Wen Cai quickly pulled Qiu Sheng aside, glanced at Lin Kaiyun lying on the chair, and asked in a low voice, "Qiu Sheng, can you cook? You agreed so happily?"

Qiu Sheng glanced at Wen Cai with contempt, and said, "Can't do it, can't think of a way? Besides, do you think the big brother wants to ask? Believe it or not, if we don't agree, we will be served by thunder and lightning immediately! "

Wen Cai suddenly realized, and nodded belatedly, "Yes, Qiu Sheng, thanks to your cleverness!"

"That's a must, otherwise how could I get started before you!"

Qiu Sheng smiled triumphantly, and then said, "Let's go out to buy vegetables, and I'll ask my aunt to help with cooking for a day!"

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were chatting in whispers, and walked towards the gate at the same time.

And Lin Kaiyun fell asleep on the recliner, as if he was still having a dream. He dreamed of Ma Xiaoling in Zombie, riding a horse dragon, chasing him!

"Following, soldiers, fighting, people, all, array, column, in front of, in front of, punish evil!"

"Dragon God's decree, Lei Gong Zhenzi borrowed the law to punish evil!"

Suddenly there was lightning and thunder, and Ma Xiaoling chopped down countless lightning bolts, hitting Lin Kaiyun.

"I go!!!!"

Lin Kaiyun was startled, and woke up instantly, his whole body shone with golden light.

"Heaven and Earth Xuanzong, the root of ten thousand qi, extensively cultivated for ten thousand eons...to prove me..."

Lin Kaiyun looked at the familiar courtyard around him, and almost activated the Golden Light Curse, but fortunately he reacted.

"Why did I dream of Ma Xiaoling?"

Although Ma Xiaoling in Zombie had 43-inch long legs, the more talented she was, in her previous life, Lin Kaiyun watched Zombie TV series partly because of those 43-inch long legs.

However, he is not enough to dream it if he is not determined. After all, if he really needs to dream, there are countless teachers from the island country waiting in line!

"Could it be because I ran into that yellow-eyed zombie?"

In Lin Kaiyun's view, the only possible connection with Zombie is the yellow-eyed zombie that he met before. However, this yellow-eyed zombie is the same zombie as Zombie and has colored pupils. , and nothing else useful.

"Eh? Since all the zombies in the contract have appeared, maybe we will meet Ma Xiaoling for real?"

"What are you thinking! Ma Xiaoling, she probably hasn't been born yet! The age is different!!!"

"Forget it, don't want to, don't care what he is doing!"

Lin Kaiyun cleared his mind of all the random thoughts, got up, walked to the kitchen, wanted to see how Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were doing with the dinner preparations, but in the end, he was in vain.

"Okay! These two guys didn't listen to my words at all!!!!"

Lin Kaiyun gritted his teeth, he had already conceived how to teach Qiusheng and Wencai a lesson, but unexpectedly, he ignored his words and hasn't cooked until now.

And at this moment, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai walked in with big and small pots, saw Lin Kaiyun, and asked, "Brother, why are you in the kitchen?"

"Did you ask someone to cook?"

When Lin Kaiyun saw the bowls in Qiusheng and Wencai's hands, adding the smell of rice, how could he not know that there were rice in them.

Qiu Sheng put the basin in his hand on the table, and said as if asking for credit, "My aunt made this for me, and I discussed it with my aunt, and he has helped us with all our meals these days! "

"Okay, Qiusheng, you're not bad!"

Lin Kaiyun nodded, and smiled at Qiusheng. Before, he was worried that it would be good if Qiusheng and Wen could cook the food well. He never thought that it would be delicious, but now that Qiusheng asked his aunt to cook it, at least for now It smells good.

Lin Kaiyun took two bowls, brought out some for Lin Jiusheng, handed it to Wen Cai, and said, "Wen Cai, you go and deliver it to Master, and just bring it to the door. You don't need to go in, and don't knock on the door!"

"Okay!" Wen Cai took the bowl and trotted out, while Qiu Sheng and Lin Kaiyun sat on the table and started eating.

Lin Kaiyun picked up a piece of fish, ate it, and it tasted good, so he asked, "Qiusheng, isn't your aunt a rouge seller? I saw her hands like Angelica dahurica, and thought your aunt can't cook!"

Qiu Sheng replied while picking up the rice, "My aunt cooked every day in the early years. Of course, her skills are good. It's just that she hasn't cooked in recent years. But, fortunately, her skills haven't declined!"

Chapter 340 Is it you?What are you going to do?

Regarding this matter, Lin Kaiyun just felt that Cai asked casually, but in the end, Qiu Sheng took the initiative to tell Lin Kaiyun like a chatterbox.

"If it wasn't for my uncle who had an accident a few years ago, my aunt wouldn't have suffered so badly, causing such a good cooking skill to go to waste for so many years. If I didn't beg for it today, she wouldn't know how to cook! !!"

Lin Kaiyun put the rice in his hand, and asked suspiciously, "Oh? Your uncle had an accident? Why didn't I hear about it?"

Qiu Sheng eats a lot, and poured himself another bowl of soup. After sitting down, he said, "Of course you never heard of it! I also heard my aunt say it once when she was drunk. It was all 20 years ago. At that time, Master hadn't come to Renjia Town yet! Of course you don't know!"

"20 years ago?"

Qiu Sheng nodded, "That's right, it seems that my aunt is a stone maker. At that time, a group of them and two foreigners were looking for mines in Renjia Town. Then something happened and there was no news!"

"Foreigners? Mine?" Lin Kaiyun paused with his chopsticks on his lips, mainly because most of the things related to foreigners these days are not good things.


At this time, Wencai ran in, looked at Lin Kaiyun and Qiusheng who were eating, and exaggeratedly pointed at the bowl in front of Qiusheng, "You two don't wait for me, Qiusheng has already eaten more than half of the bowl!!!"

"Okay! You are not an important person, what are you waiting for? Besides, there are so many meals, it's not enough for you!"

Lin Kaiyun's train of thought was interrupted by Wen Cai, but he was not angry, anyway, he was just thinking about it.

Wen Cai smiled, filled himself with a big bowl of rice, and started to eat, "Hey, the main thing is that I eat with you, it's delicious!"

After Wencai came, Qiusheng and Wencai got into a frenzy as usual.

Soon, Lin Kaiyun finished eating, washed his own bowl and chopsticks, returned to his room, called out Huang Xiaofeng, and after ferrying his soul, he lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

The next day, Lin Kaiyun got up early in the morning, but when he got out of the room, he saw Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai already in the yard, punching each other.

Lin Kaiyun nodded, and said slowly, "That's right, you two, this is already the second day, if you keep at it, Master will definitely look at you with admiration!"

After Qiusheng and Wencai heard Lin Kaiyun's praise, their expressions of happiness were beyond words.

"Of course, senior brother, didn't we promise Master!!! We must work hard!"

"Brother, we will definitely persevere!"

Lin Kaiyun smiled and said, "Okay, the two juniors have worked so hard. As a senior, I can't help but support you. Keep practicing. I'll go to the street to buy breakfast for you!"

When Qiusheng and Wencai heard this, they became happier, stopped their hands, and talked about what they wanted to eat.

"Great, big brother, I want to eat durian cakes!"

"Brother, buy me a roast chicken!"

Lin Kaiyun, who had already made it to the door, couldn't help turning his head back after hearing Qiusheng and Wencai's words, and cursed speechlessly, "I said Qiusheng, you are quite a big man, what durian cake are you eating? You are so pretentious!!!"

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