"That's right! Besides, this woman is quite cute, but she has a fierce temper and can do sorcery!"

"Qiu Sheng, what do you think will happen if Master finds out?"

"Then I still pray that Master doesn't know!"

Qiu Sheng immediately stopped talking, shrugged, and walked aside to sweep the floor.

Wen Cai glanced at Lin Kaiyun's room, trotted up to Qiu Sheng, and asked curiously, "Why? Qiu Sheng? This time Master knows, maybe he can teach Senior Brother a lesson? I haven't seen Master teach Senior Brother a lesson for a long time. Already!"


Qiu Sheng made a silence gesture to Wen Cai, and carefully glanced at Lin Kaiyun's room. After seeing that there was no reaction, he breathed a sigh of relief and said, "If Master knew, Eldest brother would definitely think it was us who said Yes, it is estimated that we will be unlucky at that time."

When Wencai thought of Lin Kaiyun's thunder and lightning set meal, his back felt chills, touched his neck, and said with some doubts, "But, now that woman is in the room of the senior brother, who can hide this!"

"So, let's keep our voices down. Master is in retreat now! Maybe this woman will leave tomorrow! Master won't know about it?"

After Qiusheng explained his talents, he continued to sweep the floor. In short, he had made a plan. For the next two days, be good and don't make trouble.

After being reminded by Qiu Sheng, Wen Cai picked up the stool and muttered, "Yes, then I'll work quickly, and then go back to my room to meditate!"

Yue Qiluo, who entered the room, saw Lin Kaiyun's incense hall at first glance, walked in and looked at Lin Kaiyun with her head turned, and asked curiously, "What is this? Is it your memorial tablet?"

Lin Kaiyun sat on the table, poured himself a glass of water, and said without raising his head, "Yue Qiluo, did you do it on purpose? Do you want to curse your partner to death?"

Yue Qiluo shook her head, sat on the side of Lin Kaiyun, and said slowly, "A Taoist priest, how could he put this thing? Could it be your entrance?"

Lin Kaiyun put the cup in his hand, smiled at Yue Qiluo, and said coldly, "Yue Qiluo, don't you care too much? We are just cooperating temporarily, and we are not familiar with you!"

Yue Qiluo nodded, "Okay, then quickly take out my rubbing paper and decrypt it!"

"Decipher? What secret?"

"Don't you know some Feng Shui? So, according to the above text, decrypt it!"

Lin Kaiyun was speechless for a while, took out the piece of paper from his arms, patted it on the table, and said, "It's just a few lines of words, nothing, what can I use to decrypt it?"

"Don't you know Feng Shui? It should be easy!" Yue Qiluo obviously didn't believe it.

"Elder Sister, if you only have these few lines, you may find someone who can guess lantern riddles more efficiently than me!"

Lin Kaiyun joked, and drank the water leisurely.

Yue Qiluo pulled the paper in front of her, looked at it a few times, then raised her head to stare at Lin Kaiyun, and asked, "Then what should I do?"

Lin Kaiyun shrugged, "Cold salad!"

At this moment, a loud voice came from outside the door.

"Marshal Luo, this is Uncle Jiu's Yizhuang. Uncle Jiu and Master Xiaolin are both very powerful. Let's keep our voices down and knock on the door first before entering!"

"Grandma's, the entire Renjia Town belongs to me now, so I can't go anywhere? You still have to knock on the door, Awei, don't you want to live!"

"No, Marshal Luo, I'm really not joking. If we break in like this, if we make Master Xiaolin angry, the consequences will be troublesome."

"Grandma, it's real or not, it scares you so much, I want to take a look, what can I do!"

Chapter 343 Write a Letter and Call Him Over

"Awei, hurry up and knock on the door, I want to see who it is, so arrogant!!!"

There was no doubt that the sound came from outside the gate and not from the courtyard.

Yue Qiluo listened attentively, and said with a smile, "That Master Xiaolin was talking about you, right? It seems that someone has troubled you!"

Lin Kaiyun didn't respond. With his current five senses, he could hear the voice outside the gate very clearly.

One of them is Awei, and who is that Marshal Luo?

Bang bang bang!

Soon, there was a knock on the door.

"Master Xiaolin, Uncle Jiu, are you there? I'm Awei! I have something to do with you!"

"Awei, do you still want to hang out with me? You coward, act like a captain and kick the door open."

"Marshal Luo, this..."

"What, what, kick me away, Po Yizhuang, why are you pretending to be mysterious in front of me, hurry up, or I will jump you!"

"Heh!" Lin Kaiyun sneered, although he didn't know who this Marshal Luo was, but now it seems that he is undoubtedly here to find fault.

"Just sit in the room! I'll go out and have a look!"

After Lin Kaiyun finished speaking, he walked out of the room.

In the yard, Lin Kaiyun saw Qiusheng and Wencai, and was about to open the door to ask.

Qiu Sheng and Wen Cai stared at Lin Kaiyun questioningly, "Brother?"

Lin Kaiyun said, "Why are you standing there? Why don't you open the door quickly, are you waiting for him to kick?"



Qiusheng and Wencai came to their senses, trotted over, and opened the door.

As a result, just when Qiu Sheng's hand was about to touch the latch, the door was kicked open with a bang.

Ah Wei outside the door, before putting his feet down, saw Lin Kaiyun and Qiu Sheng Wencai in the yard, and smiled awkwardly, "Master Xiaolin, I can't help it either!"

Regarding Awei's virtues, Lin Kaiyun knew very well, besides, he also listened to the conversation outside the door before, knowing that if Awei didn't kick the door, he would be shot.

Lin Kaiyun ignored Ah Wei, turned his eyes away, bypassed Ah Wei, and saw the figure of Marshal Luo.

Riding a tall horse, wearing a marshal's mansion, and wearing leather gloves, the most noticeable thing is a scar on his face.

This Marshal Luo got off his horse, patted the whip in his hand, looked at Lin Kaiyun's people in Yizhuang's yard, and said cursingly, "Ah Wei, just a few boys who haven't even grown hair yet, I'll kill you!" Scared like this? You are such a coward!"

After Awei heard Marshal Luo's words, he looked at Lin Kaiyun in embarrassment, then turned his head and ran to Marshal Luo, and quickly reminded, "Marshal Luo, believe me, the person in the neat green clothes inside is Master Xiaolin, he It's a big deal."

Marshal Luo couldn't understand Awei's cowardly appearance, and pulled out the golden pistol from his waist with a look of contempt, and shouted, "What kind of shit is it, what ability can have the gun in my hand!"

A Wei was taken aback by Marshal Luo drawing his gun, and said tremblingly, "Marshal Luo, Master Xiaolin, he is not afraid of guns, he will..."

"Get up quickly, don't let me jump on you first!"

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