At this time, Lao Wang, who was working in the town, was passing by with two scones and humming a little tune. He happened to see Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo who were in the confrontation, and greeted them warmly.

"Master Xiaolin, are you going to buy breakfast? Yo, is this your girlfriend? I haven't seen her before! It's outside the town!"

Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo turned their heads to stare at Old Wang Dageng at the same time, saying in unison,

"No, how is it possible!"

"No, how is it possible!"

Da Geng Old Wang was stunned for a moment, and then laughed loudly, "I still said no, don't think I've never been married in my life, but I've always heard books tell love stories, you two have such a tacit understanding, you must be boyfriend and girlfriend!"

Lin Kaiyun smiled helplessly, "Hehe, Old Wang, you can help me! See you later!"

Regarding Lin Kaiyun's intention to drive away, Da Geng Lao Wang pretended not to hear, and started to guide Lin Kaiyun, "Master Xiaolin, I've heard the love story, the man should be graceful, be nice to your girlfriend, it's hard work, Come to the town, don't let him think that our Ren family town is not hospitable!"

Before Lin Kaiyun could respond, Yue Qiluo gritted her teeth and popped out a word,


"What?" Pharaoh Dageng was stunned for a moment, obviously he didn't expect that this weak looking woman could be so rude.

"I let you go!!"

Yue Qiluo's face was frosty, with a little paper figure standing on her shoulder, facing Old Dageng, baring her teeth and claws.

Old Dageng rubbed his eyes to make sure that the little paper figurine was indeed moving, so he quickly hid behind Lin Kaiyun in fright, and pointed at the little paper figurine in horror, "Master Xiaolin, this, this, this... "

Lin Kaiyun pushed away the hand that Da Geng Lao Wang was holding on to him, rolled his eyes, glanced at him, and said threateningly, "Old Wang, I advise you, leave now! Otherwise, wait a while, I can't save you !"

"Master Xiaolin, goodbye!"

Beaten Pharaoh, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, turned around and ran away.

Looking at the back of Dageng Laowang running for his life, Lin Kaiyun shook his head speechlessly, Dageng Laowang probably didn't know that he just walked around the ghost gate.

However, what Lin Kaiyun was even more curious about was that Yue Qiluo just yelled,

"Yue Qiluo, you didn't make a move? It's strange!"

Yue Qiluo held the little paper figurine on her shoulders in her hands, and looked straight at Lin Kaiyun, "I'm going to do it, I'm afraid you won't help me!"

Seeing Yue Qiluo was so persistent, Lin Kaiyun asked, "What kind of tomb? You want me to help you so much?"

Yue Qiluo shook her head, "I don't know, but it seems to have something to do with their Empress Dowager Cixi, and I want the body of the zombie inside!"

Empress Dowager Cixi?Zombie?

Hearing this, Lin Kaiyun was indeed interested.

Lin Kaiyun asked like a bargain, "What else do you know? If you want me to help you, I need to know everything."

"That's all, I just want to find a new body for Zhang Xianzong, and I don't care about the rest, but for you who are nosy, this time is definitely very interesting!"

Lin Kaiyun saw that Yue Qiluo's expression didn't look like she was lying, and, having watched TV dramas, he also knew that Yue Qiluo was obsessed with Zhang Xianzong, at least her motives made sense.

However, last time, Zhang Xianzong's body was completely destroyed, and his soul was almost completely destroyed. Could it be that Yue Qiluo could save Zhang Xianzong?

"Zhang Xianzong, are you still alive?" Lin Kaiyun subconsciously asked.

Immediately, Yue Qiluo's whole body erupted with a powerful aura, and the surrounding wind blew up, scraping Lin Kaiyun's face like blades one by one.

Yue Qiluo also stared at Lin Kaiyun unkindly, and behind her were a few little paper figurines that flew up, flashing red light.

"Slip of the tongue, slip of the tongue!"

Lin Kaiyun looked at Yue Qiluo helplessly, without using his own energy, he pressed his hands down, signaling Yue Qiluo to calm down, "Stop, stop, wait a minute, people in Renjia Town treat you as a monster!"

Yue Qiluo dissipated the momentum from her body, and asked coldly, "Help, or not?"

Lin Kaiyun hugged his shoulders, pressed his chin, looked at Yue Qiluo with interest, and asked, "Help, what's the benefit? Don't help, what's the harm?"

Yue Qiluo replied seriously, "Help, I don't want anything except the most perfect zombie among them. I can even help you. If you don't help me, I hope you can help me find someone who understands Feng Shui, and everything will be done." I will thank you very much later!"


Lin Kaiyun was a little surprised by Yue Qiluo's words, he thought that Yue Qiluo would say something, if she didn't help her, she would slaughter Renjiazhen and never stop dying.

But Yue Qiluo's attitude was surprisingly good.

Lin Kaiyun raised his hand, put the back of his hand on Yue Qiluo's forehead, and asked suspiciously, "Are you the real Yue Qiluo? Do you have a fever!"

Yue Qiluo raised her eyes and looked at the back of Lin Kaiyun's hand on her forehead, with a confused expression on her face, "What do you mean?"


Lin Kaiyun also felt that the current appearance was a bit strange, and his hand was actually attached to Yue Qiluo's forehead, so he quickly withdrew and said slowly, "I can help you, but let me explain in advance, I know some Feng Shui, but for the tomb In this regard, there is not much research!"

Yue Qiluo didn't care about the slightly intimate gesture just now, and said lightly, "It's okay, just understand Fengshui, it's fine, don't you still have a master? Aren't you a leader of Maoshan's young generation? You Maoshan will always know how to do it !"

After listening to the words, Lin Kaiyun understood, no wonder this Yue Qiluo wanted to ask her for help, because she co-authored because she fell in love with the master behind her, as well as Mao Shan, the calculation was quite good.

Lin Kaiyun said solemnly, "Yue Qiluo, I can help you, but I won't bother you, my master. As for Maoshan, it's even more impossible. So, do you still need me to help you?"

Yue Qiluo was silent for a moment, then she nodded and said affirmatively,


"Okay, then happy cooperation!"

Lin Kaiyun smiled and stretched out his palm, wanting to give Yue Qiluo a high five.

Yue Qiluo looked suspiciously at the palm stretched out in front of her, and after glancing at Lin Kaiyun, she raised her hand uncertainly, with the palm facing outwards, pressed it against Lin Kaiyun's palm, and asked suspiciously, "Is that so? ?What means?"

Lin Kaiyun watched Yue Qiluo high-five him, and smiled, "That's right, that's it, it means victory!"

Yue Qiluo withdrew her hand, looked at her palm suspiciously, and muttered, "Winning the flag? I have also studied in Qingyun Temple before, why didn't I know there is such a method?"

"Okay, there's still a lot you don't know!"

Lin Kaiyun smiled and continued, "Now, don't you stop me?"

After Yue Qiluo heard this, she took a step sideways and stepped aside.

Lin Kaiyun leisurely walked towards Yizhuang with his breakfast in hand.

Yue Qiluo followed silently without saying a word.


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