Qiu Sheng scratched his head, and said with some embarrassment, "Brother, then I'll eat whatever you buy!"

"Okay, you two continue to practice until I come back, stop!"

Lin Kaiyun waved his hand casually and walked out the door.

Yizhuang is on the outskirts of Renjia Town, but at this time the towns are relatively concentrated, so walking from Yizhuang to the town is only equivalent to two stops in the previous life, so Lin Kaiyun is not in a hurry, and walks slowly with.

"Master Kobayashi, good morning!"

"Good morning!"

"Master Xiaolin, go to town!"

Facing the enthusiastic passers-by, Lin Kaiyun responded one by one. After all, after a few incidents, Lin Jiu and him were in the hearts of the people of Renjia Town. They were not people like fortune-telling and naming. Those who are capable, even those who are dubious, believe in it.

Lin Kaiyun walked to his favorite morning tea restaurant. Looking at the roast chicken in the hanging stove, he immediately had an appetite. Before, Lin Kaiyun thought that breakfast should not be so greasy, but looking at it now, ordering a roast chicken is also OK! ! !

"Boss, bring me a roast chicken and some pastries, anything is fine!"

The shopkeeper warmly entertained Lin Kaiyun, "Hello, Master Xiaolin, please sit down for a while, wait a moment, this roast chicken will take a few minutes!"

"Okay! Don't worry!" Lin Kaiyun walked into the restaurant, found a remote corner, sat down, picked up the cup, poured water, and drank leisurely.

In the morning tea restaurant, there were already quite a few people, and there were all kinds of people, so that every time Lin Kaiyun waited for breakfast, Lin Kaiyun looked at the people around him with interest.

In fact, in Lin Kaiyun's view, this morning tea restaurant is like a small river and lake, where you can see that some people gather together and talk about business, and the daughters of those rich families are also talking about it in twos and threes. With new foreign objects.

If you observe carefully, you can even see who had a quarrel last night, who has done something wrong recently, with good ears, you can still hear those servants who came to buy breakfast for the master talking about interesting things about the master's family.

Lin Kaiyun drank a glass of white water, and when he was about to arrive for himself, he caught a glimpse of a woman from the corner of his eye and walked in.

Wearing a red coat, with the hat covered, just covering the face, she is about 1.7 meters tall. At any time, she is not considered short when placed on a woman's body, but it is different from this height and the very rustic dress Surprisingly, he was wearing a very cute embroidered shoe. This embroidered shoe was quite common 20 years ago, but now almost no one wears it, especially girls.

This woman looked like an outsider at first glance, not only Lin Kaiyun, but many people also cast curious eyes.

"Strange, why does this person look familiar!"

Lin Kaiyun held the cup and twirled it in his hand. This woman was indeed very familiar to him.

"Boss, send a glutinous rice cake to the table inside!"

"Girl, there is someone at that table inside!"

"I know, acquaintance!"

The woman walked towards the morning tea restaurant without looking back.

"The table inside? That's me!" Lin Kaiyun was stunned for a moment, then he came to his senses and looked at the woman who came over strangely.

"Lin Kaiyun, long time no see!!!"

The woman sat directly on the chair, greeted Lin Kaiyun, and then slowly raised her head.


"It's you!!!!"

Lin Kaiyun was very shocked, he patted the table and got up, touched the storage belt with his hand, and took out the Seven Star Longyuan Sword, as if he was going to do it.

Because, this woman has an almost perfect oval face, big eyes and long eyelashes, but a glamorous expression, it is none other than the enchantress Yue Qiluo! ! !

"Ha ha!"

Yue Qiluo pursed her lips and smiled, stretched out her hand and slapped Lin Kaiyun to calm down, "Be safe and don't be impatient, do you want to fight with me in this tea restaurant?"

Sure enough, everyone in the tea restaurant stopped what they were doing and looked towards Lin Kaiyun.

"Master Xiaolin, what's wrong?"

Some people who knew Lin Kaiyun asked with concern.

Lin Kaiyun glanced at Yue Qiluo, seeing everyone staring at him curiously, put away the Seven Star Longyuan Sword, and said with a smile, "It's okay, I'm tired from doing some work, get up and move!"

"Master Xiaolin, it's no wonder that Uncle Ninth's high-achieving student even has to play a few tricks to buy breakfast!"

"Master Xiaolin, is Uncle Jiu too strict?"

"Hehe, hard work can make up for one's weakness, it should be! Keep eating!"

After Lin Kaiyun finished speaking with a smile, he sat down, lowered his body, and asked, "Yue Qiluo, what are you doing?"

Lin Kaiyun's voice was cold and his attitude was full of hostility.

"Why don't you! I just passed by, so I can talk to you, an old acquaintance, can't I?"

Yue Qiluo didn't care about Lin Kaiyun's unfriendly attitude, poured herself a glass of water, took a sip, nodded in satisfaction, and said to herself, "Well, Renjia Town is good, even the water is sweet. "

The appearance of drinking water, the contrast is cute, very cute!

Lin Kaiyun was dazed for a while, and then realized what he was thinking!This Yue Qiluo is a witch who kills people without blinking an eye.

Lin Kaiyun asked sharply, "Yue Qiluo, open the skylight and speak honestly, what is your purpose? Otherwise, wait a minute, I will do it except for the tea restaurant!"


Yue Qiluo moved the cup in front of her, glanced at Lin Kaiyun, then lowered her head and approached Lin Kaiyun, and said playfully, "Aren't you afraid that I will hurt other people on the street?"

Now that Yue Qiluo knew about her concerns, Lin Kaiyun couldn't let Yue Qiluo succeed, so his appearance was even tougher,

"Do you think I will be afraid? I can kill you, and it is inevitable that some people will sacrifice themselves. I will find a good place for them to bury!!!"

"is it?"

Yue Qiluo raised her head and stared at Lin Kaiyun, a small paper figurine emerged from her cuff, Yue Qiluo teased the little paper figurine with her fingers, and said with a smile, "Then we can try it!"

At this time, the shopkeeper personally took the roast chicken wrapped in oil paper and pastries in a gift box, and delivered them to Lin Kaiyun, "Master Xiaolin, your breakfast is ready!"

Lin Kaiyun ignored the shopkeeper, stood up and grabbed the little paper figurine between Yue Qiluo's fingers, crushed it with his thumb, and stared at Yue Qiluo, "Then give it a try!"

Lin Kaiyun's body was full of killing intent at this time, and Yue Qiluo felt it very clearly.

In the noisy tea restaurant, the table of Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo seemed to be wrapped in an enchantment. It was unusually quiet. Lin Kaiyun was condescending, with a very obvious attitude. The paper scraps were taken back, and he said to himself,

"I cut these paper figurines one by one. They are so cute, how can you be so cruel? It seems that I have to avenge my little paper figurines!"

After finishing speaking, Yue Qiluo also stood up and stared at Lin Kaiyun with such momentum that even the hair on her shoulders fluttered.

At this moment, Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo looked at each other, as if calm like a storm, they didn't say a word, they didn't move at all.

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