This time, after hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, Awei felt a lot more at ease. As long as these people don't think about changing, they can say anything, but according to Lin Kaiyun's words, if these people were not killed by zombies, they must have been killed by humans killed.

How dare to kill so viciously in the place under his jurisdiction, this is simply a challenge to his dignity.

So, Awei directly pulled out his pistol, and angrily ordered to his subordinates, "Did you hear that, brothers? I heard that Uncle Jiu and Master Xiaolin spoke. This was not done by zombies, so you don't have to worry about it!"

"However, since it wasn't done by zombies, it must be man-made. In Renjia Town, under the nose of our security team, these people dare to commit crimes and are so vicious. They simply don't take our security team seriously. Don't take me, Awei, seriously either!"

"Now, let me search for any suspicious people in Renjia Town. We must catch this murderer, bring him to justice, and return the people of Renjia Town to peace!"

Awei said to the onlookers and the brothers of the security team with full momentum, it was very imposing, like a swearing-in speech.

And those security guards under Awei, the little brothers are also very face-saving, clapping their hands and applauding hard,

"Captain Awei is awesome, we can feel at ease with your words!"

"Captain, under your leadership, our Renjia Town will be very safe!"

And Lin Kaiyun and Lin Jiu looked at each other, and smiled speechlessly. Although Awei had been taught a lesson by Lin Kaiyun before and had restrained himself a lot, he still didn't forget his usual trick.

However, this is also Awei's own business. Anyway, it did not affect Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun to track down the traces of the evil cultivator, so Lin Kaiyun didn't bother to care about him.

"Let's go, there is nothing of value here, let's go back!"

Lin Jiu smiled and said something to the apprentices.

At this time, Qiusheng said quickly,

"Master, are we going back now? There is obviously something wrong with that Shi Shaojian!"

Wen Cai also nodded and agreed, "Yes! Master, even I have found out now that Shi Shaojian doesn't even have a scar on his body, which is obviously very strange!"

At this time, Lin Kaiyun glared at Qiusheng and Wencai directly, and the two of them glanced at each other, and then said in a low voice, "It's very good for you two to have this idea, and it's also very good to be able to persist in this point, but you two have to play your best. Take the initiative!"

"What do you mean?" Qiusheng and Wencai were confused by Lin Kaiyun's words, and really didn't understand what it meant.

Lin Kaiyun explained, "Stupid, did you hear my master and I discussing Shi Shaojian's abnormality just now?"

"That's right!"

Qiusheng and Wencai nodded at each other and looked at each other. Monk Zhang Er was still puzzled, and continued to ask, "What does the elder brother mean? Don't test us, tell me quickly!"

Lin Kaiyun pointed to Shi Shaojian in the crowd and said,

"It's easy, if the two of you have nothing to do now, just follow Shi Shaojian directly. This task is very simple, just keep it the same as last time!"

Wencai asked suspiciously,

"Follow him? Is this Shi Shaojian the murderer of these four people?"

Qiu Sheng quickly grabbed Wen Cai and said,

"Okay, stop talking nonsense, this Shi Shaojian is very strange now, and whether it is Shi Shaojian or Shi Jian, both of them have done bad things before, so it is very possible that they did it this time !"

"Okay, okay, let's go there now!"

Wen Cai nodded, and after speaking, he wanted to sneak into the crowd, which is common when he is quietly following.

However, at this moment, Lin Jiu stopped them suddenly, and said slowly, "Wait a minute, Shi Shaojian's current state is a bit strange, I suspect that he may have been trained as a corpse demon now..."

After hearing Lin Jiu's words, Lin Kaiyun nodded. If he remembered correctly, he seemed to say the same thing in the movie, but now he can't remember how to expose or verify Shi Shaojian's identity.

So Lin Kaiyun asked directly,

"Master, since you suspect that Shi Shaojian might have been turned into a corpse demon, if Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai go to follow him, is there any way to verify it?"


Lin Jiu frowned after hearing Lin Kaiyun's words, and thought of a way.

And Lin Kaiyun and Qiusheng Wentai did not speak, they watched Lin Jiu quietly. After a few minutes, Lin Jiu spoke slowly,

"If Shi Shaojian's current body is really in the state of a corpse, then he only looks like a human on the outside, but in fact his internal organs have lost their functions. To be precise, his internal organs have died. Also, his skin and nerves are dead, so he won't feel anything!"

Then Lin Jiu looked at Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai and confessed,

"In this case, when you quietly follow him, find a needle or some sharp object and press it quietly. If it doesn't respond, it means that he is definitely not human now."

"Okay, then I'll try it with this knife!" Wen Cai nodded excitedly after hearing this, and eagerly took out a small dagger from his pocket.

Seeing this, Qiu Sheng grabbed Wen Cai's dagger and said,

"Wen Cai, you should quickly put away the dagger. If Shi Shaojian is a human being, and you stab him to death with this dagger, it will be over!"

"Then why not use this?"

Seeing that Qiusheng and Wencai were about to quarrel again, Lin Kaiyun quickly stopped them, picked up a silver needle and handed it to them, saying, "Okay, you two, stop doing such useless things, use this needle Well, as long as Shi Shaojian doesn't respond, he is definitely not a normal human!"

This silver needle was the gift given to Lin Kaiyun by Daoist Qianhe last time, just from the outside, it would feel extraordinary.

Sure enough, Qiusheng and Wencai both had eyes of the same car, and Qiusheng took the silver needle first, played with it in his hand, and muttered, "This silver needle is not an ordinary thing at first glance, it is just for testing. Senior brother Shi Shaojian, you really paid for it!"

When Wen Cai heard that the silver needle seemed very expensive, he immediately reached out to grab it from Qiu Sheng.

"Really? Is this thing so precious? Show me quickly!"

Seeing that his two apprentices started messing around again, Lin Jiu quickly reprimanded,

"Okay, you two stop messing around, just a silver needle, my lord sees that you have never seen the world, take the silver needle that your senior brother gave you, and go quickly, as long as you casually place it on Shi Jian's body Just stick it, any position is fine!"

When Qiusheng and Wencai saw their master Lin Jiu seemed a little angry, they shrank their necks in fright, said something to Lin Jiu and Lin Kaiyun, turned around and left, "Master, senior brother, let's go! "

After finishing speaking, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai went straight into the discussion crowd.

At the same time, Captain Ah Wei also received a wink reminder from Lin Kaiyun, so he quickly dispersed the crowd of onlookers.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai quietly followed behind Shi Shaojian.

As if Shi Shaojian didn't notice it, he walked towards the town after leaving the meadow, staring ahead on the street, and strolled leisurely.

When Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai saw Shi Shaojian's unguarded appearance, they also became bolder, and they didn't hide anything at all, and followed Shi Shaojian from left to right.

And Shi Shaojian did not disappoint Qiusheng and Wencai's hopes, just followed him so blatantly, but he didn't find anything, because although Shi Shaojian is resurrected now and can move freely, his five senses have not fully recovered.

But Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai directly chose to strike when Shi Shaojian turned into an alley. Wen Cai stared at Qiu Sheng as a cover and stabbed in Shi Shaojian's back with a silver needle.

The silver needle seemed to be extremely sharp, almost without any resistance, it pierced through Shi Shaojian's clothes, and pierced into the flesh and blood.

But Shi Shaojian didn't seem to have noticed this, and he still walked on his own, while Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai quickly pulled out the silver needle, and at the same time, they didn't know whether to be happy or disappointed.

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