Immediately afterwards, Lin Kaiyun stood up, looked at Qiusheng and Wencai with malicious intentions, and continued to ask the topic just now, "Tell me, you two, didn't you fall in love with Master before!!!"

Qiu Sheng denied it categorically, "How can it be!!!"

Wencai and Qiusheng looked at each other, grinning and grinning, "That's right, Master, in our eyes, he has always been the most powerful, don't you think so, Qiusheng!"

After Wencai finished speaking, he elbowed Qiusheng, laughing.

Qiu Sheng understood, nodded affirmatively, and said, "Yes, yes, yes, yes!"

"Okay, Kaiyun, stop teasing the two of them, feel like you have to deal with the aftermath of everything around you, and then, call Awei over and carry all the corpses in the inn back!"

Lin Jiu had recovered quite a bit by now, he stood up, looked at the mess around him, and sighed.

"Okay!" Lin Kaiyun nodded, then looked at Qiusheng and Wencai, glared at them, and continued, "Did you hear that? Hurry up!"

And Qiu Sheng also imitated Lin Kaiyun's tone, and said to Wen Cai, "Did you hear that? Wen Cai, senior brother told you to go!"

"It's me again!!!" Wen Cai pointed at himself reluctantly.

"Otherwise? Let's go! Stop talking nonsense!" Qiu Sheng smiled, and hurriedly pushed Wen Cai to walk in the direction of the town.

Afterwards, Lin Kaiyun and Qiusheng took care of everything around them, extinguished all the unextinguished flames, and buried some running electric currents with soil, and dealt with all dangerous things on the spot.

Not long after, Captain Awei rushed over with his people, and after seeing all this, he was shocked.

Is this where the fight is?This is simply an earthquake storm! ! ! !

"Uncle Jiu, this, this, this..."

Captain Awei looked at the collapsed inn and the corpses inside with a dazed expression.

Lin Kaiyun spoke first, "Ah Wei, that black charcoal is the murderer. He is my uncle. He was responsible for the four corpses found in the grass before. The people in this inn, including this inn, were all responsible for it." have to!"

"oh oh!"

After listening to these words, captain Awei still couldn't figure it out, but he hesitated and was afraid of Lin Kaiyun, so he didn't dare to ask more questions, so he pointed to the corpse in the inn and asked for instructions.

"Master Xiaolin, how do we deal with these people? Will they not become zombies?"

Although it turned out that the four corpses did not turn into zombies after one night, Ah Wei still had some fear of zombies in his heart.

Lin Kaiyun said casually, "No, these people, you should move to the security team! If no relatives claim them, they will be buried!"


Captain Ah Wei nodded and bowed to him, looking like a good boy, and then, after Lin Kaiyun turned and left, he immediately shouted at the security teammates, "Brothers, go and clean up the ruins of the inn, and move all the corpses away." to the inn!"

Although Ah Wei is doing business and shit, but this little thing is still okay. After this, Lin Kaiyun doesn't have to worry, these corpses are corrupted and infected.

Lin Kaiyun walked up to Lin Jiu and asked, "Master, here, it's enough for Awei and the others to deal with it. Let's go back!"

"Okay!" Lin Jiu nodded.

Lin Kaiyun immediately helped Lin Jiu up, and yelled at Qiusheng and Wencai, "Qiusheng, Wencai, let's go, we're going back!"


"Here we come, big brother!"

Lin Kaiyun supported Lin Jiu, followed by Qiusheng and Wencai, and walked towards Yizhuang.

After returning to Yizhuang, Lin Kaiyun helped Lin Jiu into the room, sat on a chair, and said, "Master, take a good rest, rest!"

"Cough cough!"

Lin Jiu leaned on the chair, coughed a few times, and said to Lin Kaiyun, "Kaiyun, I want to recuperate my body in the room, and I probably won't go out for the next two days, Yizhuang, you can help me Watch out, Master, don't make any trouble!"

"Don't worry! Master, there will be no trouble with me. Sooner or later, I will leave the food at the door!" Lin Kaiyun nodded, patted his chest to reassure, and continued, "Master, you rest! I will go out first Bar!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Kaiyun walked out of the room. Apart from the hall, he saw Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai walking on the recliners, chatting,

"I've been exhausted for a while, I need to take a good rest!"

"Qiusheng, I'm tired too! You've been lying on this recliner for a long time, it's time for me to replace it!"

"Wen Cai, that little bench of yours is so comfortable, you're still not satisfied!"

"Just sit and you'll know!"

Wencai stood up, twisted his waist, and immediately grabbed Qiusheng's arm, still yelling, "Qiusheng, get up quickly, let me lie down for a while!"

Qiu Sheng immediately shook off Wen Cai's words and said nothing.

"Wencai, Wencai, don't make trouble, you are letting me lie down for half an hour, and then I will let you go!"

"No, you've been lying down for so long!"

Of course Wen Cai didn't want to, and immediately got torn with Qiu Sheng. Although Qiu Sheng's martial arts were good, Wen Cai was far from being an opponent, but Wen Cai also had a fierce spirit. At the beginning, he didn't fall for Xiaofeng.

"I said you two, can't you be quiet!"

Lin Kaiyun stood at the entrance of the hall, hugging his shoulders, scolding the two with a cold face.

Qiusheng and Wencai, seeing Lin Kaiyun came out, stopped immediately, and Wencai, more like a backer, ran directly to Lin Kaiyun's side, and complained with an aggrieved face, "Eldest brother, Qiusheng, bullying, you can't Help me uphold justice!"

Qiu Sheng also stood up from the couch, faced Lin Kaiyun, and innocently argued, "Brother, don't listen to Wen Cai's nonsense, you've seen it all, it's obvious that he wanted to drag me up."

"Okay, no one cares about your crap!"

Lin Kaiyun waved his hand. He was not in the mood to care about such trivial matters as Qiusheng and Wencai. He walked to the reclining chair with his legs, and lay down very naturally under the eyes of Qiusheng and Wencai. He closed his eyes and said , "Master, these two days will be closed in the room, you have nothing serious, please don't bother."

When Qiu Sheng heard this, he asked curiously, "Retreat? What kind of retreat! Is it true that Master is about to break through?"

Wen Cai also echoed, "I said, Master, why did that old guy Shi Jian beat him to death! It turns out he was about to break through!"

"Why are you two like a woman, ink stains!" Lin Kaiyun scolded impatiently.

"Let's go! Senior brother, I'm going to be angry!"

Seeing that things were not good, Qiusheng hurriedly dragged Wencai away.

"Wait a minute!" Lin Kaiyun suddenly stopped the two of them.

"Brother, what's the matter? Is there something wrong?"

"Both of you, go cook now, the old rules, four dishes and one soup, leave a separate portion for Master!"

As soon as they heard that Lin Kaiyun didn't want to deal with them, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai immediately felt at ease. Qiu Sheng nodded and agreed, "No problem, big brother, leave it to us!"

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