What Lin Jiu said is easy to understand. If zombies suck blood, they will choose some strong people or people with cultivation, but they will never choose Yin or Yang fate to suck blood. , so from the commonality of these four people, it can be seen that this is definitely not the work of zombies.

Wencai and Qiusheng on the side also squatted down after hearing the conversation between Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun, and Wencai asked curiously, "If it's not a zombie, how could it still be sucked blood and bite its throat, could it be a monster?" ? But we don’t seem to have any monsters in Renjia Town, just a big chimpanzee we caught in the yard before has been released.”

Qiu Sheng glanced at Wen Cai directly, and said speechlessly, "Stupid, since you have big chimpanzees, there may be other ones, and besides, even if there are, they can't come out in broad daylight .”

Wen Cai scratched his head, and said flatly, "That's right. Since it's not a zombie, it should be a monster."

For these two playful apprentices, Lin Jiu has nothing to do, and these two people have indeed done what they said. When they woke up in the morning, they also actively participated in the morning practice, but their nature is above entertainment , so Lin Jiu is not going to restrain their behavior.

So Lin Jiu ignored it, discussed Zhenghuan's Qiusheng and Wencai, turned to look at Lin Kaiyun and asked, "How is it, Kaiyun, do you see anything?"

In fact, Lin Jiu now has some ideas in his mind. He can deduce the distance from the dead bodies of Shi Jian. Wencai knew it, so perfunctory, thinking it was done by a monster, in Lin Jiu's heart, he basically concluded that it was done by an evil cultivator.

However, although Lin Jiu only returned to Renjia Town last night, Lin Jiu also acted like a member of the security team along the way, asking if there were any strangers in Renjia Town recently.

Those security guards told Lin Jiu that recently there were no businessmen in Renjia Township, only one was the Daoist chief once hired by Boss Qian, who was now living in an inn outside Renjia Township.

And the person mentioned by the security guard was Lin Jiu's elder brother, and Shi Jian matched the Shi Jian inferred from these corpses, so Lin Jiu naturally suspected Shi Jian.

The reason why Lin Kaiyun didn't tell Lin Jiu the specifics just now was because he didn't want to judge blindly when he didn't see the corpses, but now when he saw the four corpses, Lin Kaiyun was very sure that this was Shi Jian's apprentice Shi Shaojian did it, so Lin Kaiyun was stunned for a moment, and said slowly, "Master, I think it's Shi..."

However, before Lin Kaiyun finished speaking, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai hit him in surprise.

"Eldest brother, master, you can see that guy in the crowd among those onlookers."

"Really, he can really be resurrected. It seems that Mr. Coffin is really useful?"

After hearing Qiusheng and Wencai's words, Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyunye followed their gazes and found Shi Shaojian among the crowd.

At this time, Shi Shaojian was wearing blue clothes, his hair was also painted with pomade, he looked very capable, and his complexion was also very ruddy. He looked no different from a normal person.

But at this time, Shi Shaojian's state could not be hidden from Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun, because they found that Shi Shaojian's body had a very cold aura, which they had only seen on ghosts and monsters. Generally speaking, Shi Shaojian's body has this kind of aura, which should make people around him feel very cold and uncomfortable, but judging from the crowd watching at this time, it seems that there is no difference.

Lin Kaiyun's face was solemn, his eyes fixed on Shi Shaojian tightly, and he spoke slowly. "Master, Shi Shaojian's appearance is a bit strange. There is obviously an uncomfortable aura about him, but the people around him don't seem to notice it."

Lin Jiu nodded and said, "It is true that there is a sinister aura about him, but it seems that he is covered by some magic weapon."

Different from the silly literary talent, Qiu Sheng also noticed something was wrong at this time. He scratched his chin and said thoughtfully, "Is the coffin fungus really so magical, master? I think Shi Shaojian looks exactly like a normal person. There are no wounds, even an ordinary bite by a dog will leave a scar."

After all, in Qiu Sheng's thinking, you have been hurt, even with the best panacea, Genius Dibao will not heal so quickly, and may leave some scars, but now Shi Jian looks as if he has never been hurt The injury was normal, which made Qiusheng suspicious.

Lin Kaiyun was a little surprised after hearing Qiusheng's words. He didn't expect that even Qiusheng had discovered this.

And Lin Jiu also had the same doubts in his heart. After all, although Lin Jiu couldn't fully understand the effectiveness of the spectator, he also knew that it would definitely not have the effect of living dead.

Then the result now is obvious, that is to say, Shi Shaojian was resurrected by Shi Jian through other methods, and in Lin Jiu's view, this method is most likely an evil method.

In addition, Lin Jiu deduced that these four corpses might have been done by a certain evil cultivator, so now Lin Jiu's psychological suspicion of Shi Jian is even heavier.

Of course, now Lin Jiu is only suspicious, and there is no full evidence. Even though Shi Jian has done countless unscrupulous things before, but one size fits all, it does not mean that what happened this time must be Shi Jian. for.

Lin Kaiyun, looking at his master Lin Jiu's heavy face, said lightly, "Master, you have also thought of it, there is a lot of suspicion between Shi Jian and Fashion in this matter."

Lin Jiu nodded, but did not speak.

As for Lin Jiu's reaction and the thoughts in his heart, Lin Kaiyun can actually guess in his heart. Although his master Lin Jiu has completely broken his face with his master Bo Shi Jian, he is far from being a life and death enemy. Even if Shi Jian repeatedly plotted against Lin Jiu, Lin Jiu never thought of killing Shi Jian.

But in Lin Kaiyun's heart, he didn't want to judge his master Lin Jiu, is it right?Is there some benevolence of women?

After all, Lin Kaiyun had never been raised and cultivated by Maoshan, nor did he know how Lin Jiu and his brothers grew up in Maoshan. He did not have this experience, so naturally he couldn't look at it from Lin Jiu's perspective, so what Lin Kaiyun could do was , to protect the interests of his master, as for what the master is going to do, he, the apprentice, can support it.

At this moment, the security captain Awei came over like a stinky fart, and asked Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun, "Uncle Jiu, how is Master Xiao Lin? Are these corpses bitten by zombies? What do we need to do now? How to defend?"

Lin Jiu didn't speak.

Lin Kaiyun at the side understood this, so he stood up straight away, patted the dust on his calves, and said to Awei, "The four corpses of Awei were not bitten by zombies, so the preparations around you The firewood is no longer needed, you should take him back to the security team first!"

Awei nodded after listening to Lin Kaiyun's words, and there were some responses. Awei was very clear about Lin Kaiyun's current power, and he didn't want to be beaten by Lin Kaiyun again, so he said obediently, "Master Xiaolin, don't worry about Lin Daxia. Come on, leave it to me, I will definitely protect these four corpses, safe and sound, lifelike."

Lin Kaiyun was speechless for a while, so he patted Awei on the shoulder and said.

"Safe and sound, lifelike, I just asked you to carry them back to prevent them from decomposing in the wild or being surrounded by people. In fact, these four corpses are useless. If you can find the family members, you can bury them as soon as possible."

Chapter 335 Pack up and follow me

"Okay, okay, I'll do it now!" Captain Awei nodded repeatedly.

Then Awei, after thinking about it in his mind for a long time, still hesitated and asked, "Master Lin Daxia, let me state in advance that it's not that I don't believe you, I'm just curious, don't these four zombies turn into corpses?" ? Should I lock them with chains in advance?"

Lin Kaiyun felt it was funny to see Ah Wei being so cautious, so he waved his hand casually and said,

"Don't lock them up, don't worry, they weren't bitten by zombies, they won't die, you just need to make sure they don't stink!"

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