"Wen Cai, you trust me, I'm just like you, I'm out of control!"

"Qiu Sheng, you are too deceitful, I will fight with you!" Wen Cai seemed to have regained control of his limbs at this time, but he was already so angry that he was delirious, and he threw Qiu Sheng on him with his teeth and claws.

"Wen Cai, I'm not being polite to you now!"

At the same time, Qiu Sheng's limbs also recovered, but in an instant he wrestled with Wen Cai on the ground.

Hearing the sound of fighting, Lin Kaiyun turned sideways and glanced at Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai who were rolling on the ground, feeling speechless for a while, "These two idiots can't see that they were played by Yue Qiluo, a witch? "

After putting away the eight little paper figurines, Yue Qiluo glanced at Lin Kaiyun who was lying down, walked to the table, sat down, gracefully opened a pastry gift box, took it out, bit into it, and tasted it with satisfaction.

Lin Kaiyun turned over, walked across to Yue Qiluo, sat down, and asked doubtfully,

"You don't plan to stay in Yizhuang during this time, do you?"

"En!" Yue Qiluo hummed, wiped the crumbs from the corner of her mouth, reached out and took another piece of pastry, she seemed to have a good appetite.

Lin Kaiyun thought about it for a while, and it seemed that there was really no good place to resettle. Ren Tingting never came back after going to the provincial capital, so it was obviously unrealistic for Yue Qiluo to live in Ren's house.

"Well, that's all I can do, but I have one request, that is, you can't leave my sight until you find that tomb!"

Lin Kaiyun nodded, since there is no good way to arrange it, it is better to let Yue Qiluo be by her side, at least, she can keep an eye on her.

After all, Lin Kaiyun didn't believe that Yue Qiluo, a witch, would suddenly change her sex and not do anything bad.


Without hesitation, Yue Qiluo agreed directly, and then looked at Lin Kaiyun, lightly raised the pastry in her hand, and asked with a smile, "You guys, it's really interesting to eat durian cakes for breakfast!"

Lin Kaiyun could feel the ridicule in Yue Qiluo's tone. He nodded his jaw at Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai who were wrestling together, and said helplessly, "Really? You don't believe it, those two idiots who are fighting next will eat durian for breakfast." Crisp!"

Qiusheng and Wencai also heard Lin Kaiyun and the mysterious woman talking about themselves, so Qiusheng controlled Wencai and said,

"Wen Cai, don't hold my arm, get up quickly!"

"Let go first!"

"Okay, I'll let go first, don't take the opportunity to hit me, or the senior brother will eat up all the breakfast!"

Qiu Sheng let go of Wen Cai, got up and shook the dust off his body, ran to Lin Kaiyun's side and sat down, not daring to look directly at Yue Qiluo, just smiled.

Seeing that Qiu Sheng had already sat down, Wencai hurried to the table and sat down with a carp. He didn't care whether his hands were dirty or not. He grabbed a chicken leg and bit it, muttering, " Why don't you eat this roast chicken!"

However, Wencai found that neither Lin Kaiyun nor Qiusheng seemed to understand what he meant, so Wencai raised his head and saw that both Lin Kaiyun and Qiusheng were looking at him expectantly.

"What's the matter? I don't think you guys are going to eat it, so I took it!"

Wen Cai was stunned for a moment, looked at the chicken leg he took a bite out of, handed it to Lin Kaiyun with some reluctance, pursed his lips greedily, and said reluctantly, "Brother, why don't you eat it!"

"I don't eat it, it's too oily, but you can ask if the person next to you eats it!"

Lin Kaiyun shook his head, smiled and turned his gaze to Yue Qiluo who was beside Wen Cai.


Wen Cai followed Lin Kaiyun's gaze, and it was Yue Qiluo's sharp eyes that greeted him. Suddenly, he was startled, stood up quickly, and dropped the chicken legs on the table.

"Oh my god, I was wrong, I didn't mean to sit next to you!"

Wen Cai was so busy eating just now that he didn't realize that he happened to be sitting next to Yue Qiluo, quite close.

Although Qiusheng and Wencai are not that smart, they have realized after such a long time that the uncontrollable limbs just now are definitely the cause of that little paper man.

Lin Kaiyun knocked on the table and said, "Okay, let's eat! You are moving the stool and sit next to me!"

Wen Cai swallowed, leaned closer to Lin Kaiyun's ear, and whispered, "Eldest brother, I'm afraid! Look at her eyes, as if she is about to do something..."

Lin Kaiyun looked up, sure enough, Yue Qiluo was murderous, she immediately rolled her eyes and said, "Hey, don't scare my two juniors!"

"Understood!" Yue Qiluo instantly turned cloudy, smiled at Lin Kaiyun, and continued to eat.

Lin Kaiyun didn't know if Yue Qiluo had such a personality, he had never been in contact with her before, and now this is the longest time he has been in contact with her.

Lin Kaiyun looked at Yue Qiluo meaningfully, then waved to Wen Cai, and said, "Wen Cai, let's eat! She is scaring you!"

"Oh yes!"

After hesitating for a moment, Wen Cai took a small stool not far away, moved it to Lin Kaiyun's side, and sat down.

Qiu Sheng also started to eat sullenly, he could see that this woman is not easy to mess with, so he should not talk too much.

And Wencai was like sitting on pins and needles, with his hands on his knees, sitting quietly on the small chair. After getting used to it for a while, he became more courageous. He got up and picked up the chicken leg that had fallen on the table before, and dusted off the dust. , and said to himself, "It's a good chicken leg, if you don't eat it, it will be wasted."

Lin Kaiyun said silently, "If you can't eat, don't talk!"

Several people finished their breakfast quietly, Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai were in charge of clearing the table, Lin Kaiyun got up to return to his room, Yue Qiluo also stood up.

Lin Kaiyun looked at Yue Qiluo suspiciously, and asked, "Aren't you going to follow me into the room?"

"if not?"

Yue Qiluo nodded and asked, "Didn't you tell me not to leave your sight?"

"Okay! Stay in my room for now! Wait for a while, I'll clean up a guest room for you, so you can stay there at night!"

After Lin Kaiyun finished speaking, he walked towards his room.

And Yue Qiluo raised her legs to follow.


Lin Kaiyun suddenly stopped, looked back at Yue Qiluo, and asked jokingly, "You shouldn't be afraid of ghosts or coffin corpses?"

Yue Qiluo smiled softly, "I like it very much!"

"Not bad!"

Lin Kaiyun gave Yue Qiluo a thumbs up, and walked straight back to his room.

Yue Qiluo also followed closely and closed the door behind her.

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai, who were cleaning up the table and the yard, saw that Lin Kaiyun and Yue Qiluo had all entered the room, and became more courageous. They gathered together, looked straight at Lin Kaiyun's room, and discussed,

"Hey, Qiusheng, what is the relationship between this woman and the senior brother? Why did she enter the senior brother's room!"

"You ask me, how do I know?"

"But, Eldest Brother, doesn't he already have Miss Ren? Why did he bring another one back!"

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