The shopkeeper stood beside him, with a confused look on his face, and whispered again, "Master Xiaolin, your breakfast..."

"Yue Qiluo, I'll be waiting for you at the door, let's give it a try!!!"

Lin Kaiyun took the breakfast from the shopkeeper, smiled meaningfully at Yue Qiluo, and walked out.


Yue Qiluo smiled, turned around and followed Lin Kaiyun, before leaving, she said to the shopkeeper, "Shopkeeper, I don't need my breakfast anymore!"

Lin Kaiyun stopped outside the door, and seeing Yue Qiluo coming out, he put the breakfast he bought in the arms of a passing person.

"Master Xiaolin, you..."

The man looked down at the roasted chicken and some food that Lin Kaiyun threw over, feeling a little dazed, and when he reacted and wanted to ask, he could only see Lin Kaiyun's back.

Lin Kaiyun's figure stepped out one step at a time, making tiger claws with his hands, and grabbed Yue Qiluo.

Yue Qiluo slid back, leaned her body, dodged Lin Kaiyun's claw attack, and asked softly, "Are you really not afraid? I hurt these ordinary people!"

"I said, if you don't tell me my purpose, I won't be polite!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Kaiyun launched an attack again, raised his elbow, and swung towards Yue Qiluo.

Just when her elbow was about to hit Yue Qiluo on the face, Yue Qiluo took out a piece of paper and said calmly, "I'm here to cooperate with you!"


When Lin Kaiyun's elbow was only a few inches away from Yue Qiluo's face, he stopped, looked at Yue Qiluo suspiciously, took the paper, and unfolded it to read.

This is an ordinary piece of paper with only a few lines of small characters on it, which looks very delicate, like a woman's handwriting,

"The beginning is the end and the end is the beginning. The end of the world is not far away."

"The Panlong is afraid of being forced to swallow himself, and he falls short for the mountain's nine blades."

"Break through the armor and break into the game, it's better to smile at the world than to go home."

'Led by blood, moved by soul'

'Use the general trend of heaven and earth for your own use'

Lin Kaiyun asked, "What is this?"

Yue Qiluo replied, "This should be a tomb, it was carved on the stone wall, and I rubbed it from the place where the princes gathered!"

Those princes?Before, Yue Qiluo had cooperated with the princes of the Qing Dynasty who needed to be restored, so Lin Kaiyun knew who Yue Qiluo was referring to.

Lin Kaiyun smiled and didn't believe it, "Tomb? Those people will let you rub the seal? Or, this time, what are you doing to help those remnant princes?"

"Of course they don't want to, but it's up to them, because..."

Yue Qiluo's expression quickly became gloomy and cold, and she continued, "I killed them all!"

This would go along with Yue Qiluo's character, Lin Kaiyun thought, but he still wouldn't trust this witch easily.

"The two of us, even if we don't die forever, it's almost the same. Are you so sure that I will help you?"

Yue Qiluo smiled, "I know Feng Shui, I only know you, and if you don't help me, then I will force you to help me!!!"


Lin Kaiyun was amused by Yue Qiluo's words. He held the piece of paper in his hand, turned his head and left, "You can try to force me, but you will bear the consequences yourself. In addition, I warn you, leave Ren's house within today. town!"

Chapter 341 A Surprisingly Good Attitude

The purpose of Yue Qiluo, a demon girl, coming here is definitely not a good thing, and she will never be kind. This is Lin Kaiyun's firm thought, and it is useless to let Yue Qiluo fool around.

And the current situation is that although Lin Kaiyun will not compromise because of Yue Qiluo's threat, if he can avoid conflict with Yue Qiluo in this Renjia Town, that is naturally the best.

After Lin Kaiyun said a harsh word, he turned and left without looking back.

The passerby who was stuffed with breakfast by Lin Kaiyun saw Lin Kaiyun approaching, held up the roast chicken and pastries, and asked suspiciously, "Master Xiaolin, your breakfast..."

"Help me for such a long time, hard work!"

Lin Kaiyun raised his hand to take the breakfast, smiled at the passer-by, stepped over him, and headed towards Yizhuang.

And Yue Qiluo, looking at Lin Kaiyun's back as he hurried away, smiled at the corner of her mouth, and raised her legs to follow.

After walking through two streets and three alleys, Lin Kaiyun has already left the town, not far from Yizhuang.

And Yue Qiluo behind her suddenly accelerated, quickly caught up with Lin Kaiyun, walked side by side with Lin Kaiyun, and asked with a sideways face, "Lin Kaiyun, this is already out of town, why don't you make a move?"

Lin Kaiyun didn't react to Yue Qiluo seeing through her thoughts, without changing his face, he said lightly, "As long as you don't want to trouble me, and don't hurt innocent people in Renjia Town, I'm not interested in fighting with you!!! "

"Hehe, it's fun!"

Yue Qiluo covered her mouth and smiled, then, with a small jump, she stood in front of Lin Kaiyun, stretched out a hand, begging for something,

"Then can you return that piece of paper to me? Don't you still want to cheat!"

Lin Kaiyun stopped in his tracks, without panic or panting, and replied solemnly, "I lost it!"


Yue Qiluo shook her head and laughed, she was so happy that her eyes curled into a smile, "Oh, Lin Kaiyun, you should respect me anyway, even if you have a good excuse, maybe I don't care, but you are too perfunctory! "

Lin Kaiyun also felt that it was a bit perfunctory, turned his eyes to other places, and said in his mouth, "Yue Qiluo, I still don't pay you back, it doesn't make any difference to you, since you have rubbings, there should be more than this one!"

Yue Qiluo put away her smile and looked serious, "Yes, there is more than one copy, it's okay to give it to you, but I want you to help me!"

"Why do you think I'll help you?"

"Because you're nosy!"

Looking at each other, Lin Kaiyun couldn't hold back anymore, he spread his hands, with a look of disbelief, "I'm nosy, big sister, we haven't met a few times in total, how do you know I'm nosy?"

Yue Qiluo raised two fingers, "I met you twice in total, and those two incidents seemed to have nothing to do with you, but you were there, so it's not meddling, what is it?"

"that is not!"

Lin Kaiyun was about to defend himself, but when he came back, he realized that he had so much to say to this witch, so he waved his hand, "Forget it, tell you that you don't know either!"

Lin Kaiyun took a step across, bypassing Yue Qiluo.

And Yue Qiluo was very persistent, she opened her hands, stopped Lin Kaiyun again, and said in a coquettish tone, "Then help me!"

"No help!" Lin Kaiyun said with accents, and he refused very decisively.

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